Do Not Backslide
The world is extremely dangerous to you if you are a
Christian, and that is because the world profits of the sinful desires of the
flesh. They market all of the sinful
desires and they then put them up on billboards, on posters in stores, no
matter where you go in the world you will be drawn back into the world. Backsliding is described as drawing back or
shrinking back in the book of Hebrews and that is interesting because the
definition of backsliding is shrinking back, not overcoming, and being drawn
back into the world of sin and those temptations. This is what the author of Hebrews said in
Hebrews chapter 10:38-39; “‘Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone
draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.’ But we are not of those who draw back to
perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.” God has no pleasure in us if we are being
drawn back to the world, taking our eyes off of Him and living for those
desires of the flesh that the world is trying to put into us. The Lord only has pleasure in us if we fix
out eyes on Him and make HIM our ONLY GOD.
Our God is a JEALOUS God. He will
not allow us to chase after the world, to backslide and to have Him as our
God. Many Christians think that they are
just safe and secure and going to heaven and NOTHING will snatch them out of
the hands of God. While it is true that if you put your faith in Jesus and
focus your eyes on Him, nothing will snatch you away, it is FALSE to think that
you can’t backslide. You can pull
yourself away from God, you CAN shrink back, you can fall back into addiction,
you CAN fall AWAY FROM YOUR FAITH, YOU CAN FALL OUT OF YORU SALVATION. Many Christians preach LIES, they say you are
safe and secure, you can NEVER loose your salvation, THAT IS A LIE. Your salvation is keeping your eyes FIXED on
Jesus TO THE VERY END. Don’t believe
satan. sATAN will tell you that, “no
matter what, you can’t be snatched out of the Lord’s hand.” YOU CAN pull yourself away from God, it’s
called backsliding, falling back to the world, being drawn back into the
world. God has no pleasure with
that. You have to OVERCOME, be part of
those who OVERCOME and endure to the VERY END.
Don’t backslide. Stay close with
Jesus and don’t listen to the devil’s lies.
May the grace of Jesus be with you.