There is a sect of Christians ( if they can even call themselves Christians, due to their strange convictions and supposed knowledge) that I have come across in life, that love to go around calling everything pagan. They love to make baby Christians feel ignorant and naive for celebrating a birthday or for Thanksgiving. They love to go into great detail about how Christmas is pagan and how Easter is pagan. These sorts of people often condemned the innocent, as they themselves are on their way to hell, all the while rambling their proud mouth. The extraordinary thing is, as these people go around blindly calling everything pagan, it is the PAGANS who are repenting and finding Jesus. It is the PAGAN and NOT this sect of Christian who will in the end find life.
Following Jesus
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- Deception Regarding: "All Our Righteousness is As Filthy Rags"
- What you MUST do to be saved
- Statements of faith
- The Church Lie
- The Bible Lie
- The Pastor Lie
- The worldy Pursuit Lie
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- Biggest Lie in ALL Christianity
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Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024
Christian, you know the world is in darkness
Christian, You Know the World is in Darkness
Christians know that this world we live in is in darkness.
Everyone can see it. We know that the world is both spiritually blind and
deaf. They will say that Jesus is a
fairy tale, demons don't really exist, heaven and hell, who knows what happens.
They disregard the Bible, the words of Jesus that are found in the book, but at
the same time they chase after these demons in video games and with drugs and
alcohol, experimenting with all kinds of strange sex, and they find these
demons to be real through their experience. And the world, even though it is
spiritually blind and deaf, is also very convincing that these experiences are
good. Not in a sense that they're godly,
but they are good for you to experience, that you may have more knowledge, more
information, maybe it's a way to seek after the truth, you can find joy in this
way. And they make sin look so sensational that even Christians fall into sin,
and Christians are blind. A hundred percent of the world is blind and deaf, but
probably now almost 100% of Christians, more than 97% of Christians are blind
and deaf, and also on their way to hell.
If you ask most Christians in their church if they sin, they will openly
confess with their lips that they are still sinners. They don't talk about a
transformation from sin. They talk about an experience like the world
experienced, but their experience with Jesus somehow has not led them to really
repent of their sin, it hasn't led them to change. If Jesus changed you, you would be a new man
and a new woman, you would be cleansed from the inside out. But because the
world gives this sensational kind of belief, the feeling that you don't have to
change, you can just believe whatever you want, and they're so convincing at it
that even Christians have become blind and deaf. But I want to remind us what
Jesus said about our sin problem, the sin problem that is taking the world to
hell and now most Christians to hell because they have followed after the world
and not after the words of Jesus Christ.
So this is what Jesus said to his disciples in John chapter eight. Then
Jesus said to those Jews who believed him, "if you abide in my word, you
are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make
you free." They answered him, "we are Abraham's descendants and have
never been in bondage to anyone. How can
you say you will be made free?" Jesus answered them, "most assuredly,
I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin." So let's stop right
there for a second. Not just the world is in darkness, not just the world is a
slave, but also Christians are slaves because they are in sin. You say, oh no brother, I've put my faith in
Jesus Christ in the blood of the lamb. I've put my faith in the cross. It's not
by work, so no one can boast. No, Jesus
says that whoever sins is a slave of sin. Look at this, "and a slave does
not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the son
makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
A slave is someone who is a slave of sin. The house represents the
kingdom of God or the kingdom of this world. The devil is the prince of this
world, and if you're in the world, you're living in the devil's house. And if you come out of the devil's house, and
if you bind that strong man, and the Lord leads you into his kingdom, into his
house, then you have a house that is on the solid rock that won't fall down.
But if you're still sinning, of course you're still a bond person. You are a
slave to sin, even if you say you're a Christian, even if you go to church,
even if you read the Bible. And this is
exactly what Jesus said. So we have to get away from these lies that the
Christian church is teaching, that we're just saved by the blood of Jesus, and
we don't have to actually repent. Because whatever kind of sinner you are,
whether you're a worldly sinner or a Christian sinner, you're still under the
condemnation of death if you haven't repented and obeyed the words of Jesus. So he says, "therefore, if the son",
meaning himself, if Jesus makes you free, you shall be free indeed. So does
that mean you're not actually free, but you're just forgiven? Does that mean
you continue to look at porn and cheat on your wife, and you continue to go
back to drugs and drunkenness and parties and associating with people who mock
and hate God, Is that what it means? Because that's what most Christians think
it means. They think putting their faith in Jesus means getting an escape from
hell card, that then they can go look at pornography the rest of their life,
and God will have to let them into heaven because of the blood he shed on the
cross. What a lie from Satan. He says,
"I know that you are Abraham's descendants, but you seek to kill me
because my word has no place in you. I speak what I have seen with my father,
and you do what you have seen with your father." They answered and said to him, "Abraham
is our father". Jesus said to them, "if you were Abraham's children,
you would do the works of Abraham. But now you seek to kill me, a man who has
told you the truth, which I heard from God.
