Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A Jealous God


Our God is a Jealous God

              Brothers and sisters, we need to give the LORD our entire life.  He doesn’t want to compete with dead religion or wicked sports, or with vanity or with the flesh, the lusts of the hearts of men and women.  We should not be in competition, putting our God to the test.  Because our God is a jealous God He will not put up with those who are serving false gods.  We have to choose today not to ride the fence, to be on one side or the other.  We have to choose if we will be on the side of Jesus fully and completely, or if we will be on the side of satan.  The gap is getting larger until it will be impossible to be riding on that fence, pretending to be a Christian but being in the world and of the world.  Christianity in church or should I say “churchianity” has tried to bridge an impossible gap between true righteousness and holiness with our Father in heaven and worldliness and satanism.  The teachings that have been proclaimed in the Catholic church are satanic.  And many of the Protestant churches have also been proclaiming a false gospel, the “once saved always saved” gospel, that you can continue to sin, that you can continue to live or your flesh, for yourself and that you will enter the Kingdom of God.  All of the United States from the top all the way down have become corrupted with this theology that you can just easily believe, easily be saved; “You’re going to heaven, don’t worry that you are still a sinner… God loves sinners…”  THIS IS A FALSE GOSPEL!  And all liars will have their part which burns with fire and brimstone.  The Catholic church is on its way to hell, they are the false prophet.  We need to have absolutely nothing to do with false prophets.  We can’t listen to them, we can’t pretend to be like them.  

Water does not mix with oil and neither does the Spirit God mix with worldliness.  If we really have the Spirit of God in us then we will be extremely uncomfortable around people who are religious and have the spirit of the anti-Christ in them.  They will also be uncomfortable around us; we will know that we are of different spirits.  We don’t touch each other.  We have nothing to do with each other. There is no common ground.  If you touch what is unclean you will be defiled.  Physical food we eat does not defile us.  But spiritually if you are eating garbage, listening to sermons, perusing the internet, having fellowship with sinners who reject the truth of GOD, they will pollute your ear and they will pollute your heart and they will take you to hell if you follow them. 

Jesus is the Good Shepherd and if we say in fellowship with Him we will NOT follow after strangers, we will not seek after fellowship with the unrighteous and the worldly.  Even if we are alone and no one goes with us we will STILL keep our focus on Jesus Christ no matter what because we know that HE is the ONLY ONE who leads us into everlasting life.  He is the DOOR, HE is the gate that leads to eternal life and there is no other that leads there except through HIM. 

The Holy Spirit gave me a dream last night and it was very simple, very basic.  I hardily remember anything about it, except that I was trying to help some people, and they were friend with a Catholic priest.  And the Catholic priest in the dream was just following behind us, he was with us in the dream and I just knew that anything that I spoke, the Catholic priest would try to trump in the dream, he would try to overcome what I was saying and deceive those people that I was trying to help.  I was very uncomfortable and I didn’t want him there, and it was like oil and water.  That was my whole dream.  But the truth is we cannot compromise with the world.  What fellowship does the truth of GOD, does HIS SPIRIT have with DEAD RELIGION and wickedness?  We have to be completely separate from the false prophets.  There are many evangelical false prophets that teach that you are saved as long as you go to church, you said the prayer; “Don’t worry you’re a sinner… you don’t have to get sin out of your life, just believe that Jesus’s blood covers over you…” They say it would be a work, “and you can’t work for God you know, that would be of the flesh…”  What hypocrites!  Jesus calls us to work for Him, to have the works of righteousness.  Jesus hasn’t done everything for us just by dying on the cross and shedding His blood.  People like to say; “The blood of Jesus, it covers over ALL…”  But they refuse to really REPENT and to OVERCOME, LIKE JESUS SAID.  They refuse to believe the true gospel that we will be judged according to our works, the things that we said and the things that we did!  We have to prove that we are true believers in Jesus by our love, by our work, by our works, our words and our actions.  And if our words and our actions and our deeds all show that we have no love for God and no love for our brothers and sisters in the LORD, then we are imposters, we are exactly like the Catholic church or the Christian churches that have rejected the TRUE FELLOWSHIP with Jesus Christ.

 We need to have absolutely NO FELLOWSHIP with the world and with ungodly Christians.  I want to read to you what the Apostle Paul said 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.  For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?  And what communion has light with darkness?  And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?  And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For YOU are the temple of the living God.  As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them.  I will be their God, and they shall be My people. “Therefore, “Come OUT from among them and be separate, says the LORD.  DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN, and I will receive you.  I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty.”

