Monday, February 22, 2021

Reminder of Our Mortality


Reminder of Our Mortality

Praise Jesus everyone today.  I want to share the true gospel of Jesus Christ, that’s the reason why I live, move and breath, to live for Jesus Christ, not for my own self, not for my own flesh, not for the desires of the flesh, but for the will of my Father in Heaven.  Today is my birthday and the Holy Spirit remined me just of our own mortality, He reminded me of my own mortality.  I remember waking up when I was 12 or 13 just knowing that one day I was going to die.  You wake up you’re 25, you wake up your 35… one day you are going to wake up and… you are NOT going to wake up.  But you are going to stand before God and He’s going to judge.  Every single one of us are going to be judged, by our words and by our actions.  And this life goes by like a flash.  I was just reminded so quickly of my own mortality, and I know that we HAVE TO LIVE FOR THE LORD, NOT for ourselves.  The true gospel is that men are like grass that are perishing.  This flesh is going to perish.  Every single one of us will have the same fate, whether we die of old age or when we are young, whether it is cancer or an accident, ALL of us are going to die, but the question is WILL WE HAVE LIVED FOR JESUS CHRIST OR OURSELVES? 

              I want to remind you of the words off the prophet found in Isaiah 40:1-8, which is about OUR SALVATION:  “Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” says your God.  Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she as received from the LORD’s hand double for her sins.  The voice of one crying in the wilderness:  “Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight tin the desert a highway for our GOD!.  Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”  The voice said, “Cry out!”  and he said, “What shall I cry?”  All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field.  The grass withers, the flower fades, because the breath of the LORD blows upon it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, BUT THE WORD OF OUR GOD STANDS FOREVER!” 

              Isn’t that a wonderful blessing?  The words of Jesus are forever and ever.  Everything in this world is going to die, it’s gong to have an end.  Nothing lasts forever.  The only thing that will be forever and ever IS THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST!  His words are forever and ever and you will be judged according to HIS words.  The one crying in the wilderness was John the Baptist and the one who came and still is, IS JESUS CHRIST!  John the Baptist baptized Him, and He started His ministry.  John prepared the way, and the way truly is by the blood, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!   If we die, die to ourselves, die to the flesh, then we can receive the words of Jesus Christ, but no one can receive the salvation of Jesus Christ, His words, His gospel, His truth, without first dying to themselves, dying to their own flesh.  We have to spiritually die to ourselves, and then one day after we have spiritually died to ourselves, we are physically going to die.  We are mortal, and if we see our own mortality, then we can look to what is greater, which is immortality, the true gospel, the words off JESUS which are FOREVER AND EVER.  And if we are able to put on immortality because we have died to ourselves, then we are able to enter the Kingdom of God.  The true gospel is you are going to die, but everlasting life is in JESUS CHRIST.  I encourage you to receive HIM before it is too late.  When I was a kid in church, they always taught you could repent on your deathbed, so I thought that even if I jumped off of a 100 story building I could repent on the way down before I went splat at the bottom, I could have prayed myself up.  But that’s just not the truth.  You need to prepare now.  Jesus knows the hearts of men and women and that they are wicked.  If you do not repent and realize your own mortality, repent of your sins, death is gong to catch you by surprise.  Most people have no time to repent.  Don’t wait until a death-bed experience.  Get your life in order with Jesus Christ NOW.  Realize your own mortality. May the grace of Jesus be with you. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

How God sounds when He speaks

How GOD Sounds When He Speaks

Praise Jesus.  Jesus truly is alive; He is speaking to His children and He makes the way for us.  Jesus is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE!  There is no other way to live that leads to everlasting life except by His guidance, the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  As Christians we have to make sure that we have made Jesus our ONLY Teacher and that we are guided EVERY SINGLE DAY by His Spirit of Truth.  Jesus said…

My sheep, they hear My voice and they don’t listen to strangers…

Too many sheep have been listening to strangers, led away by wolves, not even wolves in sheep’s clothing but just wolves.  They have been led away by hirelings, by pastors who have been paid to preach lies.  They have been just led away by the lusts of the flesh, and it becomes exceedingly difficult for people to hear God because of the distractions and the desire to live fleshly, and because the flesh wages war with the Spirit of God, it’s quite impossible to hear what God is actually saying, because with everything else in the mix, you don’t know what is your own emotions, your own feelings, your own conscience, the voice of your dad or your mom speaking in your mind, your own opinion, other’s opinions, demons, or God, you just get it all in a big mixed up bunch and you forget your way, you forget the direction. 