Abraham did not do this. You do the deeds of your father. Then they said
to him, we were not born of fornication.
We have one father, God. Jesus said to them, if God were your father, you
would love me, for I proceeded forth and came from God, nor have I come of
myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand my speech? Because you are
not able to listen to my word. You are
of your father, the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He
was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because
there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own
resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. But because I tell you the truth, you do not
believe me. Which of you convicts me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do
you not believe me? He who is of God hears God's words. Therefore, you do not
hear, because you are not of God. This sums up most of the Christian church, as
well as the world. They are of their father, the devil, even though they know
the scripture, they know the Bible, they say Jesus, Jesus, they say the blood
of Jesus, the cross, he is risen, he is risen indeed, we're going to celebrate
Christmas and Easter. Even though they profess with their lips that Jesus is
Lord, they continue to serve their father, the devil. They mock the true prophets, they mock you,
they mock me, if we are preaching the words of Jesus, because they hate Jesus Christ.
They can't hate us, but they hate the Jesus Christ that is in us and working
through us. We have to be changed by the blood of Jesus, not those that are
just talkers. The Christian church today is filled with men and women who are
talkative. They love to talk about their theology. They of course love to talk
about end times and prophecies and revelation and the prophets of old. They love those really sensational stories
about Elijah and David and Goliath, Samson, Moses, the Ark, the Ark of the
Covenant. They love to talk about these stories and pull out really obscure
texts from the Old Testament to enamor their congregation. But because they
haven't truly repented, they're still slaves. They're blind, they're deaf,
they're miserable, they're naked, and they refuse to come from just talking to
actually repenting. See, if the Son truly sets you free, you are free indeed
from sin. You can repent because we have a God who is mighty to do
anything. He is powerful enough to set
you free from the bondage of sin if you desire true repentance. Jesus didn't
come to just make you free from your conscience, but not from sin. He didn't
come to just set you free from the consequence of sin, like a lot of Christians
preach in the hyper-grace gospel. He didn't come to just let you get into
heaven by this ticket of His blood, but that you could continue to go on
sinning, but just escape hell. Jesus came to set His people free from sin, to
let His captives, to bring His captives out of hell, that they would follow Him
into the newness of life and be changed. So, are we Christians who have fallen
into this sensationalism of the world that is blind and deaf and doesn't know
the truth? Are we chasing after people in the world, teachers in the world,
athletes in the world, or are we really fixing our on Jesus and allowing the
Son of God to set us free? Because that's what His promise was. His promise
wasn't just to cleanse us of outward things, looking bad on the outside. He
didn't come to just make us look good enough to wear nice clothes and go to
church and pay tithe. He didn't come just to give us fancy clothes and fancy
things in this world, but He came to purify our hearts, to purge us from sin,
and to give us a new life, to purify us on the inside, so that then we could be
clothed in righteousness and enter into the presence of a holy God. This world,
of course, is on its way to hell because they've rejected their only salvation
in Jesus Christ. But you, as a Christian, are also on your way to hell unless
you are truly washed clean by the blood of Jesus. It's not about just believing
that Jesus died on the cross, but it's about putting your faith in what Jesus
said by obedience. And what Jesus said
is true. If the Son of God sets you free, if He sets you free from sin, you are
free indeed. You'll be free from drunkenness.
You'll be free from addiction. You'll be free from lust, from
pornography. You'll be free from bad behavior, from cursing. I hear so many Christians that proclaim
faith, but then they drop the f-bomb. They can't stop cussing. They can't stop
taking Jesus' name in vain. They don't really love Him. If you really have been
changed by God, if you really love Him, if you really want to walk with Him,
you will hate the old man. You will hate the old way of life that was you. You will put the old man to death so that you
can walk in the newness of life with the Holy Spirit. You will allow Him to
purge you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to transform your
mind that you can be a true child of God. "So, Lord Jesus, I pray for those
who are stuck in the grips of sin. I
pray that whether those listening today are in the world or whether they are
Christians who have backslidden, that they may come to know You as the true
living God, the Messiah of the world who came to save us from our sins, even
when we were in sin. We thank You for loving us. We thank You for dying on the
cross and resurrecting, but we pray that we are purged and purified by Your
blood and that You would come into our lives and cleanse us from all
unrighteousness and take addiction from us, take worldliness out of us, take
the false gospel out of us, and place in us a new heart that beats for
righteousness. I pray for my fellow
brothers and sisters that they would truly repent and no longer be deceived by
the darkness of the devil, that You would set them free in Your name and that
they would be free indeed. In Your name I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen."
