The True vs. False Church
Well praise Jesus today everyone. I wanted to speak a
little bit about the true body of Christ. That is, the true church versus this
church of man, this idea that man sets up the church and that the church is
ordained by man. And they have these, you know, a hierarchy of power that is
set up by people. Ever since the Catholic church set up this sort of hierarchy
saying that Peter was the first pope and that Peter had all authority, churches
have been following this sort of principle or this kind of set order that the
church has that there is, you know, a pastor and then the leaders of the church
and then after the leaders of the church there are the laity or the people that
attend that congregation. And the laity has to follow what their church leaders
say, that's why they pay them, that's why they put them up on the pulpit and
make them deacons and leaders over their money and all of those sorts of
things. You know, we know how the church works basically. But from the
beginning this was not true.
The way that the Lord Jesus set up His true church is not
how the churches are set up today. The true church consists of Jesus Christ as
the head and then after Jesus Christ as the head of His church you have the
husband of a household, and after the husband comes the wife of the household,
and after the wife comes her children. And this is the natural authority that
God has given in the church. Now of course there are different groups of people
in different areas and the early Christians had a way that they did it, that
they organized their churches. But these specific areas that were organized
like in the first century hardly are a rubric or a pattern that we have to
follow today. But a lot of these patterns that we see, the Apostle Paul
speaking of or from the first century, a lot of those patterns are only
something that the modern day church has taken to be able to lord power and
authority over their congregation. It's basically to gain power over them in a
sense that allows them to have ultimate power and diminishes the God given
natural authority that was established from the very beginning like by God to
Adam and Eve, Adam being over his wife and Adam and Eve being over their
children. So these very natural authorities that have been established by God
Himself are overruled or overpowered so to speak by this new supposed power
that the church has.
This is a very sad thing that happens guys because instead
of families raising their children the way that they believe that they should,
instead of Jesus being the authority over an individual's household, now you
have a pastor who is not the natural authority, he's not actually your father. The
pastor actually doesn't know what's going on in your house. But as soon as you
bow down to the false authority or the false hierarchy of church, there comes a
new set of rules that you allow your family to be under. And as soon as your
family is under this false hierarchy of church, the pastor is able to determine
what happens in your household. And there is a lot of talk in church about
church authority and what it means for the church to have authority. And every
church organization has their set of rules and regulations, their principles,
their bylaws, their purpose statements, all of those things that you have to
align with in order to be part of their congregation. And if you're not
aligning with those things, you are an outsider, you're not truly part of the
body of Christ. So it's not just about tithing to these churches, it's not just
about paying a pastor, but it is about truly getting in a line with the
hierarchy or the ruling leadership of these churches. And that's why they so
desperately want you inside their churches under one building, going above and
beyond paying tithe. They want you connected to their organization because the
more connected to their organization you are, the more they can control and
manipulate and make you feel guilty for not paying money to their organization,
the more control they have over your family unit.
And many of these organizations, even though they say they
cherish the family and they promote the family, they're actually against the
family. They want to divide husband and wife and they want to divide mother and
father from their children. That is why so many of these churches don't even
allow children in big church. They will separate them and put them in the
nursery. They won't allow children even with their own mother and father. Why
is that? That is because they are a distraction, they say. That is because they
don't really want you as the parents raising your children. They want your
children somewhere else during the teaching time. Some of these churches even
will separate men from women. And the reason isn't because of sexual
temptation, but the reason that they will separate men from women in some of
the legalistic churches is because they want to lord their authority over your
natural authority as the husband of the household. So if you were able to sit
with your whole family in church, that would demonstrate that you as a husband
have the natural authority over your wife and that you and your wife have the
natural authority over your children. But the fact that they will separate you
from your wife and that your wife now has to go to a Bible study just with
women and that you have to go to a Bible study just with men and that your
children have to go to children's church, it divides the family right there. And
even though they say they're for the family, they're just like Satan that is
against the family.
And now what the
church has done is they've set up a false authority or a false hierarchy and
they try to overthrow the natural given authorities that God has established
from the very beginning. God has established marriage even from the very beginning.
