Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Does it Mean to "Not Forsake the Assembly"?

Well, praise Jesus today, everyone. I wanted to speak about this idea that the Christians talk about a lot, which is don't forsake the assembly of ourselves together or don't forsake the fellowship. You have probably heard this before because it's a very popular verse for Christians to quote, especially for church attending Christians. They will always say, if you're not going to church on Sunday, then you're forsaking the fellowship and you're breaking the commandment of God because it's written in Hebrews 10 that, you know, if you're not going to church on Sunday, then you're forsaking the fellowship. Now the Bible doesn't really say exactly that, guys. 

And a big question would come down to what is an assembly? Because we can say all day long, don't give up the fellowship. But what fellowship are we speaking about? What assembly? Because that is key to what we're talking about.  If we don't, assess what an assembly is, you could call an assembly whatever you want and you could manipulate people to come to your assembly saying, “thus says the Lord”. And we know that that is just not the truth. So what is an assembly and what isn't it? So I want to read the verse first from Hebrews chapter 10. Let's just read the verse that all the Christians quote to try to make you feel guilty to go to their church, which is Hebrews 10:25. 

It says, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another so much more as ye see the day approaching. Already you can tell that we're like in the middle of a sentence, in the middle of a paragraph. We haven't even understood what we're talking about. But a lot of Christians that are trying to secure the walls of their church, don't care about context, because what they care about is manipulating you to feel bad about not going to their church. So they will just say, look, the Bible says you're forsaking the, the getting together with other Christians if you're not going to church.  So what church are we talking about? There's no clarity in that. What group are we talking about or what, you know, what assembly? They forget to define what that is. They just say you can't give it up.  So let's talk about what does it mean to assemble. So if we just read a few more verses in this same chapter of Hebrews chapter 10, it will clarify it a little bit better. So let's back up to say for example verse 22 instead of just starting in verse 25.

 It says, Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for He is faithful that promised He meaning Jesus and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works.  Okay. So far we're starting to define what this sort of fellowship should be. It should be fellowship with Jesus, people that have a pure heart. If you look at verse 21, it says, having a high priest over the house of God. We know that's Jesus Christ.  So if we're not giving up a fellowship, this fellowship should be people that are pure, holding each other to love and to good works, and having fellowship with this high priest, meaning Jesus Christ. So we're starting to get the context a little bit more just by reading like 3 verses before.

And then if you read the first after, this is verse 26, it says, for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, therefore remained no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries. They don't quote that in church because that would scare away the Christians from paying tithe. See, it is key what we're talking about when we're talking about an assembly.  What assembly saves us, guys? Is it going to Catholic mass? No. Is it going to a Baptist church? No.  Is it going to an assembly of people that all like the Raiders or the 49ers or the Lakers? Of course not. So what assembly are we talking about? We're talking about a group of people that has in common the love of Jesus Christ. So what assembly do we not wanna give up first and foremost?  It is the fellowship of Jesus Christ. That is what we're looking at.

Now most churches and gatherings of today, they are what are called 501c3 or tax exempt, and it all revolves around the economy, politics. It all revolves around popularity, pastors who have a well standing in their community. It revolves around the politics in groups and clubs of men.  But it doesn't have to do with the spiritual kingdom of Jesus Christ. So again, if we're talking about a true assembly, are we talking about the true assembly of children that belong to Jesus? Or are we talking about an assembly of men who have designed a club that has been associated with a 501c3, a government organization? Are we talking about groups that belong to men? Because depending on which you're talking about could totally change the whole entire topic. 

So what the Christians have done today if is they've turned the Bible and Hebrews, into something that is trying to sanctify ungodly religion, and that is a problem. They're trying to manipulate and fleece the flock, which basically just means take your money and expedite the process of taking away your faith so that you can just have faith in pastors, in your church organization, that you can have faith in this corporation, and then you don't really have to be part of the true household of faith, which is spiritual. Just believe and pay tithes and go to church on Sunday and just know that by doing that, you're not giving up the fellowship. Obviously, if our eyes are open to the truth, guys, we know that this is false.

The true fellowship means fellowship of Jesus Christ first, and if your faith really is in Jesus first and if you run into another brother or sister in the Lord, then you have fellowship with them as well.  Now we know throughout the scriptures where 2 or 3 are gathered together, God is with them, whether that is in discipline, righteousness, deciding anything, where 2 or 3 are gathered together. And if they're on the side of the Holy Spirit, they are the true body of Christ. They are the church. And we're not to give up fellowship with first the Holy Spirit, with Jesus, with our father in heaven, and then with those who God has put in our life. Most likely, it is your wife if you're married, your children if you have a family, it is the people that are immediately in your life.  They are the true church and they are the ones that you shouldn't be giving up the fellowship with if you are a family or if you are married. Now if you are a unmarried person, there are still other people in your life that are significant, maybe that look up to you. No matter if you're single or married, either way, there is people that you will be influencing. And as the body of Christ, you need to be upholding what it means to first and foremost have fellowship with Jesus. This does not mean that you validate yourself as a Christian by going to a 501c3 church or paying tithes to a club, an organization of men.  This is a distinction that is very important to make because Jesus never talked about his church being a physical brick and mortar church.

But the church of today, the churches across America, across the United States, you know, across the world, have turned what Jesus meant spiritually into a physical brick and mortar and, you know, stone and wood church. And they say, unless you're going to the physical church down the road and paying your tithe physically, then you're giving up the fellowship. And that is a big fat lie from Satan.

God's true church is spiritual.  That's why Jesus says that you have to worship him. That is the true worshipers must worship God in spirit and in truth. It's not about finding a church on this mountain or on that hill, in this town or in that city, but it's about learning how to worship God in spirit and in truth. The kingdom of God does not come with signs to be observed such as man observe them. But the kingdom of God is in our midst.  That's what Jesus said. So Jesus made it very clear that following him and being part of his church was not about physical church attendance, saying that you have fellowship because you go to the synagogue, or because you go to the temple, or because you go to a Catholic mass or because you go to a Baptist church or because you call yourself Pentecostal or whatever your cup of tea is, that is not the kind of fellowship we're talking about.

True fellowship with God happens spiritually, and the true church is a spiritual entity. And the way you enter it is not by paying physical amount American dollars or whatever economy you're a part of, but it's when you pray and say, “Lord, please cleanse me of my sin. Wash me, baptize me, let me be washed clean so that I can become part of your spiritual kingdom”.  And when you become part of the spiritual kingdom, then you become part of the assembly of believers that are all across this entire earth. I am part of the true church, but I don't belong to any, organization of men. I don't belong to a Baptist church anymore. I don't pay my tithes to any organization. I know that is a big hoax.  We need, as Christians, to belong to the spiritual kingdom that your physical eyes can't see. It's not about going to your local church body or doing corporate, worship or corporate prayer as they like to say, but the true spiritual kingdom and this assembly gets together in spirit and in truth, and it happens, wherever the Spirit of God is working. So the question is, are you giving up the assembly spiritually? Or are you connected to the Spirit of God because you're denying yourself daily, you're picking up your cross daily even if you're alone, even if you're a single guy? Are you choosing to be part of this spiritual kingdom and connected in the spiritual realm to the king and his church that is all across the world?