Church Lies: Faith Alone, Filthy Rags, Imputed Righteousness
We'll praise Jesus today, brothers and sisters in the Lord. I wanted to speak about this subject of in faith alone, positional righteousness, the grace gospel, because these are things that have affected the Christian Church for many, many years. Ever since the fathers of the faith during the time of the early Catholic Church, promoting their version of Christianity, some of these false doctrines got into the church. Martin Luther taught some of these false doctrines, John Calvin taught some of these false doctrines, and many churches follow after the teachings of John Calvin and Martin Luther, instead of following after the teachings of Jesus Christ and listening to his words. But I want to just speak about this again, because it is such a big topic in the Christian Church. It's such a big deception, rather, and it's led many people off of the straight and narrow path, because they get confused about the filthy rags. They think that their works for Jesus don't count or matter, because God sees them as filthy, and the church tells you the only thing that matters, you know, is that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and so God sees you as positionally righteous through his Son, Jesus Christ. They say you don't have to do anything for God to love you more. He'll never love you any less than he does right now in your sin. It's a work that is just filthy if you try to repent and reconcile with God, and so it introduces a great amount of confusion into the Christian faith, because as a Christian you start thinking, especially as a baby Christian, well, Jesus paid it all on the cross, so I believe that. I trust that Jesus died and resurrected, but I want to live for him, but I know if I start living for him, Christians will say I'm trying to work out my salvation by just works, and that is sinful, and God sees that as filthy rags, so I don't really want to be filthy, and if God sees me as filthy, then I just shouldn't do those works anyway. So this promotes a sort of Christianity that is very dualistic, because one side of their mouth they preach you have to have you have to have works, you know, you have to go to church, read your Bible, pay tithe, but then on the other side of their mouth they say all of our works are as filthy rags, and so you get really confused as a Christian trying to go two directions at once.
So I want to break
a bit of this down. The confusion of the filthy rags, a certain brother in the
Lord about a year ago sent me a really good message that he had made for a
church to rebuke them. He sent me that that PowerPoint, and I have posted it on
my WarningThePeople channel. So if you
go to and you want more information on this, you can go to and open up one of the tabs there that takes you to I
believe it's just called Filthy Rags, and so if you look at that, it gives, it
really breaks down and gives a good description of what the filthy rags in
context looks like in Isaiah, and how the prophet Isaiah was describing all of
their deeds as filthy because they weren't honoring God.
We know though as
Christians that Jesus died on the cross, he resurrected, and we know that we
have to believe in him in order to be saved. We know that it isn't by our own
works. So I think the couple things we
need to break down here is, what is a work of righteousness compared to what is
a filthy rag or a dead work, a work that's not really true, because the Bible
speaks about both of these. On one side you hear about works that are leading
to death, works that are filthy, and so we need to make a clear-cut distinction
between what a false work is and what a true work is. So let's break that down
So a false work we
can know is something that doesn't bring God glory. It's in vain. So an easy
example of this for a Christian who is in the truth already would be to look at
some of the false faiths that are on this earth. One would be the Muslim faith that is based
on works. Their faith, they have five pillars of their faith which are
religious works that they have to carry out, and none of these works bring
about the righteousness God requires. They don't believe in Jesus Christ. They don't believe in him as the one true God,
but they think that you have to make a journey to Mecca. They think that that
work makes you holy. They think you have to give alms to the poor. You have to
pray facing the east, and there's all these things you have to do, memorizing
the Quran, upholding the prophets, fasting from sunup to sundown during the
months of Ramadan, and there's all of these religious things that you have to
do. Those are all works that God sees as filthy rags, and not just to pick on
the Muslim faith, because a lot of Christians have a faith that is totally in vain
as well, and all of their works are also as filthy rags. For example, the
Catholic Church thinks it's very holy to go to Mass, have the Eucharist, pray
to Mary, and pray to all these other idols that they call saints, and all of
their so-called righteousness, and all of their prayer, and all of their
alms-giving is all as filthy to God, because their works are totally dead. They're not done in the spirit of truth with
the Holy Spirit. There are many other faiths that are very vain. They go
door-to-door, trying to witness to people about their watchtower, or about
their Joseph Smith prophet. They go far
and wide into all of the earth, trying to preach about their works. Yet, God
sees all of their deeds as filthy. So guys, these are all of the works that are
as filthy rags to God. All the things that men try to achieve, and men try to
do a lot to appease their conscience. We try to give a lot of money to the
poor. We try to fast. We try to read the
Bible. We try to do good things to people, to erase bad deeds. And all of these
sort of deeds that we can do, at the end of the day, God sees as filthy rags
when we don't belong to Jesus, and our works were not works that were being
fulfilled of the Holy Spirit, but works, rather, to try to appease a guilty conscience.
So again, these are all the sorts of works that are on the side of filthy rags,
true filthy rags.