He sanctified it and he set it apart to be holy. But what the church has done
is they've said, oh no, this isn't the way it truly works. Maybe in your own
home a man has authority over his wife and the family has authority over the
children, but that is not so in church. And then they go on to preach how the
apostle Paul says that there's first apostles, then prophets, then teachers,
then pastors, and then there's deacons and leaders in the church and then the
laity and all you are is a donating member to the church. So get in order and
realize that you are not a real man in church. All you are is someone who is
part of the laity submitting to your real authority the pastor of this
governing body. And they pretend that God has given them as the church, the
false church, the authority to divide your family and say that your family is
not a real church.
Guys, this is demonic, this is wicked, this is part of the
satanic system. This is why this organization is called the Babylon church
system. They want to divide your family and separate you and make you cleave
and hold on to a false system that God has not created from the beginning. They
divide the family.
The true church doesn't have to do with church membership
or clubs or organizations of men or get togethers of unnatural things. The
church that is established today is very unnatural. You have to, when you join
those clubs, you have to submit yourself to some guy you don't even know. And
some of their rules and regulations they have in their church are very strange
and bizarre. Yet in order to be part of them you have to submit yourself to
some stranger and to some strange laws that you are not even aware of. This is
not the God given authority from the beginning. The true church is Jesus as the
head, then the husband, then the wife, then the children. And even if you never
are giving your tithe to some big organization, even if your family is never
attending a church in town or in the city, you still are the body of Christ
because where two or three are gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus, there
His true church is. You could be on the ocean in a boat and you are part of the
true church. You don't need to be connected to the cities. You don't have to be
connected to the lying pulpit. You don't have to be connected to the people
that say you have to be part of their organizations in order to be part of the
body of Christ.
These are all hierarchies and organizations of men that are
trying to strip away the true power that God has given His true church. Don't
be deceived by these guys. Every church does this, whether it is Mormon,
whether it is Jehovah's Witness, whether it is Catholic. They all have their
governing bodies that try to empower more and more the government of their
church, so to speak, and they want to disempower the people. It is just like
the liberal government that tries to give more and more power to the government
and less and less power to the people. As we know, the more power that goes to
the government and the less power that goes to the people, the more
totalitarian the government becomes, the more manipulative they become. They
want to control every single aspect of your life. People want to control your
At the end of the day, either you are allowing Jesus Christ
to be your head, or you are allowing a man to be your head. At the end of the
day, you are either trying to please Jesus as your ruler, the King and Lord of
you and your family, or you are allowing men to be the ruler of your family,
and you are trying to please men with all of your heart. Who do we want to be
as people, and who do we want to be as a nation? Do we want to be a nation of
people that has bowed down to Satan, that has given full authority to a
totalitarian government that manipulates us like North Korea? Do we want to be
like a group of people who is always trying to please men, and all their little
ideas, all the kingdoms of church, all the kingdoms of religion, are we trying
to appease men, or do we want to be following the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, that didn't have this sort of establishment of a church, but they did
have their family. They were the leaders of their family, and Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob had faith, and they grew in their faith as the Lord led them along by
faith. They went through hard situations in their life, they overcame, and
their faith grew. And as they diligently pursued righteousness, the angel of
the Lord appeared to them, and guided them, and led them into everlasting life.
As for me and my family, I want to serve the Lord with all of my heart. I don't
want to be bowing down to the devil, I don't want to be bowing down to this
false church. I want to be worshipping the Lord in complete purity, in complete
righteousness, and in complete freedom, not being manipulated by some guy
called a pastor that I don't even know or approve of.
And you should be the same way, because if you are
submitting yourself to the false powers and false authorities of church, then
you will 100% allow Satan to control and take away your family. Many families
are lost to the devil, simply because they give them over to church, the false
church, instead of giving them over to Jesus. The husbands are not under the
authority of Jesus, therefore the wives don't submit to the husband, and
because the wives are not submitted to the husband, and the husband not
submitted to Jesus, of course the children see the hypocrisy, and then the
whole family falls apart. It ends in divorce, it ends in all sorts of addiction
and hatred of the truth, and then suddenly you have a huge false, fake religion
following a hierarchy.
