Anti-venom For True Christianity
Well, praise Jesus today everyone. It is a blessing to have revelation from the Lord, to hear His voice and to walk with Him, and not to be guided by false religion and by people who are misled themselves and misleading others. If you want to know the truth, it's all about hearing Jesus' voice, receiving the Spirit of the Most High Living God, and making Him your one and only teacher. You know where I live here in California is rattlesnake country. And the rattlesnakes have just started coming out, being that it's getting later in spring. And for years, ever since I was a little boy, we killed rattlesnakes that came around our house. We’ve had rattlesnakes come all the way up onto our porch. We’ve had multiple dogs bitten multiple times by rattlesnakes. In fact, one of our dogs was probably bitten five times by rattlesnakes. One of our dogs died from being bit several times by rattlesnakes. You know, they swell up, and if you can't get them to the vet for anti-venom, they can die. From what I've seen from rattlesnake bites, dogs often don't die. However, a lot of times they do. But one of our dogs was probably bit five times and do not die from a rattlesnake bite. So, it probably depends on how big they are.
But what I want to speak about is how anti-venom relates to false Christianity. Now, I don't know too much about anti-venom. I do know it's very expensive. If you get bit by a rattlesnake and have to pay out a pocket, it may be something like $30000 or $50000, some ridiculous amount of money, guys, to have to pay for anti-venom. And of course, that's why a lot of people have insurance and stuff like that. But it's quite a difficult process to get anti-venom, because you have to find a rattlesnake, and you have to basically milk its venom out of its fangs. And then you take that venom and you insert some of it into an animal, like, e.g. a dog. And you don't give that dog all the venom, but you give it a portion of the venom, so then its body can build up antibodies towards the venom. And then, after the animal has built up a bit of immunity against the anti-venom, you extract those antibodies. Now, you extract those antibodies, and you turn that into the anti-venom, which then you can give a dog that has a full dose of venom in Him. So the issue is, it can't only be stored so long in the freezer, and they have to constantly do this. They constantly have to be, each year milking rattlesnakes. They have to be putting a little bit of it into animals. And guys, I'm not a doctor or a physician, so I don't know that much about this. It’s just what I've researched and looked up on my own about this. But it's interesting to me, because this is very similar to what has happened in dead religion.
In dead religion, that is, churches all across California, all across the United States and pretty much all across the world, they have basically an anti-venom towards true Christianity. In other words, a little bit of the truth is extracted from people around the world that have the real message of the Holy Spirit. And to the worldly and to the ungodly, it's as venom. They hate the truth. They want to be alive to their sins, so they treat the Kingdom of God and the children of God like they are snakes. They are the whole thing backwards, guys. And so, they extract a little bit of their venom, or a little bit of actual truth from the children of God, or from the Holy Spirit, maybe they themselves at one point heard from the Holy Spirit, so they extract that, and then they put that venom, or that amount of truth into a host. You could call that host a pastor, a deacon, a leader of a church. And this little bit of truth that goes into that pastor's mind does not reach his heart, so it doesn't kill him. He doesn't die to his sins. This man does not truly repent. It's just enough truth to make the rest of the congregation that he is going to preach to receive those antibodies that will fight against the truth, fight against the real substance, the real venom. So now you have a man who is able to have something extracted from him that is not the real venom, but it's the antibodies towards the venom. And anyone who receives this sort of venom, or this anti-venom, rather, they become completely or most likely, they will become completely immune to the venom. They won't receive it. They won't die from it. They won't die to their sins.
And so you have pastors all across America and all corners of the world now who have received bits and parts of the truth of God, but it has not hit their hearts. They have not died from the venom. They haven't died to their sins. They haven't died to worldliness, but their sinful nature is still in them. And they will preach very convincing sermons and tell people, “Jesus loves you as you are, brother. Grace covers over a multitude of sins.” And they will pull out all the verses of the Apostle Paul, and all the places in the Scripture that talk about grace. And anyone who hears this message says, “amen, amen”. This is cutting edge. They believe it's actually hitting their heart. And actually, guys, real anti-venom, when it's put into you, it can make you very sick. But it's not going to make you as sick as real venom would, and that's why it's pretty dangerous to use anti-venom or anything like that, unless you've really been bit by a snake.
So, these false preachers that are across America that are giving this anti-venom, they make sure that all of their people are totally asleep. They make sure that they receive this, so they can receive this lie with believing that it's really the truth. And there's other names you could call it, you could call it a placebo. They're receiving fake medicine, but in reality, they're receiving a false word from God that is putting them all to sleep. And they're basically conditioned to reject the truth. They reject that Jesus Christ can speak to you. They reject that outright because they've heard for years that the Bible is their infallible word of God, so that sounds like the truth. So they believe the bible's the word of God, so they don't believe Jesus can talk to you. Bam, right there. They've received anti-venom, okay? They read verses right out of the Bible, and they believe, no one is without sin, so we're all sinners. So again, they take a little bit of truth, then twist it to a lie. And then again, they just receive right there anti-venom, instead of coming to the truth and believing they’re sinners and repenting of sin, now they have believed this anti-venom that is fighting against the truth, that “it's OK to have sin in our life, Brothers and sisters. We are the true Church already. God loves us just as we are. You know, we're going to be sinners our whole life.” So they receive this anti-venom with joy, not even knowing or realizing that they are rejecting the true venom. They're rejecting the hard, true, truth of Jesus Christ.
Everyone who receives this anti-venom, so to speak, is deceived by Satan. They're receiving lies. They have itching ears, and they are part of the apostate church. This apostate church now is so massive and so convincing that the whole world is being given over to her witchcraft, and there being, they are being given over to a huge deception. And we have been foretold about this, the prophets revelation. We've been told about the deception that comes on mankind, and God allows it to come on the face of the whole Earth, because people's deeds are evil. They choose evil over good, dark over light. So, God gives them over to this deception. We have to be very careful if we want to enter God's kingdom and be part of the true body of Christ, that we don't take this anti-venom, that we don't take this placebo pill, that we don't take this false medicine from these people. Because you will start to think, what is so bad with this Christian culture? They are going to church. They are better than people on drugs on the street. They are better than the people that are obvious sinners. I should get my children in church so they can be raised and they could learn the scriptures and the Bible stories, put them in Sunday school, you're basically giving them anti-venom. They're receiving a little bit of truth, but they're not coming to Jesus Christ. They will never learn to really pray, never learn to hear God's voice. They will never truly repent of their sins.
I want to read to you now, from Revelation, about what happens to those that do partake in this and receive anti-venom. This is found in Revelation chapter 18. “1After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!” Babylon is the false churches. It is those who have rejected Jesus Christ. In America. It is the apostate Church, which includes pretty much every single church across America, the 501(c)3 churches, and even the smaller home churches that have taken this anti-venom.
“3For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” 4And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. 5For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. 6Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. 7In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ 8Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her.”
These are the judgments that are coming on the false church that has taken this antiChrist message. The false churches with their false preachers, that are giving this potion against Christianity, this anti-venom. God is not pleased with the American Church. He is not pleased with that religion. He is not pleased with Christians. The warning we are given is to come out of her. If you are one of God's children, if you hear His voice, you are to “come out of her, My people. Least you share in her plagues”, at least you share in her sins. Will you come out and be separate? Or will all the judgments of God that are coming on false religion also come on you and your family? I hope that you stay separate and really hear the voice of Jesus Christ. That you hear Him and obey Him. May the grace of Jesus be with you.