Break Your Word to Satan
Guys, I got a few emails about this topic so I want to
address this, and this topic is about breaking your word, because a lot of us
in some way or other have made some kind of deal with the devil. Maybe we didn’t know it was the devil at the
time or maybe we did, and now we feel guilty not to keep that word because we
think that it is written in the scripture “don’t break your word”. Satan is very manipulative and he will make
you make deals with him, and then if you break that deal in any way he will accuse
you to no end telling you that; “God condemns you because you are breaking that
deal with the devil.” I want to share
one example of this, and how you can be set fee. One example was when my mom was a little girl
my grandpa, her dad of course, made her promise that she would read the bible
EVERY SINGLE DAY, EVERY DAY OF HER LIFE until she died, and so my mom as a
little girl wanting to please Jesus and wanting to please her dad promised her
dad that she would read the bible every single day, and she made a deal. When she grew into her adult life she started
to realize the hypocrisy of her parents and that they were using the bible for
manipulation, they were using church for manipulation, they had made themselves
into their own gods and she realized that she had made a deal with the
devil. It wasn’t your traditional deal
with the devil that you would think of, It’s not like she sold her soul to
satan or anything like that, but it was a manipulation that came from satan and
she felt compelled to read her bible every day even if that was not what the
Holy Spirit was calling her to do. And
eventually the Lord just showed her “That’s not of me”, you know, that’s not of
God. And she was able to break free from
that by the power of God. Breaking our
word to satan is not a crime against God.
IF you have made a deal with the devil and you break your word to satan,
satan will accuse you to no end, but Jesus Christ will NOT condemn you because
any word that is being upheld in the world for the devil is NOT sin against
God, it rather is the precepts and the rules of satan. So, I encourage you to break your word to
satan. Break your words to this world,
but never break your promise, your word to Jesus Christ. When He calls you to follow Him and He makes
a covenant with you, that new covenant, don’t break the New Covenant. Make sure that you are covered in the blood
of Jesus and that you are living for Him every single day, taking up your
cross, denying yourself, ridding yourself of your sins, living in the newness
of life, because when we uphold the Covenant then the Lord Jesus upholds HIS
end, and when we are not ashamed to spread the gospel and when we are not
ashamed of the truth then He is not ashamed of us, He is not ashamed to
proclaim us before the angels in heaven.
Break free from whatever binds you, whatever holds you. A lot of people they feel that they are in
between some walls, they can’t escape because satan has put them in a place
where they cannot speak because they have promised they would not say certain
things, maybe you have people in your family that are keeping you back, and you
feel you can’t say anything because you promised uncle so and so, or your dad
or whoever that you would never pursue this way of righteousness. Well, if you want to inherit everlasting life
you are going to have to break ties with satan, he will accuse you but Jesus
Christ will accept you. Would you rather
be accepted by satan and taken to hell by keeping your word? Or would you rather break communication, break
ties with satan, break your word to satan and inherit everlasting life with
Jesus because HE cares for your soul?
May the grace of Jesus be with you.