So who do we want to be? Do we want to be people who are
part of the true body of Christ, and follow those natural given powers that God
has established from the beginning? Or do we want this false set up church that
the Catholic church has made that says that Peter was the first pope, and now
Peter has passed the hat on, so to speak, to the next pope, and so on and so
forth, until we have pastors today, and we have to submit ourselves to these
guys, even though we know that they are not really following God. Who are we
going to follow, and who are we going to obey? Are we going to follow Jesus?
Are we going to be part of the true body of Christ? Or are we going to be
following false religion?
I hope this opens somebody's eyes to the truth, that they
can be unshackled from the lies of church. Churches are lying across our
nation. They make you feel guilty for not attending. They call you an apostate.
They call you false. You're a third class Christian if you're not attending
their church. They think that you're cut off from God. And all of that is
false. God has not established these organizations. There may be some people
there that are just deceived, and maybe they have a heart for the Lord. That
doesn't mean everyone that's in church is going to hell. But the Lord has not
established this as His church.
The true church are
the people that are families, that love and obey Jesus, and will follow the
Lamb wherever He leads. They have made Jesus their teacher, their leader, their
father, and they are not setting up this false hierarchy to follow men. We know
that Jesus said, Call no one on earth your father, your teacher, for one is
your teacher, one is your father, and that is the Christ, He who is in heaven. The
pastors and these organizations don't take the words of Jesus seriously. They
don't put His words into action. They cherry pick. They pick the verses from
the Bible that they want. A few verses from the Apostle Paul here, and we like
these verses because it promotes the government. We like these verses because
it promotes giving to the church. God loves a cheerful giver. But then they
don't like the sayings of Jesus where He says that you have to truly repent,
that He who sins is a slave, that Jesus is the one true teacher, call no one on
earth your father. The church doesn't cherry pick those out because they don't
like those verses. Those deteriorate their leadership and their power and their
authority. But if we want life, we have to be part of Jesus. We have to allow
Him to be our head and our leadership.
I hope this encourages someone to really put their faith in
the Lord and not to be part of this false, as they call it in America, this
false 501c3 tax exempt status where they think they're going to be approved by
God as a true church because the government says so. The government has told
them that they are a 501c3 real church. They believe they're a real church
because they're a real church in the eyes of the government. As if God has told
us to go out and make sure that we're legitimate my Rome. If you want to be
legitimate, you have to bow yourself before Jesus and say, “Lord, purify me from my
unrighteousness. Sanctify me for your purpose. Let me be part of your true
body. Let me be washed clean in your blood and let me raise my family for the
Lord that we will not be divided or separated, but all of us part of your true
body.” So what is true fellowship? True fellowship is connection with Jesus
Christ. And when you as a husband are truly connected with Jesus and having
fellowship with Him, you will also have true fellowship with your wife. You'll
become one. That is the first part and the most holy part of the church. From a
husband to a wife. You know, when you get married, you can become very quickly
one in flesh, but that doesn't mean you're one in spirit and have fellowship
with God together. And a lot of husbands and wives, they get married and they
never become one in spirit, but they become one in flesh. If we want to really
be in fellowship with God and in right standing with Jesus Christ, our marriage
has to become one in flesh and one in spirit. And when we are one in flesh and
one in spirit with our wife, then our children also have true fellowship with
us and they come to understand the things of God. They start walking with the
Lord and have a true relationship with Him. And then as we focus on the head,
which is Jesus, and fellowshipping with Him, sometimes He brings around other
families, sometimes He brings around other people who we also fellowship with. But
we don't go out looking for these false fellowships of organizations of men. The
church has done that for years and I know a lot of Christians get very
discouraged, they get lonely, so then they go out looking for what they call
good Christian fellowship and good Bible study. And I'm telling you guys, the
pursuit of Christian fellowship has derailed thousands, if not millions of
Christians. Instead of having and looking for fellowship with Jesus, suddenly
all they're looking for is good old fashioned Christian fellowship and they're
not looking for Jesus at all. They're just trying to look for a brother to make
them not feel lonely and then they totally derail from their faith in Jesus. No
longer do they have their faith in Jesus as their head, but now they're chasing
after other brothers and sisters and their opinions and trying to please people
and they allow this sort of fellowship into their home and it starts derailing
their children and then they're off to divorce and all sorts of other bad
You can't be focused on this sort of fellowship that the
Christians in dead religion have. You have to be focused on the natural
authority that God has established, which is Jesus is your head. He has to be
your head. Jesus has to be the one that you fellowship with first and if you
get that wrong, you're going to destroy your own life and the life of your
True, you don't need to be, you don't need to even be
married to be a Christian, to be a disciple of Jesus, but if you believe in
Jesus and you truly come to him, you will become part of the body of Christ. The
Lord hasn't called everyone to be married. He calls some people to be married
and other people to be single, but those who are single also are part of the
body of Christ because they still have Jesus as their head. And if you're
single and the Lord has called you to be single, then stay single and keep
yourself unstained from the world. Keep yourself from ungodly fellowship
because what fellowship does righteousness have with ungodliness or the temple
of God with idols? And whoever the Lord allows in your life, speak to them
about the truth of Jesus, but don't get involved with the false church.