Everything Jesus says, guys, is spiritual.  When Jesus was, talking about his kingdom come, his will be done, he was not meaning that or alluding to that you have to just get into a physical church, get your tithes into a physical church, start building up churches of men. That's why Jesus again and again said things like, not one of these stones will be standing upon another. Not one will, not be, you know, all of them will be torn down, in other words. And all the disciples marveled at that. They thought, well, when will this happen, Lord?  And over and over again, he explained that his kingdom was spiritual, and if people wanted to enter it, it had to happen in the spirit realm. This is the church that we belong to. It is, cut out without physical hands. All the kingdoms of the earth are physical, and because our eyes see physical things and our ears hear physical things, it's very easy to put all our assets in this physical realm. But what did Jesus say?  Do not store up for yourself things on this earth where moth and rust destroy, where thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart is also. So where is our heart? Where is our treasure? Is our treasure, in the physical church?  Is it in the stock market? Is it in gold? I am learning just how unstable the economy is. I'm learning just how unstable the American dollar is, the stock market. All the things that we can put our security in in this world are not very secure.  And even if they do stay secure for a time, even if the economy's doing well, you can all of a sudden get cancer. You can get into a car accident. You can run into tribulations with your marriage, with your family. There's an unlimited amount of problems that we face in this world. And so what I'm saying is we need to make sure that our assembly, that our faith, and that our fortress really is in this kingdom with Jesus Christ, not in the fortresses that are made of men, whether it's the economy, or a physical church or a physical assembly. 

So don't let this idea, that Christians always speak of, of don't give up the assembly, don't let that confuse you into thinking or guilt you into thinking that you need to be part of a local church body. This is what the Christians that are religious always are trying to press, and always they come back to this one verse in Hebrews, Hebrews 10:25. But the crazy thing is, guys, they're taking one verse that's not even a complete sentence. All they're saying is not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together. They literally stop there.  They don't read one verse before it or one verse after to see what in the world is happening with Hebrews chapter 10. But Jesus is always speaking about a spiritual assembly, a spiritual kingdom, and in fact, we are told again and again to the scriptures not to participate in the assembly of the ungodly or, or what fellowship does, Satan have or, a Christian have with the devil?

I wanna read to you one example of that, which is found in 2nd Corinthians. This is chapter 2. So it says, be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion have light with darkness? So right there, you could say the church system and the idea that you have to go to church is false because there are a lot of Christians there that are joined in with unbelievers, people that hate Jesus. They only care about money. They are wolves in sheep's clothing, and they don't want people to come to the truth of Jesus because then their little economy crashes. So what fellowship have righteousness with unrighteousness?  Obviously, none. What communions have light with dark with darkness? Obviously, none. What concord have Christ with Belial? Or what part have he that believeth with an infidel?  And what agreement have the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God.

So again, the temple is not brick and mortar. It's not the church. It's not the Catholic church. It's not the Baptist church. You are the church, and we know this, guys. God has said, I will dwell in them, not a physical church, but in you. Even if you are alone in your room or in a prison cell and you can never ever go to a physical church again in your life. You still are the temple of God. You are the church. It's crazy how Satan is, manipulating people to think that people are not the church even though Christians say you are the church over and over again. This is crazy, guys. As God has said, I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people. This is the assembly.

And so what assembly should we not be a part of? Well look, verse 17 of Corinthians chapter 6, wherefore come out from among them, which is false churches, false believers, false assemblies, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. What is the unclean thing? The unclean thing is dead religion, apostate churches. Those organizations that are Baptists and Catholic that are claiming to be the children of God yet are connected with the infidel, the false believer, and darkness. Come out from among them, be separate. Touch nothing unclean and I will receive you and I will be a father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty. This is the truth guys. It's right in front of our noses. We have known these things since we were little children if we've been Christians. So how is it that Satan has stolen away from us true faith, the real assembly which is, the assembling of ourselves with Jesus and those people in our life that really matter? You know, your wife, your brother, your children, your grandchildren, people that really matter in your life. Satan has stolen away from many Christians the reality of what the assembly is.

The crazy thing is a lot of pastors have forsaken the true assembly with their wife, their children, and they think that the assembly is with that group that are paying tithe. And so they spend countless hours trying to mentor their congregation, trying to get tithe to build a physical building from their congregation, raising a $1,000,000 to build a new building across the street, and meanwhile their own physical son, their own blood is, committing suicide. This happens time and time again. The pastor's son is fornicating. The pastor's son is suicidal, or just becoming atheist. And the pastor and the people in the congregation are wondering why in the world, if our pastor is such a godly man, why does his family struggle with depression, hatred, murder, lust, pornography? The reason why is because that church has forsaken the assembly of themselves together. Even though they get to church, they get to church on time every Sunday, they have forsaken the true natural family of God, which is themselves with Jesus and their own natural families. Those very natural principles that God has set up, which is the family, your own relationship with God, they have totally rejected for this false image of Jesus, this false image of a church that they have called an assembly, which actually is just a 501c3. It's an organization. It is a club of man.

Satan has been very clever to take verses like this out of the scripture, out of Hebrews 10:25 and other verses, and turn it on its head to say, you're giving up the fellowship, brother, if you're not going to church and paying tithe. The other crazy thing with this is these same churches that say you shouldn't give up the fellowship, you have to pay tithe, They're the same churches that love to, out of the other side of their mouth, say, well, we're saved by grace, not by works. We are New Testament believers. We don't believe in the works of the law. So how can they be saying that they, live in the New Testament and by grace in the blood of Jesus when they're preaching from the Old Testament ideas like tithe and church attendance and all these things? Tithing is a principle from the Old Testament, not the New Testament. Jesus never talked about tithing to be saved. In fact, Jesus talked about complete denial, taking up your cross, which means giving your whole life to God, not 10%. But these Christians like to say, oh, we don't believe in the old covenant covenant. We believe in the new. Yet then to force their members to feel guilty to pay tithe, to pay their bills to their church, they pull out these verses from the Old Testament. It's blatant hypocrisy.

If we want to be part of the true assembly and not be deceived by those fleecing the flock and these false shepherds that are hirelings, as Jesus calls them, then we need to come out and be separate and join the true assembly that worships God in spirit and in truth. I hope this makes sense to someone that has ears to hear. I have a bunch of videos on this topic if you wanna look into more of it, if it gives you any clarity. If you go to my channel, I have, some playlists on my channel specifically on the church deception, on fellowship tithing deceptions. Just go look through my playlists and you will see, that I have, like dozens of videos on this topic, but it's well addressing again and again because so many Christians think that they have to be part of a physical church in order to be true Christians, and it's simply not true.

Again and again throughout the scripture, Jesus emphasized the fact that the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that you don't see with your physical eyes. And again and again, Jesus emphasizes that what he says is spirit. It's spiritual. And if you want to enter his church and this true assembly, it has to happen by entering his kingdom through prayer, in spirit, and in truth.  Anyways, I wanna pray for those of you that wanna be able to hear the truth. I wanna pray for those of you that wanna be part of the true body as those in Acts were part of the true body of Christ and had everything in common. I want to read to you, from Acts chapter 2 what it says about the true church. It says, they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer. Our fellowship, of course, has to be with Jesus. And when we speak and meet with other people that have fellowship with Jesus, we can break bread with them, we can eat together, we pray together. But it's not about religion. It's not about starting a big church or a 501c3 or a group or a club. It's about individually us meeting Jesus personally and then individually 1 on 1 sharing our testimonies with other people. And as we're seeking the kingdom of God first in our life, the Lord adds to our number each and every day.