But what is on the
other side? The other side is the righteousness God requires. And obviously,
Jesus does not look down and call true works filthy rags, whether you want to
call that positional righteous, or whether you want to call that practical
righteousness. But if you look at Matthew chapter 16 verse 27, you see Jesus
rewarding people according to their works, and those are good works or bad works.
So if you have works of iniquity, works of sin, or false works of religion,
you're going to be rewarded with damnation. But if you have works of
righteousness, because you were living in step with the Holy Spirit, then your
reward will be everlasting life and peace with the Son of God in eternity. And
we know that Jesus said these things in Matthew 16 verse 27. We know that if we
stand with the Lord, He will stand with us, and if we deny Him and reject Him,
He will also reject us before His holy angels. I want to give one example,
because when I was young in my faith, even though I didn't know it, I really
promoted John Calvin. I promoted John MacArthur and his doctrines, and also a
lot of the thoughts of Martin Luther. And when I first started working at a
Baptist church when I was about 18 years old, it was sometime early on, I was
like 18 or 19 years old, and I remember at that time my Baptist church was
going to do this new sermon series for a month, and they had made banners. So
the secretaries had put these banners up in the worship area, and the banners
said, “draw close to God by making right choices”. And as a 19 year old, I saw
these banners that were so pretty and that were being promoted by my church,
and I saw them, and I went up to my youth pastor, and I said, isn't this an
exact example of the false gospel? Because we can't draw close to God with good
works. The only way you can draw close to God is with true imputed
righteousness. That's believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
And I truly was under the deception of this imputed positional righteousness
that Jesus has done everything on the cross, that you can't do anything for
him, because anything you do is filthy rags. And I went into the youth pastor
saying this, and the youth pastor looked at me and he said, “well, that saying
that we made those banners for in our church actually came from James, the book
of James, where James says”, he says, I'm going to probably not get the quote
exactly right, but, oh sinners draw close to God and he will draw close to you.
Resist the devil and the devil will flee. And after the youth pastor spoke this
to me, I knew he was speaking the truth, because this is also a verse in the
bible. And in James, it does say draw close to God and he will draw close to
you. Resist the devil and the devil will flee. So in what way do we resist the
devil? We resist the devil by doing good works and not doing bad works. We draw
close to God by making good choices and not by making bad choices. But if you
were to think to yourself, I'm going to draw close to God by lusting, looking
at pornography, by smoking pot, by getting drunk, you know, by hating my
neighbor, by having just a hateful spirit. And if you thought to yourself, I'm
going to draw close to God by that, because God is so loving and he's imputed
righteousness to me, I'm positionally righteousness, so it doesn't matter how
evil I am, then you are the definition of a deceived hypocrite.
And sadly, many
Christians were like how I was. They're sitting in church. They think that they're positionally
righteous. They believe these lies of John MacArthur, John Calvin, Martin
Luther. And they think that they're so smart because they've read these
doctrines of men of old and they've believed in these doctrines of men that
have seminaries and teach bible college. They're very literate. But at the same
time, they're completely idiotic because the very basic principles of the faith
that even a child could understand, they don't understand and they and they reject
and they deny. We need to get back to the very basic understanding that if we
do right, God accepts us. And if we do
evil, God condemns us. It's been this way from the beginning. Remember all the
way back to Adam and Eve and their sons. Cain killed Abel. And before Cain
killed Abel, God came to Cain and he said to Cain, Sin lies at your door. And
he told Cain if you do what is right, will you not be justified? And if you do
wrong, you will be condemned. If you'll be if you do wrong, I believe he said
sin lies at your door. Sin's knocking at your door. But it was very basic. If you overcome the temptation to hate
someone, the temptation to murder, the temptation to lust, then you will
overcome in the name of the living God. But if you don't, sin lies at your door
and its desire is to devour you and to take you to hell. As we know, Cain chose
to murder his brother Abel. And God put a marking on Cain. Cain became a
vagabond. I believe he was roaming the earth.
He had no home. He was scared people were going to murder him because he
was a murderer. If we start thinking like Cain that we don't have to overcome,
that God will just forgive us, or if we start thinking like John MacArthur or
Calvin or Martin Luther, if we get too smart for ourselves, then God is also
against us. So we in our Christian faith need to make sure that we are not
deceived by intellectual Christians, that we're not deceived by church
doctrines, and that we're not deceived by this filthy rags doctrine or this
positional righteousness doctrine. You are by no means positionally righteous
before Jesus, before God of all heaven and all earth, by just believing in him
with no works of righteousness. Read again the book of James and you will know
for a fact that the scripture says that faith without works is dead. If you say
that you have faith, but don't have works that prove your faith, then your
deeds, your works, your deeds are completely worthless.
