Following Jesus Christ is not about "following the Bible", but about following the Holy Spirit. There is a BIG difference. Many Christians follow the Bible and love to talk about the scriptures and how biblical their church is. The Pharisees also loved to speak about their scriptures and their organization. They were the same ones that had Jesus put up on the cross crying out, "CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM!!!"
Following Jesus
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Thursday, May 26, 2022
Bible lovers Jesus haters
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Speak in tongues
It is good to speak in tongues, whatever the tongue may be, a prayer language, a tongue not known by men, prophecy, interpretation etc...GRANTED it is truly of the Holy Spirit and not something else. How do you know the difference for SURE? Well, that is entirely hinged upon your heart and which S(s)pirit you are connected to. There is no praying in tongues "wrong" or accidentally to Satan, IF in your heart of hearts you are worshiping the Spirit of God. But many Christians are deceived and let their heart LIE to them. These foolish Christians chase after sensationalism, feelings and what appears spiritual before MEN. They want to impress others with their spirituality and have a spirit of manipulation and are also manipulated. The important thing is to be VERY serious to check your own heart and make sure that you are actually going after the Holy Spirit, not something else. Be honest with yourself and be honest with God.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Christian Witchcraft is real (false tongues)
Not everyone who has been baptized (or baptizes others) and "speaks in tongues" really is following the Holy Spirit. Many people receive a sort of, so called "kundalini" spirit and manifest bizarre speach (Exp: shdahalalalalalalalal.... this is not an angelic tongue but hypnotic), movements, attitudes and emotions that they CALL the Holy Spirit. Be warned that this sort of stuff is a witchcraft. (Also note that SOME Christians using this witchcraft and this sort of tongue know EXACTLY what they are doing and are purposely out to put you in a trance to control you.) Many Christians fall for this because these sorts of Christians are generally very charismatic, likable and outgoing. Often they do "faith healings" and miraculous signs seem to happen through them. They also promise others that if they are baptized by THEM, they will also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues. Do NOT be duped by their witchcraft. It will be exposed soon enough that this is NOT of God. Don't set yourself up to look extremely foolish by associating with these people. The TRUE Spirit of God is the Spirit of complete self-control. The true Spirit of God is the Spirit of revelation, CLARITY and comfort! NOT confusion, awkwardness and bizarre manifestations.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Reason why the pastor's kids are on drugs and suicidal
Reason Why the Pastor’s Kids are on Drugs and Suicidal
There is a reason why the pastor’s kids are committing
suicide and why the Christian celebrities’ children are on drugs and killing
themselves. You can look at pastors such
as rick Warren who had a son that some years ago committed suicide. And there are other famous people such as the
rapper TobyMac, who recently his son overdosed on drugs, fentanyl. The reason why is because pastor’s kids, even
if they don’t know it are growing up in hypocrisy. AND HYPOCRISY DIRECTLY LEADS TO DEPRESSION!
And there is no one more hypocritical than someone such as a pastor, a preacher
or a Christian who abandons their own family, doesn’t raise them for GOD, but
“does ministry” and appears good before A LARGE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE. I grew up Christian. I grew up seeing the hypocrisy in church, and
I myself also became a hypocrite pastor.
This climaxed in my life when I was in college and I found myself with
two different lives. I had the life at church
on Wednesday and on Sunday, where I would pull myself together, pull a sermon
together, and I would preach and appear godly, and a LOT of people looked up to
me! And I had my OTHER life at college
where I was hanging out with women, I was going out with people, going to the
bars, and this double lifestyle that I started to live more and MORE got me
into a depression. And the interesting
is, at the time, I couldn’t even put my thumb on WHY I was depressed! I didn’t even REALIZE I was living a double
life! I knew it, I think at TIMES, but
it was easy just to forget about. Now
from my perspective outside, and hind-sight, seeing all of this from the future
from then, it is SO OBVIOUS that I was living as a hypocrite, so obvious that
the hypocrisy itself was leading me to depression. But in the time I just thought; “I’m having fun
in college, having fun with girls, having fun playing shows, going out to bars,
and then I just have to pull myself together on Sunday to appear good to the
people at church…” It was a very weird
thing to be a part of and Satan totally blinded me to that. It wasn’t that I just though; “I’m going to
deceive people in church, I’m going to be a hypocrite…” I just simply WAS a hypocrite and I was
extremely depressed. During this time
Satan would put all kinds of things in my mind.