              All of us want to know what God’s voice sounds like.   I get more emails probably than anything on how to hear God, now to know HIM.  People do really want to know their Creator, we want to know Jesus, we want to hear His voice, and a lot of people wish we could just push the button to pick up the phone and hear Him audibly.  They think that would be very easy.  But remember the woman at the well, how Jesus spoke to her.  He said to hear that the true worshipers have to worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.  Well that is also how we have to hear from God, in spirit and in truth.  If you are looking just to hear from God and see God with your physical eyes and physical ears you are going to most likely be led astray.  And people who are looking just to hear Him physically make themselves prone to hear things that AREN’T TRUE, it opens the up to false revelations, false dreams and visions, false interpretations, because they start listening to everything that comes into their ear, and if it seems spiritual, even though they are still hearing it in their ear, they accept it as from God, because they believe it was “spiritual”, even though it was not (from God).  

              Make sure that you are actually hearing the Holy Spirit in the depths of your soul, the place where God has given you to know the difference between GOOD and EVIL.  People know what is evil, it is corruption, it’s hatred, it’s murder, it’s lies, adulterous thoughts, the feelings of the FLESH that just want things that are OF THIS WORD…. (bad connection video stopped streaming, but I believe were I was is…)

              It’s easy to hear satan.  It’s easy to recognize when satan is speaking and deceiving us and we are quick to say; “Oh, that was the devil.  The devil is making me depressed; the devil is making me like this or like that…”  But it’s harder for people to recognize what is good and righteous and pure and from God.  But it is as basic as knowing that what is evil come from the evil one, it comes from the flesh and the fleshly desires, and what is good and holy and pure comes from GOD, ALL THINGS THAT ARE GOOD COME FROM GOD.  But it is really important to remember that we do not hear the Spirit in our physical ears, we hear the Spirit in our spirit, in the bottom of our soul.  We listen with our conscience, but our conscience is not the Holy Spirit.  God gave you your conscience and it is your way to hear the Holy Spirit, but your conscience is not the Holy Spirit itself. 

              Because God did give us a way to hear Him, and he is the one who made both physical and spiritual, there is a way to know GOD, to get to know HIS voice.  But the only way to KNOW Him is to get to know Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.  The way you do that is by praying, listening in the bottom of your soul.  People will say; “Well, where’s the bottom of your soul? How do you know if you are listening correctly?”  If you are not sure you have to PRAY, because God HAS put it in every single one of us to know the difference between good and evil.  If there is anything in you that wants to seek out the goodness of God, then you just pray and you say; “Lord, open the ears of my conscience to hear you, open my spiritual ears that I may hear and my eyes that I may see.”  And as you pray and seek the LORD, He will start to deliver you from all the things that keep you from hearing Him, all the things that keep you deaf and blind. 