So what are deeds?
What are works that are worthy before God? Let's talk about that. Works or
deeds, as the Bible calls them, that are worthy before God are those that the
Holy Spirit puts in you to do. So when you come to Jesus knowing that you are a
sinner and that you need to repent, that you need to go and be baptized, and
that you need to confess your sins, when you start acting on those convictions,
all of those works before God are justified as righteous. Even Rahab the
prostitute was considered righteous, in her works righteous, when she lied to
conceal the identity of the spies. When she pointed the government in the
opposite direction saying they went that way, when they went this way, she was
considered righteous. If you read about what all of those men of old did that
are in the faith chapter, they laid down their lives and they had works of
righteousness and they were justified by their faith and by their deeds for
choosing to go the right way by honoring the Spirit of God. So what are some of
those things that you can do? Well, true repentance, a water baptism, not for
religion, but for true faith in God, forgiveness, long-suffering, having love
in your heart, joy, all the things that the apostle Paul speaks of as the
fruits of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. We know what attributes are good in the
eyes of God and we know which ones are evil. So if we practice good works, the
things God requires, the things that we have on our conscience from God to do
that are righteous, God will never condemn you saying that you are filthy. He
will never condemn you as being filthy for praying, for casting out evil
thoughts from your mind. When is the last time you think that Jesus ever said
that you were filthy for resisting thinking an evil thought? When is the last
time God ever looked at one of his servants and said, because you resisted
temptation, you are filthy. Just know that I have done it all on the cross and
you don't need to resist temptation. You don't need to resist evil people. Just
follow after your lusts. Obviously, that is the devil's voice that says that,
that says that you can stumble into all sorts of lusts of the flesh and that
you're just positionally righteous. Every time that you choose to cast an evil
thought out of your mind, that is a work of righteousness. Every time that you
overcome a temptation, that is a work of righteousness. Every time you resist
pride, every time that you are overcoming in the name of Jesus, those are works
of righteousness. And as his disciples, those are the works that we need to have
accompanying our faith. And if we don't, then our faith is totally in
vain. It is totally fake.
Go back and read
the book of James. A lot of Christians don't like the book of James. They avoid it because they uphold John
MacArthur or they uphold Calvin or Martin Luther. And a lot of these men are
upholding their false doctrines, but they're not upholding the truth of Jesus
Christ. We need to get back to the basics of true love by working out our
salvation with fear and trembling and having love of the truth and hatred of
evil. If we hate what God hates and if we love what he loves, we will be going
in the right direction. But it's impossible to go the right direction by going
left and right at the same time. If you're saying all the things God loves are
filthy rags, but we need to have those filthy rags, you're going to be so
confused as a Christian. You're not
going to know what to do. So I encourage you to go back and read James. Go back
and read the gospels. Read what Jesus
said about about faith and about works. And then make sure that you as a
Christian have works of righteousness, not the false works, not dead religious
works, but make sure that you have genuine works of faith like all the apostles
had, like all the men of old had, like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had. Faith
that proved or works that proved their faith.
Anyways, I want to
pray for those of you that do want to have works of righteousness with your
faith and those of you that want to work out your salvation with fear and
trembling. “So Lord Jesus, I pray for your church. I pray that we will not be
deceived by false prophets, by false doctrines, even those of old that even
came about 2,000 years ago. We pray that we can overcome in your name and truly
have the works of righteousness in us. We pray that we are your children, that
we're not just chasing after doctrines of the church, that we're not just
thinking that we're righteous because we've believed in the easy grace gospel
or believed in positional righteousness or imputed righteousness. But we pray
Lord that we really lay down our lives for you and that as you took up your
cross, we also take up our cross, deny ourselves daily, and follow you, which
we know is a work. We know it takes work to stay on the straight and narrow
path, but it doesn't take work and it doesn't take diligence or self-control to
deviate off the path. It only takes one lazy move to get off of the straight
and narrow path, but it takes diligence, persistence, focus. It takes all of
our self-control to stay on the straight and narrow path. So we want to work
for you, Lord Jesus, with diligence, with all of our heart, soul, mind, and
strength. We love you, Lord, and we pray for many more to lay down their life
for you and come into the true faith. In your name we pray, amen.”
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Why Almost ALL Christians Today Are On Sinking Sand
This is what Jesus said in Luke chapter 6. "Whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and does them, I will show you to whom he is like. He is like a man which built a house, diggeth deep, laid the foundation on a rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat the Hemetly upon that house and could not shake it for it was founded upon the rock. But he that heareth and does not is like a man without a foundation built a house upon the earth against which the stream did beat Behemoth and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great."
