I’m getting more messages than I’ve ever gotten before about people just saying that they have blasphemous thoughts, just evil thoughts that are just coming into their mind, impulsive thoughts, thoughts to curse God, all kinds of evil stuff… these things are demons guys. It’s not just happening to you, it’s happening to me, it’s happening to people that are completely disconnected from the world, I mean, they don’t have TV, they don’t have internet. Since this covid-19 thing has started many demons have been released. Some people are even reporting seeing these demons and because satan knows his time is short, in any way possible he’s going to try to get to you, he will try to speak into your mind and he will speak blasphemies, then he’ll turn and say, “You’re the one who said it, you cursed God, now you blasphemed the Holy Spirit, now you get back to Him…” I’m not entertaining evil, I don’t just peruse Youtube, I make videos for Jesus and I post them. But even I get blasphemous thoughts that come from satan, from these demons, and what I do is I just rebuke them in Jesus’s name, I say; “Get behind me satan, you are the accuser of the brethren…” satan is the one that accuses us day and night, and we can rebuke him and say; “Get behind me devil.” We can rebuke satan, and then we can cry out to Jesus and make sure that we just stay focused on Him. No matter how many times satan comes against you with a blasphemous thought or tries to put something into your mind, saying that you are going to curse God, thinking of a dirty perverted image… as many times as he comes against you, YOU REBUKE him. You have power over your thoughts. You can fortify your soul, and you don’t have to let those things that are coming from demons into your mind, into your soul, YOU CAN BLOCK THEM. You can fortify yourself, which you can do through prayer. Pray to Jesus, ask Him to help you, ask Him to fill you with His Spirit, and as many times as satan comes against you, rebuke him. It’s not just happening to you, it’s happening to people in the entire earth, everywhere. These demons are going out and they are trying to destroy you. But in the name of Jesus we have power over the demons. But it’s still a fight, you still have to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. You still have to rebuke satan, you still have to hold onto Jesus. You can’t just sit back and relax, we are in battle, we have to fight, we have to endure to the very end. So, don’t stop rebuking satan, any time that an evil though comes into your mind, rebuke satan in the name of Jesus, continue to pray to Jesus and seek HIM.
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Sunday, July 12, 2020
Blasphemous thoughts are demons
I’m getting more messages than I’ve ever gotten before about people just saying that they have blasphemous thoughts, just evil thoughts that are just coming into their mind, impulsive thoughts, thoughts to curse God, all kinds of evil stuff… these things are demons guys. It’s not just happening to you, it’s happening to me, it’s happening to people that are completely disconnected from the world, I mean, they don’t have TV, they don’t have internet. Since this covid-19 thing has started many demons have been released. Some people are even reporting seeing these demons and because satan knows his time is short, in any way possible he’s going to try to get to you, he will try to speak into your mind and he will speak blasphemies, then he’ll turn and say, “You’re the one who said it, you cursed God, now you blasphemed the Holy Spirit, now you get back to Him…” I’m not entertaining evil, I don’t just peruse Youtube, I make videos for Jesus and I post them. But even I get blasphemous thoughts that come from satan, from these demons, and what I do is I just rebuke them in Jesus’s name, I say; “Get behind me satan, you are the accuser of the brethren…” satan is the one that accuses us day and night, and we can rebuke him and say; “Get behind me devil.” We can rebuke satan, and then we can cry out to Jesus and make sure that we just stay focused on Him. No matter how many times satan comes against you with a blasphemous thought or tries to put something into your mind, saying that you are going to curse God, thinking of a dirty perverted image… as many times as he comes against you, YOU REBUKE him. You have power over your thoughts. You can fortify your soul, and you don’t have to let those things that are coming from demons into your mind, into your soul, YOU CAN BLOCK THEM. You can fortify yourself, which you can do through prayer. Pray to Jesus, ask Him to help you, ask Him to fill you with His Spirit, and as many times as satan comes against you, rebuke him. It’s not just happening to you, it’s happening to people in the entire earth, everywhere. These demons are going out and they are trying to destroy you. But in the name of Jesus we have power over the demons. But it’s still a fight, you still have to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. You still have to rebuke satan, you still have to hold onto Jesus. You can’t just sit back and relax, we are in battle, we have to fight, we have to endure to the very end. So, don’t stop rebuking satan, any time that an evil though comes into your mind, rebuke satan in the name of Jesus, continue to pray to Jesus and seek HIM.