              Remember that Jesus was the one and still is the one who opens the eyes of the blind and opens the ears of the deaf.  He is the one who will open you up to the truth if you pray and seek Him with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.  God’s voice is not something that someone can describe with physical words, but when they HAVE met Him, then you will KNOW His voice, you will be able to separate conviction that is coming from the Holy Spirit, verse a sensation, just a feeling.  People like to talk about FEELLINGS; “I had this revelation, it was just such a wonderful FEELING…”  Well feelings are of the FLESH, and feelings can be deceptive.  But the Spirit of God is MORE than just a feeling, it is how He communicates with our SOUL to let us KNOW that He is the TRUTH!  Remember that Jesus promises to manifest, which means to reveal Himself to those who LOVE HIM. (John 14-16)  And He knows how to reveal Himself to His children, to His true sheep.  That’s why Jesus can say; “My sheep hear My voice… they will NOT listen to strangers…”  He doesn’t just give them some sensations and feelings of joy when they are against the truth.  But when we do desire Him and when we are seeking Him in the right way in humility and righteousness, when we are going the right direction the Holy Spirit comforts us because He IS the comforter.   And He puts His voice and His truth right into our souls!  He writes His truth on our conscience, on our heart!  And if you want to get to know HIS voice, you will, but you have to eliminate yourself from the world.  Stop running the race of the world and start running the race with Jesus Christ for the ultimate prize which is everlasting life WITH THE LORD JESUS. 

              Every single man and every single woman, and the end of their life receives what they were TRULY seeking.  They receive what they were really looking for.  And many people are really just looking for things other than GOD.  They are looking for peace and safety in the world, they are looking for a good life for their children, they are looking for popularity, they are looking for the easy good life, the American Dream… and in the very end, they will find what they were looking for, WHICH WAS NOT GOD BUT A LIE, THEY FOUND THAT LIE.  They found that lie to be completely empty, void of truth.  We want to find out what is a lie and REBUKE IT before it destroys us, before we find out in the end that we served satan our whole lives. 

Many people are listening to the voice of satan because it comes into their inner ear, it comes up here (in their head) and they think that because it is “spiritual”, that it must be of God.  Every time that they have a dream or a vison or an interpretation of the bible, they think it MUST be of God because it is spiritual.  BUT the Holy Spirit is NOT the ONLY spirit speaking, there are MANY demons, and each and every one of us have a spirit of our own, a soul, a conscience, and if we are not surrendered to the Holy Spirit, we will become very pliable by every spirit.  And then it’s easy to become deceived.  The way to hear from God clearly is to disconnect from the world, disconnect from people, disconnect from the internet if that’s what you need to do.  You know, I don’t go around perusing the internet listening to videos.  I upload videos myself.  I make video messages as the Lord gives me to make, but I’m not out there on a bunch of websites listening to a bunch of people.  I’ve made Jesus my ONLY Teacher.  And most the time, when people send me videos saying; “Check out this guy, check out that guy...”  I just delete it.  I don’t even watch the video.  That’s the way we have to be if we have made JESUS our ONLY Teacher.  We don’t go around listening to other people.  People will say; “That’s prideful, you know, you should listen to everyone and then make a calculated decision who is speaking the truth...”  People are deceived.  If they HAD heard Jesus’s voice and IF they had believed Him with ALL of their heart, they would ELIMINATE themselves from the world, they would eliminate false teachers out of their life.  They would STOP reading books, they would STOP educating themselves IN THE WORLD.  And they would pursue Jesus KNOWING that HE is the ONLY one who is able to lead them and GIVE THEM LIFE. 

I encourage you to get to know the voice of your Creator, and then once you know you are hearing Him, never leave His side, hold onto Him.  Never let go of Him because in the end it’s not going to matter how many books you knew about or how many people you searched up on the internet to get to know more and more things.  It’s ONLY going to matter if JESUS was pleased with you, if you heard His voice and followed HIS direction through your life and endured with Him to the VERY END, through trials and tribulations, persecutions, good times AND BAD TIMES.  That’s what is going to matter. 

