You Can Repent LET
Well praise Jesus today everyone. There is a pretty common question that I am
hearing as of recently, and that is, “Can I repent?” “Do I have hope”… See, a lot of people since
Covid-19 has started have fallen into depression and people have started to
realize the difference between following God and following the world and some
people feel completely hopeless and stuck in the world, and a lot of people are
to the point that they just don’t think that God will receive them, they have
done things that they don’t thing they can find forgiveness for or that God can
accept them back. And what I see is a
lot of people deciding for God, they decide themselves that they are worthless,
that God won’t receive them, and they are convinced that they have no
hope. And then as soon as that happens
they have suicidal thoughts, they are very depressed and they are ready to take
their own life. Now, if you think about
this reasonably, that is exactly what satan would want, but would your Father
in HEAVEN want that? Would Jesus have
you still alive, on this earth to condemn you, to make you feel hopeless and
just preparing for you to die so that you can go to hell? Of course NOT! We know that God does not take any pleasure
in a single soul gong to hell. And in
reality Jesus quickly forgives our sin, and he EASILY forgives our sin. And He is ready to forgive YOU and to cleanse
YOU from your unrighteousness IF you are willing to come to HIM and be
cleaned. Now that is the big question
purging has been happening. The true
church has been being purged, meaning being cleaned of her sins, being purged
of unrighteousness and a lot of things over the last 3, 4, years have been
coming out in regards to the impurities in the church. God has been showing the world the difference
between purity, His true children and hypocrisy, those in dead religion. (Revelation of TRUTH) was starting to be even
more revealed through covid and all these things, churches being SHUT
DOWN. Clearly the true church is NOT the
organization of men. Men can get tother
and they can say: “This is the church this is the body of Christ, we are
gathered together under this roof…” But
how can the body of Christ EVER be shut down?
If we truly are a spiritual body, if we truly are God’s children, and
connected to HIM in the spiritual realm, NOTHING should separate us from HIM
and HIS LOVE and HIS protection and His provision, nothing should separate us
from being part of HIS BODY! But you see
during this hour of covid churches being disconnected, being shut down, people
not being allowed to enter into those places.
AND THIS IS ACTUALLY A WONDERFUL THING THAT HAPPEND GUYS! People think it is Christian persecution, but
in realty it is the HAND OF GOD. God is
giving YOU A CHANCE to be separate from hypocrisy, separate from dead religion,
separate from even your own family. Time
to be ALONE and to THINK, time to REPENT!
Time to repair your own heart, to get your own life in order if you want
to! Jesus WILL take you back He will
receive you if you are willing to go to Him.
So don’t decide for yourself (that you are going to hell). People will say; “Well, I already got the
shots, and then I have got this that and the other…” Well don’t decide for yourself that you are
condemned) Somewhere it's written about
how if our own heart condemns us… (1 John 3:20)
A lot of people’s hearts condemn them, and that excludes them from
entering into the Kingdom of God. But
they haven’t heart it from Jesus. Jesus
hasn’t rejected them. If Jesus rejects
you THEN you have a problem. But don’t
just ASSUME that Jesus Christ is going to reject you. A lot of people say; “Well how can I reach
God, I am a sinner, all my life I’ve been a sinner and I know God won’t hear
the prayer of sinners…” Well, He KNOWS
the HEARTS OF MEN, and He knows IF YOU DESIRE righteousness! So, if you are a sinner today but you desire
righteousness, then the Lord will start purifying your heart today. And He WILL hear your prayer. He will purge you of your unrighteousness and
your prayers WILL BE HEARD! But those
who continue to sin and who think they are FINE before God, they are content
with their churches, their DEAD RELIGION, they are content with a LUKEWARM
lifestyle, they are not concerned with getting right with God, THOSE people ARE
GOING TO BE REJECTED. They are going to
find themselves without oil, without light and without ENTRY into God’s
Kingdom. So, if I can say anything right
Don’t let your heart condemn you.
Sure we have all done bad things, sure we have all fallen short of the
glory of God, and NONE of us will enter heaven by our OWN good works, or by the
arm of our flesh. BUT LET JESUS HAVE THE
Because a LOT of people are condemning themselves, (Judas did this too
by the way) and then they have NO HOPE because they are just ready to go off
and crawl into a hole and die. It would
be better that you put your life, your emotions, your wellbeing in the HANDS OF
JESUS CHRIST and let HIM deal with you.
That way IF you do have hope, you WILL have hope. But what happens if you do have some hope,
but you condemn yourself? If that
happens, if you condemn yourself and you say; “I can’t pray anymore, I know God
will send me to hell, I know He rejects me…”
THEN what you will do is you will walk away from your ONLY salvation,
because you are convinced that God will reject you anyway, (WHICH IS A LIE) And
then you won’t cry out to Jesus, you won’t ask Him for help, you will go your own
way and you will just die, AND THAT WILL BE EXACTLY WHAT sATAN WANTS
ANYWAY! All of this to say, you would be
FAR better of putting yourself in the hands of Jesus, asking Him to HELP YOU,
have to have a WORD FROM GOD! Don’t buy
the devils lie that Jesus won’t hear you because you are a sinner. If you desire repentance, JESUS CAN FORGIVE
holiness! He sees your heart. HE SEES WHO YOU WILL BECOME! And He is willing to pick you up, to pure you,
to purify you and to put you in NEW garments.
So don’t assume. Don’t walk away
from the LORD. Don’t stop praying. Don’t become discouraged in this hour. Rather pray, push your way through to Jesus
and don’t give up hope. May the grace of
Jesus be with you.