People are very deceived by the 501c3. I suppose that's
only in America though, but the false church is all across the world, guys. This
false church divides people all across the world. Instead of them being
connected to the Lord as their head and then connected to their family, they're
divided because these churches want to preach that they are the superpower and
that God has given them the power and that the power isn't in the hands of the
family. They totally deny these very natural authorities that God has given. Jesus
has to be your head.
Another big problem with the churches is the sin problem. The
churches don't want to truly repent of sin and most of the churches are just
preaching that you can go on sinning. And they follow men. They follow their
leadership. As soon as you make an establishment of men and say that this guy
is the pope, this guy is our leader, then you start to take your eyes off of
Jesus a little bit. And then as you start following this man, if that man
starts to deviate from Jesus a little bit, which men do, of course, then your
whole congregation will be led astray. And many congregations are all led
astray because they put all their faith in a pastor or in a group of their
leaders instead of individually following Jesus as they should.
Yeah, well, praise Jesus. If you came out of the Catholic
Church or whatever walk of life the Lord called you out of, that's truly a
blessing if the Lord opens our eyes and opens our ears. Not everyone's ears are
open. Many people are totally deaf. All they can understand is the things that
are physical. They can only understand the things that are carnal. But they
don't understand the things of the Holy Spirit. If we want to be connected to
Jesus and to His true church, we have to worship God in spirit and in truth. We
have to understand spiritually. And that will not happen unless we ask Jesus to
open our eyes and to open our ears. There are people that have been Christians
for years. They've read the Bible for years. They've gone to church for years.
But they don't understand the first thing about spirituality. They don't
understand the first thing about the Holy Spirit or about Jesus or about prayer
or about faith. All these things are totally foreign to them. They have never
experienced spiritual warfare. They don't know how to cast out a demon. They
don't know how to take their thoughts captive. All they know how to do is read
a psalm in the morning and then go to work. They're just focused on their
religion and all the carnal things of their day. But if Jesus opens our eyes,
it truly is a blessing because then we can walk in spirit and in truth. And we
can please God by worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. You can't please God
with the fleshly mindset. You have to be s. And of course we're born
physically. We're born of water. And then we have to be born of spirit. We have
to be born again just like Jesus talked to Nicodemus about. Without being born
again, you certainly will not please God or enter His kingdom. You have to ask
Jesus to be reborn.
Well praise Jesus from Palestine. I've seen your comments
come in from all over guys. Praise Jesus today. Praise Jesus from Norway. Yeah,
Howard Pittman. So Howard Pittman does have a really wonderful testimony. If
you want to see more about spiritual warfare, I would highly recommend his
testimony. Guys, for years this wonderful saint and brother in the Lord
preached repentance to the false Christian church. And Jesus told this Howard
Pittman that He would go around and share His testimony but only to the people
that would invite Him. So Howard didn't go to churches uninvited. He wasn't
going around just blabbing or preaching like the false prophets in church. Howard
Pittman went around with a true message of repentance from Jesus after having
an NDE, which is a near-death experience. And he preached to these guys to
repent for years up until the point that he died. Howard had a sermon even
right before he died of repentance calling churches to repent. His testimony is
true and His testimony is powerful because Jesus is in it. And if you haven't
seen His testimony yet as a Christian, I would highly recommend watching it. Because
in it, He describes very articulately angels and demons and spiritual warfare
and how to overcome in Jesus' name. It's well worth the watch. It's probably about
an hour, I don't know, some of them are like an hour and 50 minutes long. One
of them is called placebo, guys. It's worth seeing. Howard Pittman, placebo.
