The days that we’re living people are being seared, they are receiving that 666 on their hand and on their forehead and we’re reaching the point of NO RETURN. If you are hearing this message and your heart is still soft towards the truth YOU NEED TO REPENT, come out of your sins and receive Jesus Christ, otherwise there will be no hope. There is no hope for the world. There is no hope in satan’s kingdom, in the antichrist, the only hope is in JESUS CHRIST. Many people are still trying to pull themselves together, they are trying to do the best they can in the world to achieve their own security, their own safety. What’s interesting is the mark of the beast, 666, (Revelation) explicitly says that it is the mark of MEN. So, you could think it is the mark of satan, the mark of the beast, which is all true, BUT IT IS THE MARK OF MEN. (mark of a man: Revelation 13:18 Why is 666 the mark of men? Well, consider that on the 6th day is when man was created, and the farthest a man can achieve is a “6”. And the perfect man can be achieved by the DEVIL, the devil can make you LOOK perfect, that is why he is considered looking like an angel of light/righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) IT IS A DECEPTION! But the farthest you can go is a “6”, but you will never reach the 7th day. The 7th day is in JESUS CHRIST, it is the rest that Jesus gives us when we TRULY REPENT of our sins and come into HIS REST (Hebrews 4), when we receive HIS BLOOD (Revelation 7:14) to atone for our sins (1 John 2:1-2) and when we trust HIM and start living by FAITH (Hebrews 11:6). No one can enter HIS rest unless they overcome number 6, most people stay in the 6th day, the day that is the day of a MAN. sATAN will work with that, he will make people try to be the BEST man they possibly can be. What can man achieve? They can achieve great riches, they can achieve what they think is health, safely and security, pleasure, ALL the things that sATAN can offer you. BUT WHERE DOES IT LEAD? IN THE END IT LEADS TO DEATH! Will we OVERCOME 666? Will we overcome and NOT be seared? Many people have a seared conscience, they refuse to repent. (1 Timothy 4:2) They continually go back to the merchants (of Rev 18:15) and the things of the world, the pleasures of the flesh, the lusts of the flesh. They are trying to secure their lives in the WORLD, (Luke 17:33) it is the MARK OF MEN. Will you have the seal of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14) or will you be seared with 666?