The Gospel of Jesus Christ isn’t Cheap like the Pastor’s
The true gospel of Jesus is not cheap. Jesus Christ requires all of you, 100%. But the Christians and the pastors and the
churches today are making a cheap easy gospel, they say; “Just say a prayer,
you’ll go to heaven, just pay your tithe, just believe that you are
saved…” And they lie to hundreds and
millions of people and they are taking people to HELL. They themselves are not saved because they
are not daily denying themselves, taking up their cross, they haven’t counted
the cost. Remember that Jesus said,
whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. Jesus also said that he who seeks to preserve
his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for My sake and the gospel
will save it. But the Christians in the
churches are just making a cheap gospel, they have become like merchants
selling merchandise, selling bibles, selling curriculum, they sell their church
as if it’s a brand. And they think it’s
about being cool. But following Jesus is
about listening to His voice, getting to know Him for real and surrendering to
Him EVERY SINGLE DAY. I want to tell you
this parable because it is a parable from Jesus, but I want you to see what
Jesus was actually speaking about (because many pastors have twisted this
parable). The parable goes like this:
There was
a rich man and he had a manager to manage all of his money, all of his goods,
and as it comes out this manager is mismanaging his money so he gets fired. The manager says, “I don’t have hands that
can work with a shovel or with a pick, I can’t work with my hands, you know
I’ll get blisters…” and then he says; “I can’t beg, I’ll be ashamed…” So, what does the guy do? He says; “I know what I’ll do, I will go to
all of those that owe my master money and say, hey, I know you owe 100 but just pay 50, I know you
owe 100 but just give 80…” or in modern day times; “I know you owe 100 but just
give 10, give 10% you’ll be saved…” So
what happens at the end of the day is his master comments him, but his master
does not commend his because he has done good for his kingdom, but because he
has shrewdly like a serpent in the devils kingdom, he is winning many souls to
hell. If the children of God were half
as prudent as the children of saatan, maybe they would hear the truth of God
and really repent, maybe they would really become productive, maybe they would
really start denying themselves and fishing for men for real. But because they are following the (advice)
of this this bad steward they are all going to hell. This steward who just says to people; “Just
pay 80, just pay 50, just pay 10…” that
represents a pastor or a Christian who is fallen from grace, he’s been FIRED by
God but he thinks he is still in business because he’s going to his master’s
clients. And that is what many pastors
as Christians are doing today. They
don’t tell people that GOD HAS FIRED THEM, they start churches and they go
around telling people; “Hey, all you have to do is pay 10% you’ll be alight,
all you have to do is repent 80% of the way, you’ll be there, you’ll make it
into heaven…” Or they say; “You think
that God requires that you actually stop sinning? Don’t worry about it, as long as your trying
50%, you’ll be alright, you’ll make it…” So, they like to people about what
repentance really means, and because people believe their lies as a lying
steward, they take ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE TO HELL.
What if these guys repented? Or what if someone came out of this
deception and started exposing it? MANY
PEOPLE MAY COME TO GOD! Many people may
really repent and receive the true gospel that isn’t cheap! The pastors today have cheapened the gospel,
just like this guy in Luke chapter 16:1-13 did. This guy does NOT represent someone who is
wise with money, he represents someone who is going behind his masters back and
lying to people about how they can pay off the master. If God says you owe 100 YOU NEEED TO PAY 100! 100 is 100% of your life. Remember that Jesus said that whoever of you
does not forsake ALL THAT HE HAS, ALL IS 100, he said YOU CANNOT BE MY
DISCIPLE! If you are only giving 80 or
50 or let alone 10 you will not enter the Kingdom of God. You need to be serving God with EVERYTHING
YOU HAVE. I notice today that the whole
world is all about how good you look in the world, you know, how much money you
make, how well you are making it in the world, how you are providing, and it’s
really deceptive because a lot of Christians have fully bought into this
principle of the world, doing good to others, but only as far as it means doing
business. They will never stand up for
what Jesus really meant because they don’t want to be ashamed for Him, they
don’t want to offend people, so they constantly lie to people, they don’t have
a real backbone. And they ack just like
the guy that Jesus spoke of in Luke chapter 16, that shrewd manager that told
people that they could just give 10 or 50 or 80%. But that is cheapening the gospel. I encourage you to REJECT the easy FAKE grace
gospel. Reject the gospel that is coming
out of the churches, that is that you only have to give 10% or 50 0r 80. Reject the false Christians the false church. Reject the messages that come from the
pulpit. Receive the truth of Jesus
Christ that is COUNT THE COST, start really praying, listen to the LORD and
obey every single word HE speaks.
Because after all those who do not forsake ALL that they have will not
enter the Kingdom of God. Are you daily
seeking after the Lord Jesus? Are you
honoring Him with everything? Or have
you believed the pastors and the lying Christians that have cheapened the
gospel, to tickle the ears of its members? May the grace of Jesus be with those
who truly repent and seek the LORD!