Do we really hear our Creator’s voice and are we obeying Him, harkening to HIS voice?  Or are we listening to a bunch of people on the internet?  Are we listening to the commentaries, the pastors, all the notes in our bibles?  Are we deceived, not knowing the left from the right?  Or do we truly hear our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and do we follow HIM?  Have we made HIM our ONLY Teacher?  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 





Demon possession: What you need to know

Demon Possession  What You Need to Know

These are the times that we need to hold onto our faith in Jesus Christ.  Not all faith is faith that will heal a man or save a man or save a woman.  The only faith that is valid is TRUE FAITH in Jesus that comes as a gift from God by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Many people have faith in their church, faith in their bible, faith in their religion, but they don’t have genuine faith that will SAVE THEM because they have not received the truth of JESUS CHRIST.  One thing that people need to know is that demon possession is real and people of all ages can be demon possessed.  It’s not just people who are strung out on drugs that have opened their minds to witchcraft that have become demon possessed.  Anyone who doesn’t seek Jesus Christ, and who isn’t serious and who does not have genuine faith makes themselves susceptible to become demon possessed.  A demon will not necessarily just take all of your body, your tongue, your mind, your arms, your legs, but whatever part of your body that that demon can take over of you IT WILL.  And whatever part you allow for your members to be take over, that demon is going to take over that part.  It’s like a country that is being invaded and slowly but surely the entire country is taken over by an enemy.  But it may start out small, or it may swoop in quickly.  But if you are a parent, or if you are a parent that wants to fortify your life from demonic entities and evil principalities, it’s starts with your heart and with your mind.  And a lot of people think that sin starts with the action, they say; “Well, I don’t actually plan to have sex with anyone, I  don’t plan to actually go out and murder anyone…”  But sin, we KNOW starts IN THE HEART and for casting out an evil spirit, it starts with being able to rebuke IN YOUR MIND and in your heart an evil spirit that is coming to you.  As soon as you have a thought that is evil you need to rebuke it in the name of JESUS.  Say; “Get away from me devil.”  And also physically in the physical realm, if someone comes to you offering you drugs, or it’s something promiscuous and you know it’s evil, whatever they are asking you to do that you KNOW is a LIE, you need to be quick to REBUKE IT in the name of Jesus.  Stand for what is true.  When we stand for the truth of Jesus, He fortifies us and protects us, but our fortitude or our wall of protection around us drops down and it allows satan to shoot his arrows into us, if we drop down our guard and start allowing evil into our hearts and into our minds, if we start dwelling on it and thinking about it.  And a lot of children become possessed by evil because their parents allow them to see evil movies, to watch evil and scary things on their phones, they allow them to be around family members and friends that are into drugs and alcohol and these things allow demons into our lives.  We need to make sure that we fortify ourselves, block every single venue, every single area a demon can come it.  And it starts with fortifying our OWN heats and OWN minds.  Jesus has given us the power BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD over every evil spirit, we can cast it out.  But if you don’t start practicing that then you are likely to become demon oppressed or demon possessed, to some level.  We are living in very server times and few people are fortified for Jesus.  Few people are praying in spirit and have on the full armor of God.  They allow satan to attack them and it starts out as small things in their mind, and then it becomes intrusive thoughts… Maybe they watched a video or saw a clip of something even on youtube and it starts to just fester in their soul, and instead of rebuking what is evil and standing with Jesus they drop their guard down and satan gets those knives and those arrows into their heart.  That’s how people become slowly but surely possessed, or quickly.  Obviously drugs can do it, or having a parent who is abusive, that can do it, but what we need to know about demon possession is, it’s not a Hollywood thing, it’s not something that is just on TV, but it is YOU, YOU will become possessed by evil, YOU will be given over to evil, unless YOU learn to fortify YOUR OWN HEART.  Are you taking every thought captive?  Are you praying in spirit?  Have you even received the Holy Spirit?  Most Christians have NOT received the Holy Spirit, they think that they are safe and secure and that satan can’t attack the because they go to church and they read their bible, and they pray, BUT THEY ARE NOT PRAYING IN SPIRIT and in TRUTH.  They can’t cast out demons, they have no power over their own life, let alone their children or anyone else.  It’s not about going to a Catholic Priest, or an Exorcist to cat out a demon, it’s about learning to pray in SPIRIT and in TRUTH and we NEED to know how to do this in order to protect ourselves from evil.  It only happens by the power of the Holy Spirit.  You need to learn to PRAY.  Have a real prayer life.  Take to Jesus, ask Him for the full armor of GOD, the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, belt of truth, and the boots ready to bring the gospel of peace to those that ask.  And if we stand in the truth Jesu swill be with us.  But if we are not ready to stand with Jesus remember that He says He will be ashamed of us.  He will be ashamed, He’s not going to stand for us and proclaim us in front of His angels if we are not standing in the truth, and satan knows that.  You are ready to become possessed and owned by satan unless you get on your knees and start praying, pray for your family, pray for your children.  Your prayers are powerful IF you are praying in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.  Jesus did not go around prescribing drugs and medications for people.  He would cast out demons.  Jesus has not changed.  It is people without the Spirit of God that go around saying that people need medication, they are schizophrenic, they have this ailment, they need to go to a psych-ward… It’s PEOPLE that play that psychiatric game, whatever they want to call it… BUT JESUS CAST OUT THE DEVIL.  He cast out the devil, and the people would shake, and the devil would come out, and their spirit would come back.  Jesus would pray for people and they would be healed.  Jesus is still alive today, and His Spirit is still in people.  There are still miracles being worked.  But it is PEOPLE that lose faith and then put faith in medicines and in doctors and in people that have zero power.  Where is your faith today?  Is your faith truly I your FATHER I heaven?  Have you received the POWER that comes from the Holy Spirit?  Do you know the Spirit of God? Are you able to cast out demons and is your own family fortified because the Holy Spirit is protecting you on all sides?  Or are you like the world who allows demons in through every angle, because they don’t protect themselves spiritually?  Do you know how to fortify your mind and your heart?  Are you able to rebuke those evil spirits?  I encourage you to pray in spirit and in truth.  Any thought that comes into your mind that is evil rebuke it in the name of Jesus.  Stand firm in His love and in His truth and He will protect you and stand for you.  But if you don’t take a stand now, you are likely going to be snatched up by satan and possessed.  You will become one of his objects.  And there will be NO HOPE FOR YOU.  Call upon the name of Jesus, pray in spirit and in truth and be saved.  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 


