The Church Across USA is a False Prophet
The church across America is a false prophet. They are a BAD tree that produces BAD fruit.
(Matt 7:15-20) If you think that its
fruit is good you are being deceived.
Jesus for years has been calling His TRUE church OUT OF HER, COME OUT OF
HER MY PEOPLE, least you share in her sins and receive of her plagues. (Rev.
18:4) Spiritually dead people cannot
revive themselves, they certainly cannot revive others, and no one will be able
to see or hear God clearly in those organizations. (Matt.
15:14) They WILL however work many sins and blunders to deceive, if possible,
even the elect. (Matt. 24:24) Remember
that when people say; “Jesus is here, He’s in this room… you have to come over
here to find Jesus…” Don’t believe it. (Matt 24:26-28) If you want to know Jesus, YOU
YOURSELF need to receive Him into your heart, into your life. You need to truly repent of your sins. (Acts 2:38-39) Come into the fold, (John
10:9) but don’t follow false prophets,
false teachers, false movements and false revivals. (Matt. 24: 11-13) Don’t be deceived by them. A bad tree always produces bad fruit. (Matt. 7:18) May the grace of Jesus be with
you. (Galatians 6:18)