So it says, And the fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together and had all things common and sold their possessions and goods and parted them out to all men as every man had need. And they continued and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple and the breaking of bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

So this is how we wanna be. We can't be the 1st century church, guys. We can't say that the government should take responsibility of this. There are some Christians that think that, the government should make, communal living situations. It just won't work. When the government tries to do this, they end up stealing money from rich people, giving it to poor, and they make lazy people more lazy, and they heavily tax the rich, which is basically stealing. It ends up being totally crazy and wrong. But for this to work truly, as it worked in the 1st century, it has to be out of individuals' goodness of their heart because they love Jesus first. And if as an individual, you as a Christian love the Lord and you have a little bit extra money, then you help out another brother who's in need. Maybe one day you're praying and you realize, oh, this other brother needs a ride. So you give him a ride, or you give him food, or you help out somebody. But this should never happen out of manipulation or out of the government manipulating you or forcing more taxes. Any economy that's tried to force, this kind of doctrine has always failed. It's never worked well.

 But for the children of God, individually, if they put their faith in Jesus, then it works because out of the goodness of your heart, you love your brother, you love your wife, you love your children, you love your neighbor as yourself, and you allow them to borrow your lawnmower or you allow them to, you know, have a place to live or whatever the case is. You help one another out, and that's what the church should do. So we need to figure out how to become part of this spiritual kingdom that, that honors God with everything that we have and serve him not out of manipulation, not because a pastor is saying, you have to give 10% or you have to give 50% of your income. No. That's not what it's about. But it's about you having fellowship with God first, and then because you love the Lord, you're loving your neighbor, you're loving your brother as yourself. Then you're part of the spiritual body of Christ, and you're not giving up the fellowship. So let's pray for eyes to see, ears to hear, and people to come into the true body of Christ, that they can be led along by the gift of the Holy Spirit, by Jesus, and that they won't fall prey to false religion or manipulative spirits that are trying to manipulate people to give money to their organizations or to their group. Let's pray that people really come into the spiritual kingdom that knows Jesus and gives their time and their worship to Jesus Christ and just honors God.

“So, Lord Jesus, I pray for your true church, that true assembly that worships you in spirit and in truth. We know that it's not about worshiping you, in a corporation or in a 501c3 or a government approved situation. We know that to come into your presence happens when we are part of you spiritually, and that when we are spiritually reborn, you come into our hearts and we become the temple. We become the sanctuary. It's not about a physical meeting place, but we know that it is about worshiping you in spirit and in truth. So I pray that you can take, the shackles off people that have been bound by religion. I pray that you can take the blindfolds off of the people's eyes and the blindness that have been over people's eyes to keep them bound up in religion and in deception and all the lies of the lying shepherds. I pray their eyes could be open to the truth in these end times that we're living in, that they could come into your kingdom, that they could come into worshiping you worshiping you and knowing the true freedom there is in you, Lord Jesus. So I pray for your true church.  I pray for your true fellowship and, your true assembly. I pray they can be washed clean in your blood, filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. I pray for more people to speak in their new tongues and to demonstrate the fruit that comes from your Holy Spirit and that they could have dreams and visions that come from God, that they could have interpretations that truly come from God, not from men, and that we would just have the fruit of your Holy Spirit and your gifts in our life, that we could practice our talents that you have given us, and that we could go out and grow spiritually as men and as women, and that you would add to our number. In your name, I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.”

 We'll continue to grow in the faith. Don't be deceived by religion. Don't be deceived by the church of today, but come into the spiritual kingdom that worships the Lord Jesus in spirit and in truth.

Monday, September 9, 2024

When Aliens (demons) are Given Rights

Well, praise Jesus today, everyone. Some time ago, President Trump, the former president, made a comment about saying that he sure hopes that the US does not find them, you know, on some planet or find them somewhere because we can know that if we did find aliens, giving our money to them also undoubtedly. Our country is quick to give money to all sorts of evil things, but we as individuals also are quick to give ourselves over to evil things if we're not careful. As soon as you give asylum to something in your heart, it becomes extremely difficult to get out. As soon as you're giving financial aid to that, you're giving your money, your time to that, it becomes very difficult to then eject those things out of your life to cast them out.


It's much easier to accept something in your life than to cast it out. That's why we have so many people that are demon possessed and so few people that are able to cast these demons out. One thing that maybe you have thought of before is just the severity of what it would mean if these demons started to manifest physically so that everyone could see them? You know, people talk about these UFOs and they talk about these aliens, but it's not just totally science fiction now or out of the realm to think about this. What if these demons started to manifest in a way where they were given some sort of asylum in our country?


They were given some sort of citizenship. Now we as Christians know that there is one specific demon for each and every sin and then they have sub demons below that. They have a whole hierarchy. So there's a demon over lust. There's then under lust, one for pornography, one for, you know, pedophilia, and all these other demons that are more and more, wicked.


And the lower down demons are more, mutated and evil looking, the more and more animalistic they look, the more mutated and ugly they are. And the higher they are up on the level of their hierarchy, the more beautiful they look. They look more like an archangel, they look more like an angel of light. Right? So if these demons were somehow able to manifest in the physical realm and like how Trump made a statement about, how if we were giving them money, this would be crazy because we would be giving asylum or we would be giving a place of security to a sin, to some kind of perversion, whether it is a sexual perversion, whether it is, you know, like molestation, whether it is greed, hate, whatever the demon's name is that they have changed to a different name, now we'd be securing that demon saying, you have citizenship in our country, we will give you financial aid, we will protect you. And if anyone speaks evil against you, then, they're a racist because we see you as a race and as a nation and as an individual. Guys, this doesn't have to happen physically. It's already happening spiritually. In other words, there doesn't have to be a physical manifestation of a demon and a physical government such as the United States to give, a citizenship to a demon. That may be a science fiction. Maybe that could possibly happen. I don't know. But the reality is that doesn't have to happen and it already is happening spiritually today.


Let me explain. If someone is a pervert, say they are a pedophile, for the longest standing time, that has been illegal. All it would take is an act of, you know, a new political bill, some pervert to be higher up, and all they'd have to do is sign it and make it illegal to speak against pedophilia, and then suddenly you can't speak up against, pedophiles. Otherwise, you're a racist. All it takes is someone, in a high political area to sanctify it, to give it, a place of, you know, an area that is secure, and then suddenly you can't speak against these sins. We're already to a point that if you speak up too much against homosexuality, transgender, you know, gay marriage, if you just speak up for what you believe in as a Christian, they're gonna cast you out. In a lot of cases, people have been thrown into jail. They’ve lost their jobs just for standing up against sin, because what is happening is these demons are becoming citizens, and so no longer are people saying, this is a demon. They're saying, this is a person that deserves immunity. They deserve equal respect. Guys, these things are demons, and our government is trying to make these demons into citizens so that you can no longer rebuke and speak evil against sin. As Christians, we have to be able to cast demons out, otherwise, we won't be inhabited by the Holy Spirit.


If we can't cast devils out and keep our heart clean and our mind clean and our tongue clean, then Satan will enter into us, we will be casting out the Holy Spirit from us and these demons of lust, hatred, sexual perversion, all of these things are going to enter us and we will have no ability to live righteously. This is exactly what the devil wants. The devil wants asylum. He wants a place of sanctuary in your heart. He wants to live in you and dwell in you and possess you.


And a lot of people including Christians are possessed by Satan today, and it's near impossible for them to cast these demons out because these demons have made themselves a personality in them. They've made themselves a living being inside these people's flesh. They can't get rid of these demons. And the governments of the world, the principalities of the world are in cahoots with the principalities of evil. And Satan is working to get his demons immunity, within the governments of the world. That is what is happening spiritually right now. I see these demons who once were hiding in the closets that were despicable enough that no one want to speak about them, and now these demons are coming out of the closet and they're looking to find citizenship. They're look to be they're looking to be called human beings. They're taking on flesh. And, when they are given citizenship and when they're given a body, it's gonna be impossible for you to speak up against sin without consequences.