Yeah, some of these pastors, guys, they start out really
good. When I was coming out of church, there was a few pastors that really
sounded good and I got their book. And a lot of times these pastors do have a
word from God. They start hearing from the Lord and then they get sucked into
dead religion. I really listened to a lot of Mark Driscoll at first. I don't
recommend that you listen to him. I also listened to a lot of Francis Chan. I
read his book. And then as things proceeded on, it came out clearly from the
Holy Spirit that these guys are not following Jesus at all. They're totally
giving over to the devil. Within the last few years since COVID and stuff, so
much stuff shifted and a lot of these pastors just jumped on board with
creating a one world religion, getting people back into the Catholic Church,
which we know is false, unifying Catholics with Protestants. All of this stuff
is of the satanic empire. And a lot of these pastors that once appeared to us
to be godly, really had their true colors shown. At the end of the day you have
to decide, am I going to follow Jesus or am I going to follow after these
And for me, and I might be like you, I didn't really follow
these pastors in a way to try to glean spirituality. I kind of just wanted to
encourage them on and be encouraged by them. But once I started noticing that
they weren't following Jesus at all, it became a discouragement to me. And then
I had to choose to either continue to support them by getting their book or
listening to them or cut them out of my life. And Jesus hasn't called us to get
pastors books and support these pastors. He's called us to the holy life and
he's called us to pray for people that have an ear to hear. When Jesus prayed
for people, he specifically did not pray for the world at large. But he prayed
for those people that his father were giving to him, that would have ears that
hear and eyes that see. So we need to pray as led by the Holy Spirit.
A lot of churches will give you a list of things to pray
for, even if you have no passion to pray for it. They will want you to pray for
Obama. They will want you to pray for the Obamacare, pray for whatever it is
that they have set up in their church that they're trying to uplift. And it
just becomes as manipulation to push their agenda. It has nothing to do with
where the Holy Spirit is actually leading you as an individual to pray. It just
is, pray to support our troops. Pray for the war wherever the war is currently.
Pray for the individuals in the government. And they have all these lists of
things that they have people to pray for in the world. But they're not praying
as directed by the Holy Spirit. And if we want to be led by the Holy Spirit, we
have to worship the Spirit in truth. And we have to pray as he leads us. As
Jesus leads you and guides you as his flock to pray. Yeah, there are some
Christians, I suppose, that...
You know, there are some Christians that say that hell
doesn't exist, or that you can't see the afterlife. Or that when everyone dies,
they have to wait until the final judgment seat, which they think happens
thousands of years in the future. So they reject any near-death experience.
Obviously, near-death experiences are true. Obviously, Jesus is alive. And you
can have a near-death experience and have an out-of-the-body experience. So
many people have had this experience. You can't really argue against it. So
people can have their own little false opinion. But obviously, people are
experiencing things outside of their own physical mind that are true. A lot of
these people are coming back and telling people in the physical world things
that they saw in the world that actually happened, even though they were
technically dead. It's impossible. It's a miracle. The only way this could
happen is if there is consciousness outside of your physicality. So outside of
your physical body and outside of your physical mind.
And we, as humans, are not just physicality. We're not just
body and physical mind. But we are spiritual. We have a spirit and soul that is
eternal. And when we physically die, that spirit and soul can come out of our
physical body and still be cognitive. We can still be aware. So the people that
deny this, a lot of them are people that don't believe in the afterlife. You
know, in Jesus' time, these were the Sadducees. They didn't believe in the
resurrection of the dead. Nowadays, some of the people that are like this are
the Seventh-day Adventists. You know, Seventh-day Adventists, some of them
believe, well, pretty much their church doesn't believe in the traditional
afterlife. They believe that once you die, you're dead. And then at the very
last day, God will resurrect those that were faithful. So they don't really
believe that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the prophets like Elijah are really
alive with Jesus. And they don't really believe Jesus' words either when Jesus
says that God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead. They totally
deny that. So these guys have their, you know, they have their heads stuck in
the sand. They're not listening to what Jesus says. And they're just following
their own doctrines. But if you do want to be encouraged by what is true, pay
attention to what Jesus says in the Gospels. That's Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John. And also, don't be quick to discredit a brother or sister's testimony
that has a testimony of Jesus, that has had a near-death experience, that has,
you know, met Jesus personally.