Monday, February 1, 2021

Good Deeds Alone Won’t Get Us Into Heaven

Good Deeds Alone Won’t Get Us Into Heaven

Good deeds alone will not get us into heaven.  There are some Christians who believe that if they just do enough good things that God will look over their sins and He will accept them into heaven because they gave a prophet a drink of cold water in the name of a prophet. (A misunderstanding of Matthew 10:40-42) God will never condemn anyone for doing things that are loving, we are made in the image of God and we are not completely cold hearted (like a demon, fully demonic).  But many of us have attributes of God AND ARE STILL IN SIN, and the Holy Spirit is calling us to OVERCOME SIN.  If you are doing good things for others and you are helping them but you still have sin in your life, that will NOT be justified before God (the sin).  He will not just forget about it because you have helped others.  You will be blessed for what you have done, for helping others, but still if you have sin in your life, that sin is still taking you to hell.  Be warned that God does not make exceptions for people who do good things.  He loves all of us, but He is calling all of us to live completely righteously.  I fear God, I am afraid that if I do anything that displeases Him, He can cast me into hell, my life will be destroyed.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. (Hebrews 10:31) But perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18) and we know that if we abide in His perfect love, if we truly do the things that He asks then He will bless, us, He will protect us and He will lead us into everlasting life.  But we cannot think that we can serve ourselves, do things that are sinful in the flesh and then just help others and do good deeds outwardly before men that will merit eternal life.  We need to be very careful that we obey the words of Jesus and live on every single word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  Are we really living completely holy and righteous without sin, as Jesus called us to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect? (Matthew 5:48) Are we saying; “Lord, show me if there is anything in my life that is sinful so that I can repent of that and not do it, I don’t want to be disobedient.”  We need to check our own heart and our own life and make sure that we are completely pure before God.  Don’t be deceived; Not one sin and not one sinner is entering into the Kingdom of Heaven, into that eternal Kingdom.  Obey Jesus or you will perish.