I was so depressed, that certain women that I was with even would bring
it up, they could tell that I was depressed… It took me a LONG time to come out
of that, to actually get right with God, to surrender my life FULLY to the HOLY
SPIRIT. But now that Jesus has restored
me, pulled me away from the hypocritical church system, pulled me away from
being a lying pastor, NOW I can stand up and expose what is going on, and I can
tell you, the pastors kids are going to be the MOST depressed children of
ANYBODY, even more than atheist’s kids, more than other religion’s kids. The pastor’s sons and daughters are going to
commit suicide, they will be on drugs, they will overdose and they will
die. They will be the first ones that
are found DEAD along the freeways! They
are the ones who have seen the truth of G(g)od and they have realized that it
is all a game. They may not even know
that hypocrisy is what led them to depression, BUT IT DID! I encourage you to GET OUT OF CHURCH. Get OUT of hypocrisy. Don’t listen to the pastors. Don’t bring your family into the doors of the
church. IT WILL LEAD YOU TO HELL. Separate yourself from hypocrisy, otherwise
it will lead you to depression and it will lead your children to hell. There is a VERY specific reason WHY the
pastor’s kids are committing suicide and the celebrities sons and daughters are
overdosing on drugs. Don’t follow
CULTURE! Separate yourselves, sever
yourself AND your family. Otherwise, you
will also follow them to hell. OBEY
Jesus Christ, live by HIS words and TOTALLY come OUT of the leaven of
hypocrisy. May the grace of Jesus be
with you.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
If you don't accept their sin don't accept their concern
Often Christians keep an open ear to criticism from others, even if they KNOW those other people are in sin. The devil tells them if they don't listen they're prideful. That is a bunch of nonsense and manipulation. If you don't accept someone's SIN, dont accept their CONCERN for your life!
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Salvation by Belief ALONE is a lie
Salvation by Belief Alone IS A LIE
Praise Jesus today everyone, it truly is a blessing to find
our life in Jesus Christ, to find our happiness in Him, to find ourselves
completely in His love. What I wanted to
talk about for a minute here is how we are saved and our salvation. I remember when I was first coming to Jesus I
had this dream, and I had it in a few different variations, but it had to do
with this young boy who was walking on the edge of a cliff, and on the bottom
of the cliff was just jagged, or rather it was just basically death to fall off
the cliff. But as this boy walked along the edge of this cliff he realized that
he kind of had a super-power, that he could fall off the edge of the cliff and
be protected, GOD would protect him. (Luke 4:12/Deuteronomy 6:16 Don’t Put the
Lord your God to the test.) And in my dream he fell a few times (or jumped
intentionally) and he had a bubble of protection and when he fell he bounced to
the bottom of the cliff but he was not mortally wounded, he may have been injured
to some extent but he did not die. But another time he fell and he broke bones
and then I see him again another time and he is all mangled up. And in this dream, when I was first coming to
the Holy Spirit and understanding our salvation, the Holy Spirit was speaking
to me about what our salvation was like.
When we walk on our path with the Lord, we
stumble, we fall, and the Lord has grace on us, because He loves us and does
not wish that even one of us fall into hell.
But as we continue down that road and if we are PLAYING GAMES WITH GOD
(watch the video here), and if we are purposely jumping off the cliff, and we
continue to say; “Well, GOD will save us, His hedge of protection, the hedge of
His Holy Spirit will still be around me… I know that I’m entitle to go to
heaven!” and we have that kind of
attitude, that we believe that we are entitled to heaven no matter WHAT (like
Once Saved Always Saved doctrine), then we will keep on falling, but eventually
we will end up FALLING TO OUR DEATH.