Okay, i've talked a
lot about this before, guys. Why are my comments turned off on youtube? You
know, I had comments on for about ten years on youtube. And I answered probably
thousands, if not millions of questions on youtube. And eventually, it got to
the point where I had so many videos, and so many people were trying to cause
confusion and confusion. And so many people were trying to cause confusion and
distraction that I turned off the comments. Because I don't want my page to be
a place for people to argue and debate and spread their evil. So I want my page
to be a place where people hear the words of Jesus and nothing else. You know,
if you want to go and leave comments on someone else's page, there's millions
of other channels you can do it on. But you're not going to do it on mine. My
channel is going to be a channel to preach Jesus and for sinners to repent and
come to the Lord. I hope that answers your question.
Yeah, praise Jesus. If you haven't yet read the Gospels,
start with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Pay attention to what Jesus said. That
will give you the best overview of what is going on in the Bible. Because that
is the pinnacle of the Bible. Jesus is the head of his church. You don't need
to be spending hours and hours in, I don't know, Ecclesiastes, for example. Or
Proverbs. Some churches spend countless amounts of time reading Song of
Solomon. Or these random books that have very little to nothing to do about
God. There are some books that don't even mention the name of God. So don't
spend your time just looking at, you know, like Esther, for example. Read
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John because that speaks about the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords. That speaks about Jesus. And then pay very specific attention to
what Jesus actually said and then obey what he says to do. And if you do that,
you'll have life. But if you're just trying to, you know, read some of the Old
Testament books or the Song of Solomon and paying attention to his little pithy
sayings, you're not going to get very far.
Yeah, the issue, guys, with an open dialogue is most people
are wanting to correct to their idea of the correction. So they want to correct
Jesus. A lot of people just want to debate and correct Jesus. So I don't want
to allow people to speak on my channel and to be deceiving others. I know what
I know about Jesus. I know him personally. And if people want to be encouraged
to follow the Lord, they can come to my channel and hear me speak. But Jesus
once told me something that is quite offensive to people. And that is that I am
to give but not to take. I am to give the truth of Jesus out, but I am not to
take the ideas of others. I'm to listen to Jesus and to be led by him. As soon
as we're giving and taking, then we allow ourselves to be hearing from Jesus,
but then also listening to other people. And that's very dangerous. Most
Christians want to be a little bit, picking an idea here, an idea there. They
say, as iron sharpens iron. But suddenly they're led astray by 50 other
mentors, and Jesus is like number 83 on the list. So it's very important that
we make Jesus our one and only leader. And that if we are going to preach
Jesus, that we preach him without letting others speak lies into our life. And
a lot of people are trying to give their perspective, their ideas. And all it's
going to do is muddy the truth and pull people away from the truth.
So again, my channel is only to promote Jesus. It's to
share the things the Lord has given to me. But my channel is not for debate.
It's not for people to be speaking correction into my life. I don't allow
strangers to correct me. I don't allow people that are strangers to try to
speak truth into my life. I just simply don't allow that. That is of the devil,
guys. The people that are in my life were put into my life by God, that is my
wife, that is my children. You know, the people that are physically in my
family. And those people I allow into my life and to speak correction to me.