When things like this have happened in the past, Christians have been beheaded, they've been burned at the stake, they've been killed. Guys, for being a Christian, we're looking at really serious times if we wanna continue to follow Jesus Christ and keep these demons out. And there's gonna be a huge separation between the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares, you know, the children of God and the children of the world. And will we be refined in this fire? Will we go through the refiner's fire and come out refined? Will we come out purged and clean? Or will we be burnt up like all the rest of the chaff in the stubble because we had no foundation to our faith? We weren't really on the rock of Jesus Christ. Remember guys, Jesus is in the fire. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stood up for what was right. They were thrown into the fire and when Nebuchadnezzar looked into the fire, he said he said, didn't we throw 3 men in? But I see a 4th and that 4th man looks like the Son of God or the Son of the Gods. And he called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to come out of the fire and they came out of the the the fire without smelling like fire. They had been with the Son of God. And that is what we are gonna do as Christians.


We are gonna go through the refiner's fire, but we know from what Jesus said in the end times, will he find faith on the earth when he returns? Most Christians lack true love because iniquity is an increasing and abounding. Few Christians are standing up for what is right. They're scared to walk the straight narrow path for what the beast will do to them. They're, they're scared of their family. They’re scared of, what’s happening politically. And most people just shut up and they stop talking because they fear the beast system. But we as disciples of Jesus are not called to be cowards or to just go hide in a corner. We're called to be lights, we're called to be fighting the good fight, we're called to engage in this war of Armageddon and to fight against these demons. Will we stand up and continue to cast these demons out even if they're given residency, even if they're given citizenship, will we continue to cast out these demons of lust, of hatred? Will we continue to have true love in us for Jesus Christ in our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord? Or will we fall into this false sort of love that the world has that loves worldliness that says you have to love both perversion and everything else in the world in order to be a good citizen. Will we believe that kind of garbage or will we hold fast to our faith in Jesus Christ? And what we know the prophet spoke in the bible about holiness and righteousness? Will we stand up for what we believe in Jesus and live by his words, or will we fall into the trap of the devil?


I hope that you have your feet on the rock of Jesus Christ because everything in this world is going to be shaken. Again and again, it will be shaken. And everything will be shaken except that which is unshakable, which is the foundation, the cornerstone. So are your feet grounded on that cornerstone, or are you on the wishy-washy ground? Are you on the sand that when the waters, the floods come, everything that you built will be all washed away and all become nothing. I hope that your faith is genuine, and I hope that you really are being led by Jesus and not by, you know, what the pastors are saying, what the modern day prophets are saying. I hope that you're really being led by Jesus by the guidance of his holy spirit, such as we read in John chapter 14 through 16.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How to Hunger and Thirst for righteousness When You Don't

 A big problem we have today in our culture is a lack of men who desire holiness and righteousness. What our culture desires is entertainment. People give all their energy to their phone, to the TV, and to this sort of entertainment that just rots our brains. And at the end of the day, because all of our dopamine has been stolen out of us, we have no desire for the righteousness and holiness to get to know God or encourage our fellow brother or sister in the Lord. This is a huge problem.

Satan is robbing what is yours right out of your heart and if you don't get a hold of it and start desiring what is righteous you will have nothing left. You will have no presence of God in your life. You will have no true joy. You will have given all of your energy and all of your time to things that are completely irrelevant for your eternal destiny. You're determining your destiny right here and right now.

If you ever ask an addict if it was worth it to give their life to drugs and alcohol, they would tell you, of course not. But why do they continually do it? They have set up a pattern in their life. They've fallen into a rut, and they are addicted and they feel they have no choice. Whatever patterns we set up in our life, those we just start doing.

It is not natural for us to just hunger and thirst for righteousness. If you haven't been praying, you don't just naturally pray continually without ceasing as the Bible talks about. If you haven't been in the throne room talking with Jesus, you're not just naturally there. As men, we're not gonna just naturally wanna stand up for good just because it's easy. It's not easy.

It's not easy to take up our cross. It's not easy to make good habits. It's not easy to overcome the flesh to deny ourselves to reject evil. It's not easy just to cast out all evil thoughts and to guard our tongue and our heart, to guard our eyes and our ears, those things don't come naturally. We have to start making patterns and choosing good over evil, loving the light over darkness.

And when we do so, when we start practicing what is right, then God starts to instill in us and put in us a desire for righteousness and holiness. You may have no desire or hunger or thirst for righteousness in you right now because you are not practicing it, but you are practicing watching your phone. So you're gonna have a desire to watch more things on your phone, probably really frivolous things that don't matter. Maybe you have a desire to look at porn or other things that are wicked. And because you're practicing that, that is what's taking your energy and you're giving more and more energy to that.

That's because you're practicing that. You're feeding your flesh. No wonder you have no desire for righteousness and holiness. You're not practicing what is good, but you're practicing what is perverted and what is evil. If you desire to practice righteousness and holiness, then you will also have a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

So right now if there is something in you that desires to choose good over evil, but just a very little amount, not much at all, muster up everything you have and say, Lord, please give me more of this hunger and thirst for righteousness, so I can build my spiritual man and start putting down the flesh that I can start practicing what is good in overcoming, and start putting out and casting out these demons of evil, all these bad habits, all these bad thoughts, all the lust of the flesh, all these things that I know are bringing me to hell. If you wanna overcome in Jesus's name, you need to start praying for a hunger and thirst for righteousness. And as you practice what is good and make habits that are good, the Lord will start to build you up. You will start to desire holiness and righteousness. One small example I have of this is jogging, running, exercise.

When I didn't exercise much, I had very little desire to go on a jog with my wife. Even when I lived up in Yosemite, I lived right in the park for a while. And even though it was the great outdoors because I was out of shape and didn't like running, I didn't really wanna exercise and go on a mile jog in the valley even though it was in Yosemite, one of the most beautiful places on earth with my wife. But after I was convinced that, okay, I will do it one time even though I don't really like it. I don't hunger and thirst for this.

I just did it because my wife was wanting me to. I knew it was the right thing. I didn't wanna do it, but I knew it was good for my health. I did it and the first few times I didn't really enjoy it. I just did it because I knew it was right, but then I started to make a pattern of going on a mile jog or a 3 mile jog.

After a year or so went on, I started to crave jogging. I started to enjoy it. It became a time where I could not only just jog but I could talk with my wife on a jog, I could pray, I could think. It became something that I desired. It was a habit that I built that was a good habit.


And these are the sorts of things we need to build into our life if we wanna desire holiness and righteousness. You're not gonna just naturally wanna pray continually without ceasing like the Bible says. You're not gonna wanna just naturally be in the throne room of God with Jesus and him telling you all the things that you've done wrong so that then you can get better. It's painful to see yourself how you really are, but if you choose to start walking this path, if there's anything in you that desires holiness, then muster up every bit of it you have and start doing what is right and God will reward you. The spirit of God will start giving you the ability to overcome and to desire more holiness and more righteousness.

Without righteousness, no one is gonna see God. No one's gonna please him. We have to be holy and righteous, and we have to have faith. So if there is something in you that desires to go this path, the path of the righteous, say, Lord, I need a hunger. I need a thirst for righteousness. I hardly have any right now, but I want that to be built in me. I want to have a desire for the light. I want to hate the darkness. I want to have a desire for good and hate evil, and as you start praying and practicing righteousness, the Lord will build you up. He will give you more faith. He will give you a new tongue. He will give you the gift of the Holy Spirit.

