Wednesday, January 26, 2022

sATAN'S Children are "Woke"


sATAN'S Children are "Woke"

I’ve heard a lot of people these days talking about being “WOKE”, they woke up, now they know the truth… the truth about the world.  One thing to remember though is, satan also woke people up, he woke up Adam and Eve to the knowledge of good and evil.  It was a horrible thing.  Satan is all about being woke, but he is not about righteousness and holiness.  Being “woke”  has nothing to do with the true gospel of righteousness, purity, humility, self-control… in order to enter the Kingdom of God it  is about being RIGHTEOUS, knowing your Master Jesus Christ and obeying Him every day.  Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?  Are you righteous and holy, set apart and sanctified for the purpose of Jesus Christ, walking the straight and narrow path?  Or are you “woke” like satan’s children?  May the grace of Jesus be with you.