But never, ever let a stranger or someone that you don't know on the internet,
even if they're a so-called brother or sister, correct you because they don't
know who you are. And there are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing, or they're
just plain, simple wolves, that will try to discourage you and try to speak
what they think is truth into your life. But they will be deceiving you and
leading you to hell. You need to set up Jesus as your one and only teacher. Not
a church, not a mentor, not a brother or sister online. I'm telling you guys,
as soon as you do that, you're going to be giving yourself over to the devil. You're
going to be so distracted once you get on the internet with, you know, millions
of other people, that you're not going to know which way to go when people are
talking about head coverings and talking about purity rights and all of these
things that you have to do as a Christian. You're not going to know truth from
error. You're going to be so confused you won't be able to speak one thing
about Jesus. Jesus never said, go out and make all these people your leaders
and your teachers. He said, there is one who is your teacher, one who is your
father. Call no one on earth your father or your leader or your teacher, for
one. For one is your leader and your teacher, and that is the Christ. You know,
nobody moves Satan except God. You can't control Satan, you can't tell Satan
something to do. Satan is only going to move by his own mind, his own spirit,
except for one person, and that is God. God will move Satan. So how is it that
Satan can do whatever he wants to do, and the only person that's going to move
him or control him is God, yet Christians will allow Satan to move them around,
and people who are controlled by demons to move them around, and another
brother or sister to move them around, but they don't allow God to move them
around or to be the only one with the right to move them around. So Satan,
technically, is much more stable than most Christians, because Satan is not
moving around anyone, but Christians are moved around by the devil. We want to
be steadfast and not be shaking when this world shakes, then we have to make
Jesus our head. He has to be our head and our leader and our teacher. And as
soon as Jesus is our head, then we know when people say something about us, if
it is true or false.
I hear what people
say, I hear people's corrections, and if someone is trying to correct you and
they are truly in Jesus, then you will know it immediately because Jesus is
your head and you'll realize, yeah, I was wrong there, I need to change. But if
you're not really with Jesus and people are trying to correct you, you
immediately, out of humility, or you think it's humility, will go, yeah, I kind
of see from their perspective, I understand what they're saying, and I really
need to change, it was really wrong of me to believe, you know, I should just
have Jesus as my Lord, I also need to accept these other people. And suddenly,
out of your humility, Satan will destroy you. He will start to get into your
heart through this false humility. And a lot of Christians, they're trying to
act humble because they don't want to feel condemned by the devil. So instead
of standing up and saying, no, I'm not going to be moved around by these false
Christians, I'm not going to be moved around by these people, I'm not going to
change my opinions on these things. Out of this false humility, they will
change, and as soon as they're changing, they get so confused because now they
have a dissonance between what they believe that Jesus has said and what
Brother So-and-so has said. They have just pushed Jesus out of the throne of
their life.
If you don't want all this confusion in your life, you have
to set up Jesus as the head. You have to receive these natural authorities that
God has put in place, that Jesus is the head, and then we are following Him. So
get that right, guys. Put Jesus as the head of your life. Be moved by Him and
you'll be in the right place. But if you start letting people push you around
and listening to their comments and all that kind of stuff, you'll be like
everyone else in the world who doesn't know up from down and left from right. Well,
it's time for me to get going, guys, but I want to pray for those in the body
of Christ that do want to be led by the Lord, that do want to lead their
families in righteousness. I want to pray for you if you're discouraged or if
you want clarity, you want your ears to be open to the truth, I want to pray
for you to have a word from the Lord that you can be led and guided by Jesus
and not distracted by people and false religion.
“So Lord Jesus, I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters
in the Lord. I pray that they would really set you up as king and lord of their
life, that they would have you in the bottom of their heart, and that they
would put off the false fellowship, that they would put off the liars, the
false brotherhood, that they would stand up for what is true and that they
would stop being pushed around by the devil. So many Christians are allowing
false comments into their life, they're allowing people to move them around
that are not you, Lord Jesus. So I pray that people truly learn to have you,
Lord Jesus, as their head and that they would follow you with all of their
heart, soul, mind and strength, that you would be their one father, their one
teacher, and that they would stop bending their knee to false teachers and to
the devil. I pray that you raise up a people who are dedicated to you, Lord,
unto death, that they would daily deny themselves, pick up their cross and
follow you and be filled with righteousness and with truth. I pray that those
listening today that want to be unshackled from worldliness and dead religion
would be unchained, that they would be set free and that they would walk into
the newness of life by your name, Lord Jesus. I pray this in your name. I pray
that you set many people free today, that they could worship you and please you
and follow you alone, Lord. In your name I pray, Lord Jesus, amen.”