Friday, December 25, 2020

Not called to celebrate Christmas but to worship the Risen King


Not Called to Celebrate Christmas But to Worship the Risen KING

Brothers and sisters in the Lord, today is December 25TH, 2020.  But as Christians, we are not called to celebrate Christmas, we are called to honor Jesus Christ with our ENTIRE LIFE EVERY DAY.  Jesus is no longer a little baby in a manger.  He is the risen Messiah who is calling this whole world to REPENT and to obey the gospel!  Most of the world today is worshiping Santa Clause, and dead religion and a FORM of Jesus that they have MADE UP IN THEIR OWN MINDS.  But as true disciples who KNOW JESUS, we follow the Lamb wherever HE leads, and today He is calling people to REPENT, to live righteously, to preach righteousness, and to call others also to the HOLY LIFE.  Are you really living HOLY, is your family following Jesus today? Or are you following dead religion and the FALSE, FABRICATED, ANTICHRIST, the FALSE jesus that has been set up?  Are you truly following JESUS CHRIST or are you following the WORLD?