I wanna pray for you right now if you are someone that is wanting to give your life to Jesus fully, that you wanna commit, that you wanna hunger and thirst for righteousness, and you just wanna overcome in Jesus's name. So Lord Jesus, I pray for those, my fellow brothers and sisters who want to hunger and thirst for righteousness that wanna overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony that wanna have new life and partake in your new covenant. I pray that they would devote their life to you, that they would make habits of righteousness, that they would deny themselves daily, take up their cross, and learn to live righteously, to learn to love the light and the truth, and to hate evil and to hate darkness. We pray to be the sons and daughters of the light. In your name, I pray lord Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Obvious Truth That No One is Speaking

We'll praise Jesus today, everyone. I wanted to read to you some plain truth that's right in front of our eyes that Jesus spoke, but that is not commonly taught in church because it is veiled. They don't wanna see the truth because they themselves are in sin and also want you to stay in sin so that you can support these church systems. But for those of us that want to come out of the world, to come out of dead religion, and to be set free, these words of Jesus Christ are for us. So, I'm reading from Matthew chapter 7.  I'm gonna start in verse 12.

 “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”  

There are many churches and many Christians in our town, and they are accepting of many different lifestyles. But there is only one way that leads to the truth and there are very few who find it in that way is through Jesus Christ.  And the reason why it's so hard is because this straight and narrow path with Jesus requires that you daily deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow this Messiah, this king. Even if people hate you and despise you, even if no one is in your corner, it requires you following Jesus by faith and not by sight even when no one agrees with you. You have to be strong in the Lord and confident to follow him because often you will have no support, you won't have any friend in your corner except the spirit of God. This is what I want to bring light to today what Jesus says starting in verse 15.

“15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” 

This statement of Jesus is not widely popular in church because the saying in church with Christians is, you can't know my heart, brother. You can't know my heart, sister. That's not my real intentions. I said that, but that's not my heart. But what Jesus is clearly saying is you can see people's fruit on the outside.  And I wanna expose to you that it is impossible for someone to have good fruit but a bad heart or vice versa. So would it be possible to know that someone's fruit is all bad, but then to suppose, well, I can't know their heart. Their heart must be good, but their fruit is all bad. According to Jesus, I mean, if you follow logic in what he said, that's an impossibility. But that is the truth that in church, Christians don't want you to know or to openly state because a lot of Christians, they have outward problems.  They outwardly curse. They are gossiping. They're speaking evil. They're telling dirty jokes. They're always cussing.  They're taking Jesus's name in vain. And these things are so obvious to see, guys. If someone claims to be a leader in the church, if they claim to be of Christ, yet they're dropping the f bomb, they're cursing people, they're gossiping, they're degrading women, you can know that these people are not spending time with Jesus because any child of God, they're gonna have a pure tongue. Their heart is gonna be pure. They've spent time with the king.  What is filling them is the light of Jesus Christ. There's no way they're gonna be degrading women and speaking dirty jokes and making you feel silly for not going along with their jokes. I don't know how many Christians there are that think it's okay to take Jesus' name in particular in vain, that are always talking in a way that's degrading to people? How can we be called the body of Christ if we're like this? If there is someone that you know in the church that is doing this, you can know that they are a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

If you truly come to Jesus Christ, one of the very first things that the Holy Spirit is gonna take charge of is your tongue. That's why he says he gives you a new tongue. You don't have that old tongue that continually gossips, continually says things that are evil, slandering people, hating people with your tongue, breathing out just things that are murderous, tearing people down. As soon as you put your faith in Jesus, you are humbled, and your speech also recognizes that. You recognize Jesus with every word that you speak.  So you can know for a fact that someone's heart is bad if you can see bad fruit coming off of their lips. This truth is so obvious, so plain, guys. It's right in front of you. Don't be deceived by Christians that say, “oh, that's just what I said. I just dropped the f bomb, but you don't know my heart.  I just took Jesus' name in vain and I told a dirty joke, but you can't know my heart, brother.” That is just ridiculous. It's impossible to have bad fruit but a good heart. If your fruit is bad, your heart is bad also.

And a lot of people's problem is they're not spending time with Jesus.  They haven't truly repented. And even though they're Christians all their life and they've said a prayer, they read the Bible, they're leaders in church, they have never repented and been born again. If we want everlasting life, we have to be born again and truly repent of our sins. Otherwise, these sins are taking us to hell and we're leading other people to hell. We're scattering the body of Christ.  Either we are gathering, or we are scattering. So let's not be deceived by false prophets, by wolves in sheep in sheep's clothing or just plain wolves that are not in sheep's clothing at all. Let us be wise to stand in the truth and to call it like it is. If someone is following the Lord, we encourage them, but if someone is pretending, we know that they are not part of the body of Christ. We stand up against what is evil.  We don't pretend to be like these people are Christians.

How are we doing? Are we bearing good fruit or are we like those Christians who are about to be cut off? I wanna make sure that my own life is right before God, so I stay humble. We keep our nose down, but our head up.  We keep our eyes looking up to Jesus, but we stay humble before God so that he can use us. God doesn't use the proud. He doesn't use the arrogant, but he uses those who are humble that can be used for his purpose that will stay steadfast with him to continue to walk that straight narrow path and not waver. Too many Christians are wavering. They don't take sides with the truth when it gets hard.  They will leave you. They will forsake you, but they don't forsake their life to walk with the Lord regardless of what he asks them to do. So let us be the body of Christ that are separate from the whole religious crowd, separate from this world that is quick to deny Jesus, separate from false prophets and false leaders, separate from walking the line of the world and with God having 1 foot in the world, 1 foot with the Lord. We need to dedicate ourselves as the Lord's disciples fully to him and just walk in purity, calling others to have their new tongue, calling others to be part of this regeneration where they are reproved, made clean, purged of sin, and have on their white robes ready for the wedding supper of the lamb.

We wanna take part with, with Jesus in his new covenant.  It's not about keeping all the laws of the Old Testament as the Judaizers would have you believe. There's many Jews and Christians that try to promote all the Old Testament laws of Moses as if you keep those, you'll go to heaven. They teach the old covenant, the old law, the 613. But we, as Jesus' disciples, are all about the new covenant that was made through Jesus' blood that atones for our sins, and we're all about that covenant and that truth that he puts on our heart that we know good from evil and loving the Lord our God with all our heart, our neighbor as our self, and always staying in the light. We need to be living the new covenant, breathing the new covenant, bleeding the new covenant, and teaching others about the new covenant of Jesus, his death, his resurrection, and that what it actually means to obediently follow him in this new covenant, eating his flesh and drinking his blood, being in genuine communion with him. 

So I wanna pray for those of you that want communion with Jesus, that wanna live by the hard teachings of Jesus and not be riding the fence any longer, but that want the new life in him to be purged and be made new. “So, Lord Jesus, I do pray for your church, my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord who want to be purged and purified and called out from the world. I pray that they hear your calling and that we will be chosen to do your work and walk in that calling and follow you all the days of our life and be unwavering that we will not be distracted by the world or fall into all the temptations of the flesh, but that we would be separate and sanctified and anointed for your purpose, that we ourselves would be saved and edified, and that we would also help in the preservation of others, that sinners would come to repentance and come into everlasting life and also bear good fruit. So I pray for your church that we would bear more good fruit, that we wouldn't be cut off, but that we would endure with you and overcome with you and, bear much good fruit for you every day, Lord.  In your name we pray. Amen.”

The Last Day and the Afterlife

 Praise Jesus today, brothers and sisters in the Lord. We can be encouraged and take great courage in the fact that when we are absent from this body, we are present WITH the Lord granted we walked our life in the truth of Jesus Christ. We daily have to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus to the very end of our life. What I wanted to speak about today is a couple deceptions that are in the Christian church that make some people sad or make people feel good about a lie, and that is the reality of both heaven and hell. We know that hell is real. It's a place that Jesus talked about frequently where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. We know that it is eternal. Jesus spoke about it in such manner. And he even said to Judas that it would be better that that man was never born. So obviously, if annihilation were true and you just cease to exist, that would be 1 in the same thing as Judas never being born.