Jesus Christ is ALIVE and His Holy Spirit KNOWS EACH OF US
INTIMATELY. He sees the bottom of our
heart. He sees what is in the SOUL of a
man, and He divides between bone and marrow, soul and spirit (like Hebrews 4:12
says) He KNOWS WHO YOU ARE in your CORE, YOU CAN’T FOOL HIM. A lot of Christians are playing dangerous
games with God. They continue to fall
off the cliff, because they go, “I’ve fell off before, God picked me up, I had
the hedge of protection, God is grace, God is love…” And they are right, but at some point, GRACE
RUNS OUT, and that is why many people are actually in HELL who WERE
CHRISTIANS! You have to ask yourself,
why is ANYONE in HELL if that God loved?
Why did He allow them to go there if God is love? And the answer is, there is a certain amount
of time that we can walk with the LORD, reconcile with HIM, WORK OUT OUR
SALVATION WITH HIM, and be SAVED! (Read John 11:9) There is a certain amount of
time that we can repent and show by our works (like James 2:24-26 states) that
we are in LOVE with Jesus Christ and mean business with HIM. (Like John said to
the Jews in Matthew 3:8 to show fruit worthy of repentance)
People go around saying that salvation is NOT
by works, it’s not by holiness and righteousness, it’s not by the things we
do. And it’s true in the sense that by
our OWN works alone we are not saved, BUT if we truly are with JESUS CHRIST,
His HOLY SPIRIT IS IN US and He puts His Spirit of truth and RIGHTEOUSNESS and
HOLINESS in us, and without those things in us WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE SAVED. (As written in Hebrews 12:14) You cannot
enter into God’s Holy Kingdom without righteousness inside of you. (Compare Matt 6:33 with Matt 22:12) If you continue to say; “I am saved, I am
entitled to heaven…” One day you are
going to FALL and you will be as someone TESTING THE LORD, and you are gong to
fall down that cliff, you are going to hit the bottom, you are going to break
bones, maybe YOU WILL DIE, then you will stand before a HOLY GOD and we KNOW
that God will say to MANY who believed that they were saved, Christians who
cast out demons, who healed people in Jesus’s name… He will say to them; “Away
from Me I NEVER KNEW YOU, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY!” (Matthew 7:31-23) Many
Christians will say; “But that wasn’t me Lord, I had faith in you, I trusted
you, I believed in YOU! ISN’T BELIEF
ENOUGH??? Isn’t it enough to believe, I
know John 3:16, I know the verses that say BY FAITH WE ARE SAVED, NOT BY WORKS
SO NO ONE CAN BOAST, LORD, I HAVE YOU IN MY HEART!!!” Jesus will say to these people; “Away from
Me, you who commit iniquity! I don’t
know you!” That is an example of GOD’S
is a VERY scary thing. God is extremely gracious; He loves every single one of
us. He sent His Son to die for the
iniquity of the WORLD (John 3:16) that each of us can repent. (Acts 2:38) But
if we continue to turn our backs on God and play games with God, and say it in
our hearts; “I’m entitled to heaven, no matter what I do, God can’t love me any
more or any less, I’m going to heaven, I can’t doubt my salvation…” That’s a VERY DANGEROUS place to be as a
brother or sister in the LORD.
Now on the flipside of this, Satan is ALWAYS
condemning the Children of God. Satan is
always saying things like; “Well, you messed up, now you are going to hell…” Satan is the accuser of the brethren
(Revelation 12:10) he accuses brothers and sisters in the Lord, day and night,
he says; “You messed up, now you are going to hell…” That is also a lie from satan, because God’s
grace DOES cover over us when we sin, BUT WE HAVE TO REPENT FROM THE BOTTOM OF
OUR HEART. Remember how Jesus taught the
disciples when they asked; “How many times should we forgive? Should we forgive
up to 7 times?” (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus
did not say just forgive them 7 times and then tell them to go to hell, and
Jesus doesn’t tell people to go to hell after 7 times either, but He says 70
times 7. Jesus was not talking about
what 70 times 7 is actually is mathematically, but perpetually if someone
actually askes for forgiveness from their HEART. (Read Luke 17:1-4 for more
from the bottom of our heart? Or are we
playing games with God, believing that we are entitled, that no harm will ever
come to us, that we can walk on the edge of the cliff (that is on the border of
sin) and that God will always have his hedge of protection around us. Do we believe we are not going to hell just
because we said a prayer when we were 8 years old?
The entitled mentality and that easy grace
mentality that we don’t have to do anything is also a lie from satan. BOTH sides of this spectrum, the easy grace/
hyper grace and then also this condemnation side, that you are going to hell no
matter what, BOTH sides of that are demonic.