The key here is listening to Jesus's words and then obeying
them, which most Christians are not doing today. The men of old, Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob, they heard things from the living God and then they acted in
faith, leaving their towns, taking persecution, overcoming trials, leaving
family members who did not believe. They were very straightforward about their
faith, the God that they serve. They were unashamed. They didn't bend to the
culture and when they made mistakes, they repented and they continued to go
down the path of the straight and narrow that leads to life. Today though, most Christians are not like
the fathers of faith. They're not like the early apostles. Christians today
don't think that they will suffer persecution. They don't think that they'll
have to go through the end times tribulations. They don't think that they have
to pray continually. They don't think
they have to truly repent of sin and overcome. And so their entire foundation
is on the earth. It's on the sand. They believe in the Bible. They believe in
the prophets. They can quote you things
that Jesus said from the scripture. But because their entire foundation is upon
the sand, even though they built on it with the scripture, when the rains come
down and when the stream beats vehemently upon their house, the whole operation
will come tumbling down. And we see that happening today with many Christians'
lives, many church organizations. We see the whole thing falling apart because Christians
are no longer basing their life on obedience and true repentance. They're
basing it upon their knowledge and understanding of the scripture, their church
doctrines. We need to make sure that we
truly are repenting, that our faces are on the ground before God, that we
become humble, and that the Lord fills us with His righteousness. That we're
not thinking we're righteous because we know the Bible and because we're
educated men and women, but that we are righteous because the Holy Spirit of
the living God is in us and he has purged us from all uncleanliness, from all
things that are evil. We need to make sure that we're separate from the world
doing the will of God, then we can have the very basic foundation that Jesus
wants us to have. The foundation that is on him. Is your foundation on Jesus
Christ? Are you on the solid rock? Or
have you built your life on the knowledge of the Bible without true repentance,
without true obedience, without righteousness, without the holiness God
requires? Are you really obeying and living out your faith for the Lord Jesus
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Victory for Donald Trump: what it means for Christians
Victory For
Donald Trump WHAT it Means for Christians
We'll praise Jesus today, brothers and sisters
in the Lord. Many of us have been watching and we see the news of that victory
of Donald Trump, which is truly a blessing for Christians. It is a goal. It is a step in the right direction for
Christians. But that does not mean, and I don't think anyone thinks it means,
it will be smooth sailing for the United States or for the world or more
specifically for Christians who want to continue to walk forward on the
straight and narrow path.
We know from what
Jesus taught, from the things about the end times, such as Matthew chapter 24,
that in the end times things go from bad to worse. Christians are persecuted. There is
pestilences and disasters, famines, earthquakes, and all of these things will
happen. Countries will be at war with other countries. We can expect all these things to happen, but
what Jesus says is the end is not yet. The end is still to come. There are a
lot of people who think that when they see all these things, the end will
happen immediately. But Jesus already
told us that the end is not yet. It will not come immediately. So we have to
prepare in our hearts to endure with Jesus to the very end.
Now I want to
speak about something here that many people will be upset about, but it is the
truth. And this is the main thing I want to talk about because there is a
physical aspect and a spiritual aspect for Christians. Praise Jesus today
everyone. What I want to speak about is the wall and the eviction of the people
who are ungodly. Because Donald Trump speaks about this, Jesus speaks about
this, people are going to be kicked out of Jesus' kingdom and the walls, the
city gates of the kingdom of heaven are so tall that no evil will get in it.
Yet you have Christians letting all sorts of evil into the boundaries of their
church. They don't build a wall into
their own hearts. They don't know how to evict demons. They don't know how to
cast out demons. So you have a president
of the United States who speaks so much about building a wall and deporting
illegal immigrants back to all of their countries, and then you suddenly have
all of these people. And it's such a shame that even Christians would be
offended at this because Christians should know more than anyone that you have
to build walls. That's why there's a wall around the kingdom of God.
And in our own
hearts we have to build walls. We protect our own borders, you know, to our
children, to our wives, and we keep things that are evil out. And if you allow
things that are illegal, so to speak, into your own heart, into your own mind,
through the TV, through the media, through video games, through perverted
music, through friendships, through people that you consider to be your brother,
your sister, even if they say that they are a Christian, it doesn't matter if
you're allowing them into their life and they are leading you away from the
true God. You need to kick those people
out of your life. You need to deport them out of your life. Donald Trump knows
this. It doesn't matter if you think
that he is a good Christian or not. It doesn't matter what you think about him
because what he's displaying in the physical realm is something we as
Christians need to do in the spiritual realm. And so many Christians, so many
Christians, guys, are refusing to sever themselves from the ungodly, the
lawless, the sinner, because they say, we love these people. They're people that are helping me. They're
people that are, you know, my own brother and sister, my own family member, so
I can't leave this ungodly church that's causing me all sorts of problems. I
can't leave there. I can't secure my borders because these are people that make
up my own life, my own existence. And because Christians are unwilling to
divide themselves, to sever themselves from ungodly people, they're going to be
numbered with the tares. Remember that in the end times, God separates the
wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goat.
