Friday, December 20, 2019

Christmas? I say "Christ yes Mass no"

It’s December 20th, just a few days before Christmas and a lot of people have been saying things like; “Marry Christmas”, or you know they ask you, “What are you going to do for Christmas” or things like that… and my response to people has been, “YES on the Christ, I follow JESUS, NO on the Mass, I’m not part of the catholic church, I’m not part of the churches.”  And it stops a lot of people in their tracks.  We need to stand firm with Jesus all the time, worshiping Him as GOD and our CREATOR.  We should not be part of the Christian hypocrisy that pretends to worship the Lord on Christmas, calling December 25th His birthday.  We need to worship the LORD our GOD every single day.  Jesus is ALIVE, He is no longer a baby, He does not command us to worship Him on His birthday (meaning recognize Him as a baby on the 25th) even if December 21st were His birthday, or December 25th rather.  He calls us to worship and to commune with Him EVERY SINGLE DAY, not just on the holidays.  It’s not about partying.  It’s not about worldly gift giving.  It’s about worshiping the Lord, honoring Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.  YES on Jesus, NO on Mass.  We are not catholic, we are not part of the apostate Christian church, we follow and we worship Jesus forever and ever, HE IS GOD HE IS ALIVE, DO YOU KNOW HIM?  ARE YOU PRAISING HIM AND ARE YOU WORSHIPING HIM? May the grace of Jesus be with you.