Friday, February 25, 2022

Stay away from debt and indoctrination

I went to a junior college not quite knowing what I wanted to do and then I transfer to a 4-year University where I got my degree in biblical literature and Christian contemporary ministries. Overall it was a blessing and the Lord led me into His plan. We learn from our mistakes and I am glad for what I have learned already. But if I were to encourage a young person in education after High School, I would recommend a trade school a vocational school. That is because both public and private schools push very wicked agendas these days, they're not so much about education but about indoctrination and making you a product of the society. Private Christian School, is every bit as wicked as a State school or any other for that matter. Vocational trade schools teach you a very specific skill that will be beneficial for you to have in life. Most likely, you will come out of that school with less debt than a four-year University and you will immediately be able to enter the workforce. This is to great benefit in following Jesus because you can be independent from debtors and ready to go where Jesus calls you, as opposed to being strapped down with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt as soon as you graduate. What are your skills and abilities and talents? What has God given you enjoyment of that is Godly? Use these things for God's glory and His purpose and you will be blessed greatly. But if you pursue worldliness and let the world indoctrinated you, you will become a product of Satan's kingdom.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Why can't I hear God?


Why Can’t I Hear God?

I want to make this message about hearing from God because a lot of people, they have a sort of a prayer life where they get discouraged because they don’t hear from Jesus the way they want to.  And we know that we should be hearing from the Lord.  So, how do we know the Lord’s voice, how do we hear from Him?  Well, Jesus says that we have to worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. (John 4:24)   We don’t just hear Him in our mind.  People are always wondering, do you just hear God, voices in your head?  But Satan can speak into your mind, the TV can speak into your head through your ears and through your eyes.  But we need to be hearing the Holy Spirit in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.  And when God created us, He created us with the ability to hear Him in spirit IF we would ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us.  So, what we ought to do is pray and say; “Lord please, give me the ears that hear you, I want to be in tune with your Holy Spirit.”  And then when we pray we have to listen for Him in the very bottom of our heart, in the bottom of our soul, the area where we KNOW right from wrong.  It’s not just a guessing game, it’s not about our emotions, but it’s the part of us that knows right from wrong.  Some things we’re not sure about, we pray about those things, we say; “Lord, I’m not sure if this is right or wrong…”  But we don’t just jump in front of Him and just suppose right from wrong.  If there is something we really don’t know we wait upon the Lord, we wait for Him to answer us, but we have to continue in prayer, being steadfast in prayer.

 One reason a lot of people cannot hear God is because they have not passed the elementary principles of their faith.  The things that the Holy Spirit has asked them to do LONG ago (the have left undone) They have not repented.  They have not forgiven the people they needed to forgive, they haven’t confessed and repented of sins that they KNOW are wrong.  They still have secret sins in their life and when the Holy Spirit has convicted us of something that we need to do, and if we aren’t doing that, it doesn’t matter how much more we ask to hear from God, we will still be spiritually stuck, until we overcome that, whatever that sin was or whatever that thing was the Holy Spirit asked us to do. 

One example that I have of this is when I was still in church, I was into a lot of music, and I just knew the Holy Spirit was calling me to get rid of all my music from the time I was young.  From when I was young, all the way back to when there was cassette tapes, I had music from band’s that I had listened to.  And I knew the Holy Spirit was calling me to get rid of all this old music.  But for some time it just sat on my shelf.  I could not grow in my faith until I followed through with what the Holy Spirit wanted me to do and get rid of all that old garbage music.  So, one day I took all the music, all the CD’s, everything that I had that was ungodly in music and I threw it in the dumpster.  And that allowed me to grow in my faith, to move forward in righteousness with JESUS.  But if I didn’t do that, and if that was pricking my conscience, but I was saying; “God I pray that you speak to me today, give me a NEW word…” I WOULDN’T receive any new word or expect to hear ANYTHING from the Lord because He had already spoken to my conscience something I NEEDED TO DO and if I wasn’t doing that I just simply wouldn’t grow.  And a lot of full grown men and women are still stuck spiritually as children, they are still stuck as infants in the Kingdom of God, NOT in a good way, not that they have “child-like faith”, but spiritually they are not developing, they are premature because they haven’t repented, confessed, they haven’t grown in their faith in the way that they should.  They are disobedient children, and they are slow to obey. 

So, I encourage you, if you want to hear God, if you want to know who He really is, then make sure you obey the things that you know are very basic.  Do you have profanity out of your life?  Do you have all those things that you know are ungodly out of your life?  Or do you still have ungodly friends, are you allowing things that you know are perverted and sinful like pornography and all of that kind of stuff into your house?  Do you have movies and ungodly music in your house?  These are things that will prevent you from hearing God and receiving His Holy Spirit.  Make sure that you truly repent of these things.  Seek after the Lord and be pure, and He will teach you.  He will speak to you and guide you, but you have to be willing to move and go forward in your faith with Him, otherwise YOU WILL BE STUCK.  I hope this helps someone to hear from God and to really confess their sins and repent of them and move forward in their faith.  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Sola Scriptura is a lie

Sola Scriptura is a Lie

The doctrine of “Sola Scriptura” is a doctrine of demons and a doctrine from hell.  The Bible itself does not support this doctrine.  Abraham did not have a Bible, he had FAITH and he came into the knowledge of the Living God and his Messiah through FAITH.  We have to come into the knowledge of the truth through the same faith Abraham had, because GOD HAS NOT CHANGED.  We know even from the Scriptures that the Holy Spirit speaks to us OUTSIDE THE SCRIPTURES, that’s why Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would tell us things that we already know, remind of things to come, and tell us things in the future.  (John 14:26 & 16:13) Those things in the future are not recorded in the Bible.  And in one place in the Scriptures we read that if everything that Jesus said was recorded that it would fill up all the books of the entire world.  (John 21:25)  We know that not everything Jesus said or wanted to say is recorded in the Scripture, but DO WE HEAR FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT WHAT WE DO NEED TO HEAR FROM THE LORD?  Many Christians are idolizing the Scriptures, they do that so that they can manipulate it, so that others cannot hear from God for themselves.  THEY want to be the authority, THEY want to be the one teaching and guiding you.  But Jesus did NOT promise the Bible, He did not promise a man or a church, Jesus promised the BETTER GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to lead us, to guide us and to teach us ALL THINGS, guiding us into ALL TRUTH!  Read again what Jesus said in John chapter 14-16 with open ears, open eyes, and an open heart to the Truth of GOD!  Jesus Christ is the infallible one, NOT THE SCRIPTURES.  Make sure that you really know Jesus Christ, that you hear from Him and that you obey HIM.  May the grace of Jesus be with you.  


Tuesday, February 8, 2022