But the fact is after Judas committed suicide, he went to the lake that burns with fire that Jesus spoke of because he rejected God, and the last act that he did was suicide. He killed himself. Jesus clearly said it would be better for him that he was never born. Not just because he was the one who turned him in, but because of the torment he would experience in the afterlife ever after that. Likewise, heaven is real.

It's a place where we go when we endure with Jesus to the very end. And also, for those of us that belong to our father in heaven, when we die, we will immediately go to the place where God resides, that he has made for us. There is not a waiting place. There is not this, purgatory idea, and it's not, soul sleep where we just sleep in the ground for a 1000 years. Now there are some churches and some Christians that believe in soul sleep, and they believe that you just stay in the ground for a 1000 years, or a 1000000 years, or however long until Jesus returns, and that all Christians for all time, from the beginning of time up until now if you die, will lay dead in the dirt until the great judgment throne of God when he resurrects everyone on the final day.

Interestingly, if we look what the final day is, the final day is not the final day of the world or the earth, but the final day actually represents our final day, our final breath. So when Jesus is saying endure to the end, he's not saying to you, endure to the end of the world or the end of the universe until the day that the whole world disappears and disintegrates, but he's speaking, endure to the end of your life. Whatever your life is, you must endure with Jesus and overcome to the very end of it. And when you endure to that day, on that day that you physically die, then if you have overcome in the name of Jesus, you will inherit everlasting life. This is a really cool thing, guys, because this gives us hope that our God is the God of the living and that we will immediately be with him in everlasting life if we believe. We don't have to soul sleep or wait 10 years, or a 1000 years, or however many years it is for the Lord to return as the Christians understand it. Because Jesus will return for you as soon as you complete your own life, as soon as your life ends. Now a couple things that were coming to my memory today, one was that when Jesus was at the transfiguration, he saw a couple people that had died, Elijah, Moses, and those people were not soul sleeping. But he saw them in the spiritual realm, and they were alive with his father in heaven. No soul sleep.

And later, when Jesus talks to the Sadducees, and we know that the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. He said that God, his father, is the God of the living, not the God of the dead. If it were true that we sleep after we die and that our soul sleeps in the earth until the last day, meaning the last day of the universe or the last day of the earth, then it would have to be said that God is the God of the dead until the last day when he resurrects, and then God can be considered the God of the living only after he has resurrected those dead bodies. But that is not the truth. The truth is Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, all the patriarchs, all the disciples who put their faith in Jesus are living today in the Kingdom of God in eternity, making God the God of the living and not the God of the dead, and that is how it's to be interpreted.

That's clearly what Jesus said and clearly how everyone who has eyes to see will see it. God is the God of the living, not the God of dead people. Therefore Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jonah the prophet, all these other guys who serve God in their lifetime and overcame all the trials in this life. They're not dead sleeping in their grave waiting for the final Bemessie or the final judgment throne of God. Their judgment has already come, and God has already judged in their favor, and they're already in an everlasting life with our father in heaven.

So we can take great joy and encouragement in the fact that God, our father, is the God of the living. And if you are living in Jesus Christ, and if you endure to the end, you can also have this hope that you will immediately be with the Lord in everlasting life. You will not have to wait. Interestingly, throughout the years, Jews that were both Pharisees, Sadducees, had this kind of idea that the last day meant the last day of the world and that no one would be resurrected from the dead until the last day, meaning the last day of all people on the earth. And one example of this was when Jesus's friend Lazarus dies, remember he was dead for 4 days, Jesus tarried in this town and it took Jesus a while to come into the town and Mary and Martha are saying to him how his body is already stinking in the grave and how if Jesus was there, Lazarus wouldn't have died yet, but Jesus then says that it's to their advantage that he didn't come because, you know, they're gonna see the glory of God now that he has come and is there.


And Jesus says to her, I'm gonna read John chapter 11 starting in 23, Jesus sayeth unto her, thy brother shall rise again. So Martha said unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. And see, you have to understand when Christians and also Jews think of the last day, they're not thinking of the last day of someone's physical life. They're thinking of the last day of the world after everything has come to completion, all the prophecies have been fulfilled, sometime a 1000000 days in the future. And upon that day, God will then resurrect those that are worthy, and the rest he will leave in the dirt to then spend their judgment in hell.

So that is how the Jews saw it, that's obviously how Martha saw it, and it's how many Christians see it today. They they think that their soul sleep or that you won't get your, your heavenly body until years years in the future. And this day will come someday in the future after a rapture and all this stuff that the church has taught. But let's see what Jesus does. So Martha said into him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever live and believe in me shall never die, believest thou this?' She said unto him, 'Yea, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the son of God, which should come into the world.' And when she had so said, she went her way and called Mary her sister secretly saying, the master has come and calleth for thee. As we know, guys, Jesus calls Lazarus out of the dead. And even after 4 days when he would start rotting in the tomb, Lazarus hears Jesus's voice, he comes out fully with the grave clothes, and all people are frightened.

They are amazed. Those that believe in Jesus are completely astonished. They put their faith in Jesus right there, as would you I. But those who are enemies of Jesus are so appalled that he did this. They immediately try to contrive a way that they will kill Jesus because they go out saying everyone is gonna believe in this prophet.

He can open the eyes of the blind, open the ears of the deaf. He can raise the dead after 4 days. How are we gonna stop people from believing in a guy that does this in plain daylight? And they even said, we're gonna lose our kingdom here on earth if people believe in this Jesus and then the Romans are just gonna take it all from us. So they try to secure their boundaries and they try to figure out a way how to silence Jesus and kill him.

Crazy. Crazy that there are people out there that don't care that Jesus can save them and do a miracle, that he can raise the dead, he can give them life. That is crazy to me that people don't see, that they don't they just have nothing to lose. I have known people even on their death beds, their old age. They have nothing to lose, guys.


And still they're unwilling to put their faith in Jesus. They're not willing to give up, the absolutely nothing of a life that they have. You know, it it may make sense in the world when you're young that you have something to live for other than Jesus. Maybe you're living for money, you're living for pleasure, you're living for women. But it's crazy to me that people will live their whole life making excuses.

And then even when they're 80, 90 years old, and on their deathbed, some of these people are still rejecting their only hope in Jesus. It's very sad. It's very sad that the Pharisees and that the modern day Christians today literally just hope that there's no resurrection of the dead. They will tell you there's no hell. They will say don't worry about it.

The afterlife probably doesn't exist anyway. And they don't care that Jesus is the risen Messiah, that he can resurrect people from the dead, give them hope and life. But for those of us that see these miracles, Jesus becomes our Lord. We worship him. We don't care that other people are saying, oh, you can't worship Jesus.

He's just the son of God. He's not worthy to be worshiped. We don't believe any of that rubbish. We worship Jesus. We praise his holy name just as all the angels have done forever and ever.

This is our King who was and who is and who will be forevermore. The kingdom is his forever and ever, and every tongue, every nation, every person will confess even if they hate Him that He is Lord and God. Jesus is Emmanuel, He is God with us. He's the one that resurrects people from the dead and gives us life. And if we put our faith in him, today we will have life.

We will be resurrected spiritually from the dead. It doesn't matter how we interpret the words of the Apostle Paul, it doesn't matter all the doctrines in the church, Jesus will resurrect you today, he will give you life today. You don't have to wait. And if you endure with Jesus each day of your life putting your faith in him, denying yourself, putting to death the old man of the flesh and letting that new man be built up by the Holy Spirit, then Jesus will live in you. The return of Jesus Christ will be today for you, not a 1000 years in the future.