True salvation is found in Jesus Christ when you mean business with Him
from the bottom of your heart, when you are praying and you say; “Lord please
save me! I know that there is nothing
that I can do to earn my salvation.
Please put YOUR righteousness in me, change me, get everything that is
ungodly out of my heart and out of my life.
Purify me from ALL unrighteousness…”
And as you start to get your eyes on HIM and off of the doctrines of
men, He picks you up, He purifies you and He puts A NEW SPIRIT IN YOU, and He
makes you HOLY and RIGHTEOUS. All the
things that were defiling you He pulls OUT of your heart. And as you are changed, He leads you in the
newness of life. So, I want to encourage
people to not let condemnation fall on them.
And also, that they/you don’t fall into lukewarm living, but that we get
our eyes on Jesus Christ and that we don’t let ANYTHING stop us from entering
the Kingdom of God. I hope this
encourages someone to get their eyes on Jesus Christ, to REPENT of their sins and
to follow Jesus Christ in complete holiness!
May the grace of Jesus be with you.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Don't put your faith in the Rapture date
Don’t Put Your Faith in the Rapture Date
Don’t put your faith in someone’s word who has predicted the
end of the world or a rapture date, the return of the Lord or the Day of the
Lord. The one thing ALL of these people
have had in common is they have missed the date, they have been wrong, and they
have misled people. Jesus said this in
Matthew chapter 24:36; “Of that day and hour no one knows, NOT EVEN THE ANGELS
know this verse, but they say; “But we know the times we are in, we know the
season, we know what the starts of heaven are saying…” And so they look at what
the moon and the sun is doing and the alignment of the stars in the galaxy and
they see the blood moons, and then they think they can predict what God will do
by the signs that God has put in the heavens.
But they are always wrong, because they are not following Jesus
Christ. Satan cannot predict when Jesus
will return, he couldn’t predict when Jesus would be on this earth or what his
plan would be (to foil it) even though all the prophets spoke of it, and the
prophets knew. The only way to know what
is going to happen is to say in tune with the Holy Spirit, NOT in tune with a
prophet on the internet. All these prophets
will fall short, their words will not
come true, their dates will fail. This
is what Jesus did say in Matthew chapter 24, I’m going to start in verse 4-13;
“Take heed that NO ONE DECEIVES YOU. For
MANY will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive
many. And you will hear of wars and
rumors of wars. See that you are not
troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the END IS NOT YET.” See, a lot of people see the rumors of wars,
we hear of the war that is happening right now, and people think it must be the
end immediately. But Jesus did NOT say
the end would happen immediately during the time of this war, but He said the
end is still to come, THE END IS NOT YET.
And then again Jesus said; Matt 24:11-13; “Then MANY FALSE prophets will
rise up and deceive many. And because
lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But HE WHO ENDURES TO THE END SHALL BE
SAVED.” We cannot put our hope in being raptured, or a
prophet’s rapture date. We have to set
in our hearts and our minds to endure to the VERY END OF OUR LIFE. MANY people will be discouraged when the date
comes and then it GOES and they are STILL HERE!
They will say; “Why was I not raptured?
Why did Jesus not come?” And then
they will have to question their entire foundation of their faith because
NOTHING happened to the way THEY were imagining! Is our faith REALLY in Jesus Christ? Are we truly hearing from HIM? Or are we listening to lying prophets and preachers
and teachers who are led by their OWN imagination, who are led by their OWN
thoughts of what the heavens are doing, that is the blood moons, what the sun
and starts are doing… are we led by our own imagination of these things or are
we truly in tune with the Holy Spirit?
It is true that God put signs in the heavens! But WHO are we listening to? Are we listening to Satan’s interpretation of
that? Are we listening to a lying
prophet’s interpretation of that? Or
truly are we being led by the Holy Spirit?
Is HE in our heart? And is our
faith genuine and real because our eyes are on JESUS CHRIST, not anyone else? Don’t put your faith in these prophecies that
are coming out! Don’t put your faith in
the lying prophets. And certainly DON’T
put your faith in the rapture! May the
grace of Jesus be with you.