Jesus will be our Father if we touch nothing that is unclean.  We are the Children of the Lord if we belong to Jesus Christ.  But if we are still sinning, indulging in the desires of the flesh, taking part, taking communion with satan, then we belong to satan, satan becomes as our father, and God is a jealous GOD!  We cannot serve both satan in our flesh and the Spirit of God in holiness and in righteousness.  We will have to choose. 

We are in a very dramatic time in the world.  The whole world can see the drama, the drama politically, and a lot of people see what is happening spiritually because it’s starting to be so much at the surface, these demons are spilling over, they’re seeing demons, but still people are running to fellowship with the church, and they are saying; “Can’t give up the fellowship brother, you got to get into a church, don’t give up that fellowship…”  And they’re not giving up the fellowship with sATAN, satan tells them; “well, if you don’t have fellowship with my brothers and sisters that worship me, then you won’t be having true fellowship with god…”  satan is claiming to be god!  And unless you get into his church and start worshiping him, he will tell you, you have no fellowship with god!  REBUKE sATAN, because we do have NO FELLOWSHIP with that FALSE god.  OUR GOD is a jealous GOD!  And Jesus Christ demands that we worship HIM ALONE and honor HIM ALONE and to have no other gods before us.  Don’t listen to the Catholic priest.  Don’t listen to the Christians who are preaching false, lies that you can continue to sin, that you are just saved by “grace alone”, and that you don’t have to do ANYTHING.  If you don’t overcome and seek Jesus with ALL your heart, soul, mind and strength, YOU WILL HAVE NO PART OF HIS KINGDOM!  We have to daily deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow HIM.  And if we are not willing to do that, we have no part in His Kingdom.  We haven’t counted the cost.  And those who haven’t counted the cost will FAIL.  They won’t be able to make it to the end.  It’s not those who just say a prayer WANTING to enter the Kingdom of God, but those who ENDURE TO THE END.  That’s what Jesus said. 

It’s not just about saying one prayer, but it is about dedicating our actions and our entire life to where we first believed, IF we believed in JESUS and HIS gospel.  Have we believed in the true gospel, really repenting, really seeking the LORD, diligently pursuing HIS will?  Or are we just believing the easy, FAKE gospel, that says; “Go to church, have religion, have fellowship with sinners… god loves you man…”?  Where will you be in the future?  Who knows how long you have?  This life is not guaranteed, you could die of Coronavirus, it doesn’t matter if you think it’s fake, doesn’t matter what we think, the reality is EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US 100% ARE GOING TO DIE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!  But will we make it into the everlasting KINGDOM?  Will we be approved by Jesus Christ?  Or will He say; “Away from Me, you who are a sinner, you never repented, away from ME!”  Many believers will have the shock of their life because THEY THINK they are right with Jesus; they think they know Him because they have read about Him in the bible.  But they don’t have fellowship with GOD.  They fellowship with Christians, they have fellowship with their bible, they break bread together, but they don’t have true fellowship with the LORD because they are in communion with satan!

What fellowship does a Child of GOD have with the devil?  NONE!  We have to stop riding the fence, our God is a jealous GOD.  Either He will receive you in the end because you are His child, or He will reject you because you are a child of satan.  GET TO KNOW JESUS CHRIST FOR REAL.  Humble yourself before HIM.  Repent with sackloth and ashes! (Jonah 3:5-6) Be serous to get sin out of your life.  Turn your joy to GLOOM as it says in James 4:7-10.  Turn it to sorrow, be sorrowful before the LORD for living a hypocritical life, for not being serious, for having a lack of LOVE!  Unless we become serous GOD will not relent.  God’s not going to repent of the punishment that He is going to bring upon the wicked.  But if we turn to the LORD, maybe it will be like Nineveh at the preaching of Jonah.  Maybe God will repent and He will not bring the disaster that He was going to bring upon this nation and upon the world.  Maybe God will give us more time.  But I see a whole lot of Christians, a whole lot of people that are fully receiving the anti-Christ, or thinking that they can walk the fence.  But it is impossible, our God is a jealous God.  We need to REPENT AND SEEK THE LORD IN UTTER HUMILITY, or we will perish.  There is no other way other than completely and totally following Jesus Christ.  Are you following Him today or are you riding the fence?  Our God is a JEALOUS GOD!