He separates the good seed from the bad seed. And so many Christians
think that God doesn't see. They think, well, all of us are sinners. Praise the
Lord. All of us are sinners, but all of us are going to be in heaven because of
the Lord's blood. That is not what Jesus said.
Of course, Jesus shed his blood on Calvary. He died on the cross and
resurrected. But there will be many Christians in hell because they never
repented and cast out their demons. They
never overcame. Those who overcome, overcome by the blood of the Lamb, but also
the word of their testimony. And they endure with Jesus Christ and they suffer
persecution even to the end of the world.
And the gates of hell will not be able to destroy them and come against
them. That is because Jesus is on their side and they never back down from
doing what is right. They don't allow Satan into their hearts. They don't continue to walk with mockers and
those who hate God and those who blaspheme and those who commit idolatry and
every sort of sin that God hates.
Christians can be
pro-Trump, and there are a lot of Christians that are pro-Trump, but they're
not pro-righteousness. They say, Jesus, Jesus, Holy Spirit, but they never
truly repent of their own sins. They
agree that Donald Trump should put up bigger and stronger walls. They agree
that he should deport all of the illegal immigrants who have gotten here
illegally, not legally, but they reject that they need to repent of their own
sins. So this is a huge analogy that God is giving to the Christian church
today all across America that the entire world can see. You don't need to get all fixed on thinking,
well, is Trump the Antichrist? Is Trump the false prophet? No, God has allowed
Trump to give you and me and all of us time to get right with God, time to
pray, time to have religious liberty and freedom to preach the truth, to get
our houses in order, and if you are rejecting that, you are rejecting the
blessing that God has given you in this time. He is giving another opportunity,
another chance for you to get right with God, a chance that we do not deserve
as a nation, but because God is merciful, because He is loving, His love and
His righteousness and His blessing comes on the evil, the wicked, even people
that don't deserve it at all. And these people that don't deserve it, I sure
hope that some of them will see the grace of God instead of spitting in His
face and rejecting the words of Jesus. I
hope they cry out to the living God for salvation because all of us should know
that obviously Trump is not the Savior. Jesus Christ is the Savior and He is
willing to save you from your sins and give you time. He doesn't want to just
call down fire from heaven to destroy men's lives. That is what a lot of Christians hoped for,
just like the apostles hoped that fire would be called down from heaven and just
kill all of Jesus's opponents, to kill all those Pharisees and all those
Sadducees. Jesus did not agree with that. He did not hold Peter's hand in that
and agree with him, but He said, I have not come to destroy men's lives but to
save them.
And the same is
happening today. A lot of people wish that God would just kill America. She is
fat and ugly. She is giving herself to
prostitution, you know, gay marriage, homosexuality, murder of babies. That
doesn't deserve God's love, but God has even brought the rain on the good and
the wicked. So don't spit in God's face.
Don't flip off God. You have this one more chance to repent of your
sins, to deport evil, to cast out demons out of your own life, to get drugs and
alcohol out of your life, to get pornography out. It is really a wonderful
blessing that someone like Donald Trump can exhibit this example of not giving
up, even though people want to sue him, even though people want to shoot him in
the head, even though they want to lie about him constantly. What does he do?
Even being a man in the world, he continues to push forward and not give up.
And that is a wonderful example for Christians, the true Christian church, not
to give up. If Christians would serve Jesus half as hard or one-tenth as hard
as Donald Trump is serving the United States, Christians would be able to
repent. They'd be able to overcome sin.
We need to overcome our sin problem. We need to cast out demons in Jesus' name. We need to put on the full armor of God. We
need to cast out what is evil from among us. No unrighteous thing is going to
enter into the kingdom of God. Nothing's
going to pass that veil and be in the kingdom of the everlasting King without
true righteousness, without true repentance, without reconciling with Jesus
We need to
remember the new covenant that was Jesus who shed his blood for us, that we
could put our faith in him, that he would wash over our sins and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness. It's not something that just happens in the spiritual
realm or something that just happens in the future when we're in heaven. I hear so many Christians say, you know, “all
of us are sinners, but God's blood covers over us, brother, and we'll all be in
heaven in bliss. And at that time he will have taken away our sins.” That's not
the truth. Jesus came to sanctify us and purge us here on this earth to cleanse
us from all unrighteousness. That is what all those white robes are speaking of
when Jesus gives all those parables about the end times. That's what he's
speaking of, the sanctification of his true church. And those churches and those Christians that
are going homosexual, that are agreeing with all this vileness of the world,
that are receiving all these demons into their heart, they're refusing to put
on their white robes. They're not going to make it into the wedding supper of
the lamb. They're not going to be able to sit down at Jesus's table. They're going to be kicked out. They're going
to be ejected. They're going to be cast into hell.