Jesus will return to earth right now for you. He will be in you in your heart. He will return into you and be living in you for now and into eternity. And when you live for him until the last day of your life, then you will be raptured so to speak or caught up into the clouds with Jesus because you've lived with Him, you know Him. He is your personal Lord and your personal King, and He will rapture you at that moment, not in a 1000 years, not after a 7 year tribulation, you already had gone through your tribulation.

So the moment you die will be the day that you meet Jesus face to face. You will know that He is in you and you in Him and you will know your Lord. It won't be you just meeting a Bible or meeting some scripture verses. It will be as the Apostle Paul spoke that you will finally meet him face to face. This world hates Jesus.

They hate God. They hate revelation. They hate the truth. Any words of life to them are bitter, they're hateful, they despise it, they make fun of it, they mock it, they try to tear down anything the spirit of life is doing. But for those of us that have our faith in Jesus Christ, we know that he offers the words of life even if they are the difficult words, the hard words to digest.

We continue to go back to him because only Jesus has the words of life. Jesus says, eat my flesh and drink my blood. When Jesus said that most of all the disciples who were on the outside, you know, those 5,000 men that followed him for food the day before, all of them started to walk away saying, who can understand this? We're not gonna be a cannibal. We're not gonna eat this guy's flesh.

We have a father in heaven. Who is this Jesus? They walked away from him and Jesus turned to his own disciples and he said, are you gonna turn away from me also? And then Peter said, Lord, where will we go? Only you have the words of life.

That is where I want to be. I want to be with Jesus because my hope isn't in my money, not in my wallet, not in retirement, not in my car, not in my house, not in the securities and structures and safety nets of this world But my security and my refuge and my rock is in my salvation of my King, Jesus Christ. He is king of kings. He's the God who was, the God who is, and who forever will be. Is your faith in the rock?

Do you have his hedge of protection around you? Or are you like those Christians in the world who are deceived, who think that they have protection because they're in religion? Let us not be like those who are self righteous, thinking that we're right because we go to church, because we've said the prayer of salvation, and think that we are once saved, always saved. But let let us be truly humble before God, daily working out our salvation with fear and trembling, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not seeking the counsel of men in things that are of eternity, but the counsel of the Holy Spirit who is given to us to lead us and to guide us into all truth and to bring into our memory the things that he's already taught us and to teach us even things to come. So where is your hope?

Is your hope in Jesus, the resurrected king, who will resurrect you on the last day, who will bring you up the day that you die in the everlasting life, or is your hope in this world? I just hope that as a brother in the Lord, I can encourage you in these last days to put your faith in Jesus Christ. None of us know how long we have. We don't know if nuclear war will break out as they talk about all the time now on the Internet. We don't know if Russia or China will start another 3rd war or start a 3rd war that that's gonna destroy everyone.

We don't know if famine or pestilence will break out. The world is a very insecure place. There's no security in the world. Even the kings will say, fall on us and they will dig tunnels under the ground, and still that will not keep them from the judgments that are coming on this world. If we want protection, it's not about just running to the hills or running underground into underground tunnels or having a food source saved up, nestled away safely in some storage bin.

But the true security is in Jesus and in eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Are we being nourished from heaven such as how the Israelites were being nourished by manna from heaven or are we putting our identity and security in the arm of the flesh thinking that we will be secure when everything hits the fan by our own securities? Man, you won't be able to secure yourself enough, there's not enough that you can do to get yourself enough that you can do to get yourself through even a year, let alone 7 years or the rest of your life, however long that is. You would do better to cry out to your Messiah for mercy and say, Lord, save me. Save me from my sins.

Save me from my enemy. Please give me hope. Let me not be discouraged or suicidal or beat down or destroyed by the enemy, but give me hope, give me direction, give me clarity, give me renewed strength so that I can endure to my last day, whatever that is. And also pray that you can bear good fruit so that you can be counted worthy in the last day to escape the judgments that are coming on the rest of this world. Most people, including Christians, are not gonna be counted worthy because they were just religious.

They had their security in their church, and in their Bible, in their family, but they never had their security in their messiah, in the savior of this world. Jesus already made the way for us. He has already died. He is resurrected. The Christians celebrate this every Easter.

But what they should be considering is their own resurrection. How they should be crying out to Jesus for their own resurrection because they're spiritually dead. And anything that is spiritually dead is eventually gonna be cast out into the fire. We wanna be spiritually resurrected. We want spiritual life that we can endure with our Messiah who already has been resurrected from the dead, who has already made the way.

And if we put our faith in him, then he resurrects us. Evil falls off of us, we're purged, we're purified and made as pure as glass and refined as those metals are spoken of, those 12 metals in Revelation, and were made ready for the wedding supper of the lamb. We need to prepare. Jesus is on the way for His bride, for those who are holy and pure. And a lot of people will not be prepared.

They're wasting time. They haven't secured themselves with Jesus. They haven't bound the strong man as Jesus spoke prophetically. They're not making the way for the Lord in their own hearts but they're wasting time with TV, entertainment, the pleasures of this life, living sinful lives, gratifying the desires of their flesh, gossiping, hating their neighbor, slandering others, living for the gospel of demons that is polluting the way of the truth, they're scattering the brethren, persecuting people even unto death. Instead of living holy and being separate, they're joining themselves with the antichrist of this world.

Where will we be in this whole war of Armageddon? And each of these small battles that come up in our life, will we be victorious? Is Jesus Christ fighting our battles? Are we overcoming in the name of the lamb by the word of our testimony? Do we have a testimony?

And are we overcoming by it and by the blood of Jesus Christ? Or have we lost sight because the light is no longer in us? Jesus said, your eye is the light of your body, but if it has become dark, how great is that darkness? The true light, the light of the world, has already come. And if you receive him, he becomes the light.

He becomes your eye. He will come in you. He will be in your body, and you will become part of the body of Christ. But so many Christians don't have the light of the world in them. They're looking for a light in all these dark places.

They're looking for joy and happiness in places that they will never find, and they're seeking God in all the wrong spots. If you want truth, you need to go to Jesus. He is the truth, the life, and the way. A lot of people think Christians are silly. It will come out eventually that the only ones who had the truth are those light bearers, those Christians that were true disciples of Jesus who had the light inside of them in their hearts and who sought after a kingdom that did not exist on this planet.

A kingdom that is spiritual, that can't be achieved by human hands or the setting up of brick and mortar churches, but truly a kingdom that is chiseled out of the rock without human hands that comes to destroy every other kingdom in the whole universe that brings it down from the beginning of time all the way to the end of time. And that rock will become a kingdom that is forever and ever with a king that never comes to an end. And that is the kingdom we wanna become a part of. It's much better than having stock in some big company. You wanna be joined into this kingdom.

You wanna be accepted into it. You don't wanna be ashamed of it because if you're ashamed, the son of man and all the holy angels and all the holy prophets that belong to this kingdom will reject you. Those who are ashamed, the son of God will also be ashamed of them. So put yourself in the righteousness of God. Ask him to purge you and purify you and make you white and clean that you will be accepted and counted worthy to overcome and escape all these things that are gonna happen in the end times.


Put your faith in Jesus no matter how many people think that you're silly, no matter how many people cast you out and mock you for what they say is your silly religion. Put your faith in Jesus because it will be known to everyone, every king, everyone great and small that the only ones who are wise are the Christians who put their faith in this messiah, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. This king who came in humility to give salvation to all people who would likewise humble themselves as a servant and serve him even unto death, denying themselves, denying the old way, and receiving the new covenant, that is the shedding of blood. I hope this message reaches the ears of some who can hear it and that you would put your faith in Jesus Christ. So I pray, Lord Jesus, for my fellow brothers and sisters who wanna hear your truth.

