Refiners Fire and Severe Division
Praise Jesus today.
It truly is a day that Jesus Christ has made for us to come out and to
be separate from the world. God is
bringing His judgment upon the churches, upon the pastors, upon the Christians,
upon those who say they are believers, but are making light of the commandments
of GOD, who live hypocritically, and who reject to live holy. The division between the sheep and the goat,
the wheat and the tares truly is becoming a massive division, a big separation,
and the refiners fire only will become more severe. The judgment of God that is coming is not
just coming upon one area but it is coming upon the whole entire world. And the Lord has put it in the hearts and in
the mouths of His children to speak the truth and to warn people to repent and to
follow Him. The refiners fire is not
going to become easier; it’s just going to become more severe.
The other
day as I was walking taking a hike through the mountains and taking a drive, we
just noticed the areas that the fire had burned in the last few years, and the
things that the bark beetles did not get the fires got, and the few trees that
the fires left, the fire the next year gets, until there is absolutely nothing
left, and what once was green and dark green is now shades of gray, brown and black. Look up because our redemption is in Jesus
Christ, it’s not in this world, this world is coming to an end. Everything is going to be shaken except that
which is unshakeable and Jesus Christ is the Rock of our salvation and nothing
is going to shake Him. But everything
else in this world is going to shake.
I bring
this message today with sorrow in my heart because many people are sealing
their destinies, they are choosing evil, instead of repenting and putting on
righteousness, they are putting on worldliness and ungodliness. In the scripture it is written about how the
beast will turn and it will eat the woman.
In revelation we know that that woman or that harlot represents the
church, it represents the churches across America and across the world that
have rejected God. The beast represents
the government system, it represents the principalities of the world that satan
is in control of. And for a time the
governments, the principalities were willing to put up with the religious
culture, but as time presses onward God gives the hypocrisy and all the sinning
Christians, the entire wicked church, Babylon the great, He gives it over to
the hands of the demons, and it is written that she is devoured, HER FLESH IS
EATEN. (Rev 17:16) You are going to see
what that looks like in real time. The
judgment of God is upon the Babylon church system, it’s upon America, it’s upon
this world. And you are going to have to
make a choice either to separate, to get yourself out of the world, out of
hypocrisy, out of sin, or to be fully under the submission of satan. You aren’t going to be able to fight it
without being killed. Either you will
submit to satan or you will fight against him to your death. The option is to their surrender to Jesus
Christ or to perish. But there will be
absolutely nothing in between. Will you
choose Jesus Christ and be part of His kingdom?
Are you part of His kingdom already?
Are you living righteously? Have
you been severed from this world? Or are
you one of those that are riding the middle of the road, riding the fence? Because that middle ground is disappearing,
it’s going to vanish. There will be no
more fence, no more middle road. No more
middle America, it will be GONE!
The demons are already
manifesting. The church is already going
to be devoured. What side will you be
on? Are you taking a stand with Jesus
Christ? Is He your provision right now? Are you calling upon Him when you pray? Are your prayers answered because you truly
are His child, you have received the seal of His Holy Spirit? You are not going to be able to resist satan
if you have not received the seal of the Holy Spirit. The only way to overcome is by the power and
the blood of Jesus Christ, by receiving His Spirit and enduring with Him to the
very end.
Christians of this world are deceived, the churches of this world are
deceived. They think that because they
know the bible, because they pay their tithe, because they are good people,
they know how to read the bible and study the scriptures, they think they will
be approved by GOD. What hypocrisy! What
ignorance! Without righteousness,
without surrendering to the LORD, without dying to ourselves, none of us are
going to enter the true Kingdom of God.
You may enter the church, you may convince other Christians that you are
a good person, but you will not enter heaven.
Get serous. Surrender to Jesus
Christ or you will perish. Remember that
the beast will devour and eat the woman. (Rev 17:16) Will you be prepared for what is to come?