Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Narrow Road Gets More Narrow


The Narrow Road Gets More Narrow

The American Church cannot possibly be the straight and narrow path.  To be straight means to be righteous and holy before your GOD.  The American Church however, the have said it’s okay to be transgender, homosexual, addicted to pornography, to have every sort of sin in your life.  They say God will just forgive you and you’ll go to heaven in the end.  They have maligned the way of the straight.  The Straight and Narrow Path is of course NARROW because FEW adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ.  It is easy for the American church to say; “We will include ALL religions, ALL beliefs, no matter what you want to believe we will accept you, you are a brother…”  But that was not the teachings of Jesus.  Jesus made it clear that He was and is the WAY the LIFE AND the TRUTH!  And if you don’t want to listen to Him and OBEY Him, you don’t have life and you are not on the straight and narrow path.  The way that leads to destruction is broad, and the American church is part of that broad path that MANY are on.  Over the last 20 years however, Christianity has been on the decline; 20 years ago 90% of people in the U.S. would say that they are Christians, they go to church and they pray.  But nowadays that’s only 50% or less, that is, that say that they pray or go to church and have a relationship with God.  So, out of that 50% what percent of that 50% do we think actually are on the straight and narrow path?  Maybe 1%?  The straight and narrow path truly is straight and narrow because ONLY the righteous can walk it, only the pure of heart, only those who have put their faith 100% in their savior Jesus Christ, not religion, not the broad path, not selling out to world religions, but those who have TRULY FOUND JESUS and who bow ONLY TO HIM!  Have you bowed your knee to sin, to corruption, to the lies of the American church?  Have you bowed to the broad way? Are you walking on that broad path to HELL like the world?  Or are you one of the FEW who are on the STRAIGHT AND NARROW PATH to everlasting life?  I hope that you are.  And if you realize that you are not, I encourage you to pray and seek Jesus.  He is not far from those who want to find Him, who want to repent and who want life.  Pray to Him and say; “Lord please forgive me of my sins, I want to repent, I want truth in my heart.  Please let me be BORN AGAIN!”  If you pray to Him from the sincerity of your heart He WILL forgive you and He will accept you.  But if you reject Him for the broad path and if you deny Him, He will also reject and deny you.  May the grace of Jesus be with you.