I don't pray for the world or the ungodly or those who don't have an ear to hear, but I pray for those who have an ear to hear, who you have given it to them to have salvation and be joined into the kingdom of God and their feet set upon the rock. I pray that you would open the ears of the deaf and open the eyes of the blind, that they would come into true faith and that they would speak in new tongues and have dreams and visions like the prophet Joel speaks of, and that they would overcome and be made white and clean and purged and be made new, and that they would be ready for the wedding supper of the lamb and the return of the lord. I pray this in your in your name, lord Jesus. Amen.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Is Christian Entertainment Fruitful?

We'll praise Jesus today, everyone.  I wanted to make a short message here while on the go today. As disciples of Jesus, we always want to think about how we are doing for Jesus in bearing good fruit.  Because the Lord tells us that if we're not bearing good fruit, we are going to get cut off.  It's like a branch that gets pruned off of a tree. And if we're not fruitful and not bearing fruit for the kingdom of God, we are likely to be cut off at some point.  You know, the Lord gives us a chance. He gives us chance after chance to bear good fruit, to stop doing things that are evil, to repent.  But at some point, you get cut off from God, you stop hearing from Him.  At some point, you eventually die. And we want to make sure that everything that we are doing is fruitful for the kingdom of God.  And that we are loving the Lord with all of our heart, loving our neighbor as our self and doing the things that God created us to do in this life, instead of just wasting the precious breath and resources that God has given us.  So how can we, with everything we have, bear good fruit? That means that whatever we're doing is for Jesus.  And just not for our own pleasure. Not to gratify the desires of the flesh, but to live in the newness of life.  And to promote the kingdom of God. I think Jesus made it pretty clear in the Gospels what it means to live for Him and His Gospel to deny our self, you know, deny our flesh, take up our process and follow Him every day.  That's what it looks like to read again the Gospels, pay attention to the Gospels. And as you are guided by the Holy Spirit, you start to realize which things in your own life specifically are beneficial to the kingdom of God and which things aren't.  Now, there are some people that want to make really strict rules, saying that “You have to wear this kind of clothing.  You can't wear that kind of clothing. All makeup, all jewelry are satanic. You can't engage in any sport or do anything that's fun because that's against God.  You're not denying yourself if you're doing that.” And that's not the case either. Obviously, God made everything both spiritual and physical.  He made us in this physical realm. And there is a way to use the things that are in this life for His glory.  But there are other things that are in this life that are just useless entertainment.  I may lose you guys in just a minute. I'm in an area that has a dead spot.  We'll pick up in a second if I do lose you. But we want to make sure that what we're doing is not just frivolous and wasting time.  But there's a lot of things that we've been given that are talents and abilities, skills. That are very joyous that we enjoy doing. Everyone's talents and abilities. Sorry guys, a little bit of bad signal through this area right here.  But if we surrender ourselves as Christians to the purpose of the kingdom of God, things in our life are truly a spirit we can use for God's kingdom. And which things are just useless entertainment.  Some things such as video games, movies especially that are just fantasy and violent.  Those are not good for a child of God because they promote perversions. And even though those things are entertainment, they're godless entertainment that lead people away from the kingdom of God.  And if entertainment is sinful, then obviously it's not something you should be doing. Now there are a whole lot of books that also are ungodly. So everyone has their kind of addiction, whether it's going out to the movies and just binge watching television or if it's just reading books.  But in your own heart, you need to figure out between you and the Lord Jesus, if what you're doing is actually fruitful.  You can ask yourself, is what I'm doing producing good fruit for the kingdom of God?  Or am I just purifying the desires of my flesh. And you need to answer that question honestly to yourself and to God.  So if you're reading something that's just a novel, you need to ask yourself, am I reading this because I am learning more about the kingdom of God?  I'm helping someone grow in the kingdom of God? Or am I just doing this to entertain myself, even though I know there's things that are evil in it and my mind is dwelling on things that are evil.  Do I just like it because it's gratifying to my flesh? So there's a line there.  And the way that you're going to know the difference is if you are feeding your spirit and not your flesh.  The more you feed your flesh, the more you're going to justify the desires of your flesh, watching ungodly movies, engaging in things of the world, telling dirty jokes, letting your mind just play out fantasies and things that are evil.  So the more that you allow your mind to think on things of the world that are ungodly, the more you're going to feast on that garbage.  But the more that you feed your spiritual person, that spirit man or that spirit woman, the more you're going to grow in the spirit of God and you're going to learn how you can use the things that you naturally enjoy doing for the kingdom of God.  Now, I'm not someone that's going around saying that all hobbies are bad. There are hobbies that are bad.  People waste a lot of time and their resources on stuff of this world that will not count or matter.  But also, I have seen the Lord truly bless me with being able to, say, for example, coach track and field and be a light to high school students and junior high students.  I love being outdoors. I love being out on a lake. Or…  And these things all can be used for the glory of God. And if we put our into that, we can use that ability for the kingdom of God and glorify God.  Or we can use it to glorify ourselves. One example, Katie Perry and could have been using their ability to serve God and in modesty, building up the kingdom of God.  But they sold their soul... I apologize again, guys, for the bad signal.  I just. Remake this video if I watch it and it's too patchy that we can't understand what I'm saying here.  But. The is we need to use our abilities, our skills and talents for God.  As many people in Hollywood have done movie actors, musical artists.  A lot of these people have willfully given their talent over to Satan to make them popular.  And they have been successful in giving themselves over to Satan. And Satan has made them very popular, such as Katie Perry, who originally was raised in a family that, you know, at least knew something about God.  And she openly states that she has given her life over to Satan for popular.  Are we promoting the kingdom of God or are we promoting our own lives and our own talents so that we become the one who is worshipped?  A lot of people are trying to take worship away from God. They think that, you know, that they should be worshipped.  And they love the feeling of being worshipped. So they steal away from God what is his, and they entertain other people, they entertain themselves. Get there and worshipping true living God, that deserves our worship because he created all things.  He is the identity of love and he wants to save us. We can't save ourselves.  The devil can't save us. In the end, if you draw attention just to yourself, it's about self-entertainment, self-worship.  In the end, you will end in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.  Because that is where everyone who rejects God will end. So we need to ask ourselves the honest question, are we using our resources, our talents and our abilities to glorify God? Is everything we're doing to promote the kingdom of God?  Or are we using it for our own selfish ambition? So pray about it. Seek Jesus with all your heart.  And he will teach you the difference between what sports, what hobbies, what music, which books are really edifying and glorifying to him and his kingdom and which are totally useless and fruitless to the kingdom of God. Anyways guys, I hope this encourages someone to get their life in order with God.  Not to feel condemnation but to bear good fruit for the kingdom of God. And use everything that you have to win souls into the kingdom to be fishers of men, and to live for the glory of God as a Christian. This is going to be the end of my message here.  As I'm going to quickly be running out of cell signals. So keep praying.  Keep seeking the Lord with all your heart. Those who knock the door will be open. Those who seek will find.  And if you seek the Lord with all of your heart, he's going to come to you. He will make his abode in you.  He will teach you and he will lead you. “So Lord Jesus I pray for those. My brothers and sisters who want to enter into your kingdom.  I pray that they won't allow Satan just to condemn them and get them down. But that they will use their resources, their abilities, their talents. And what you have given them for the glory of God. And that they will be blessed in the kingdom of God.  That they won't give any of them themselves. Any of their…