Remember that
parable that Jesus taught that all the people come into his kingdom and then
they see one guy there who doesn't have on the wedding clothes. He has on his
old rags, his filthy garments. And they say to him, how did you get in here?
And the man is left speechless because he thought he should be there with his
dirty rags. He thought he should be
there with his pornography and his addictions and without true repentance. He
thought he deserved to be in God's kingdom, that no one would kick him out.
After all, huge countries for so much time have allowed all sorts of evil in
and they haven't put to death crime and evil.
So shouldn't God allow evil to come into his kingdom? So in this parable
that Jesus tells, this man gets in with his dirty old wicked robes, his filthy
garments. And God doesn't say to him, “welcome into my kingdom with your filthy
garments”, but he says, “bind him hand and foot and cast him into outer
darkness”. And so the angels come and they grab this man and they cast him into
the pit of hell. And that is going to
happen to many Christians who wrongly supposed they could get into heaven
without true repentance, without righteousness, without evicting demons,
without casting out demons. We should all let this be an analogy for us, for
the Christian church, a parable for us, for the Christian church, and an
encouragement for us to overcome. Because if Donald Trump in the world can set
up a wall, if he can kick out the illegal immigrants who have come here
illegally, then we as Christians should really stand up for our rights, stand
up for our rights in the kingdom of God and take back from Satan what is ours. We
should take back the purity of our heart. We should evict every sort of evil
from our life, every sort of parasite that is inside us, and we should set up
walls around our spiritual being, that being the wall of the Holy Spirit with
the full armor of God, so that no longer will sin get into us. We need the
helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the
sword of the Spirit, the belt of truth, and the feet with the boots ready to
bring the gospel of peace.
But if Christians
are ashamed to disassociate with sinners, if they are ashamed to touch nothing
unclean, to come out from the harlot church system, if they're ashamed, God
will certainly be ashamed of them. Jesus will be ashamed of you, and his angels
will be ashamed of you, if you don't truly repent and start living holy and
utterly for Jesus Christ. Are we a nation of people, a spiritual nation, a nation
of people that belong to the kingdom of God? I'm talking spiritually. Or are we Christians that are just excited
because Donald Trump won, and because he physically has overcome these things
in the world? Things aren't going to get better just because Trump won. It is a
victory for Christians. It is a blessing.
It's a wonderful victory that Donald Trump won. But that doesn't mean
things will be easy for you. In fact, things will get many times harder. Jesus tells us this. We know this from
Matthew chapter 24, and we know that we have to endure to the very end of our
life. Will we continue to pursue Jesus? Will we overcome in our own personal
life, with our wife, with our children, with our parents, in our schools, in
our workplace? Will we be the light of the world, and will we be people who are
rooted on the rock of Jesus Christ? Is your salvation in Jesus today? Are you
living holy? Or are you like the Christians today, who are just excited that
Trump won, and they think that that in itself will bring, you know, holiness?
Do you think that that in itself will bring Christians to repentance? Of course
it won't. You need to choose to put your faith in Jesus to overcome, to cast
out demons, to cast out evil from you, and you need to choose to live holy.
I want to pray for
those of you that have an ear to hear, and for those of you that want to
continue the struggle for righteousness, for those of you that want to pray for
the United States, for true repentance from the top all the way down, that
people would give their life to Jesus Christ, that they would repent of pride,
and truly be humble before the King of kings and Lord of lords. “So Lord Jesus,
I pray for your true church. I pray for
my fellow brother and sister, my fellow countrymen, people that are all across
the United States and across the world. I pray that we can truly put our faith
in you, Jesus, and that we would watch your signs and your wonders and your
miracles and the power that is in heaven. I pray that we fully put our trust in
you and not in the arm of the flesh. I pray that you continue to purge us, to
purify us, and to make us completely clean and in our wedding garments, that we
may overcome Satan, that we may cast out demons, and that we may inherit the
life that is to come, because you are in us and you are working through us. I
pray that all of us separate from ungodliness, that we separate from the
sinner, from the idolater, from the sorcerer, from all of those that practice
evil, and that we would put on righteousness, and that we would associate no
longer with dead religion, with the apostate Babylon church, that we would
associate no longer with ungodliness, but that we would keep ourselves
unstained from the world and partake in your new covenant where we eat your
flesh daily and we drink your blood. I pray for the eyes of the blind to be
open. I know so many Christians today
are spiritually blind, but I pray that the eyes of the blind would be open, and
that the ears of the deaf would be opened, and that more people would come to
true repentance, and this victory of Donald Trump would lead Christians to true
repentance, and that they would come to life and make it into your everlasting
kingdom. In your name I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.”