I want to share with you guys something so that people are not confused. All throughout history, Christians have going through trials and tribulations, however, the GREAT TRIBULATION that Jesus spoke of in Matthew chapter 24:21, and the Prophet Daniel spoke of (Daniel 12) is for a specific time, and that has not come to pass yet. It is written about that time, that there has never been a time of persecution or trial, there has never been a time like it EVER before, and there will neve be a time as rough as that period of time afterwards, we know that from the scriptures. That doesn’t meant that people haven’t gone through serous tribulation and trial and died, because obviously MANY Christians were (already) persecuted and killed for their faith. So, we shouldn’t think that individually persecution was less in the past (or that we personally will not see persecution or trials). However, in the entire world it will be the worst time during the time of the GREAT TRIBULATION. THAT TIME IS NOT YET HERE, IT IS STILL TO COME. Right now is a time actually of great opportunity for people to see the light of Jesus and REPENT. Jesus has given me His light to shine that people may see, as a beacon of truth, that people may see the truth and repent. Jesus is pleading for the souls of all men on earth. No matter what agency they are part of, no matter what group, no matter where they are in the entire world, Jesus is pleading with people right now to COME OUT and be SEPARATE. Will we choose Jesus, will we put our security in HIM, or will we put our security in the Beast, in the system of this world? Will we trust satan, will we bow down to the devil? Will we look to the Anti-Christ for our security? Or will we look to Jesus Christ? Is your faith in Jesus or is it in men? Jesus is pleading with your SOUL, TODAY IS AN OPPORTUNITY, today is a day of grace, today is a great BLESSING. Today is the day of SALVATION, that you can choose the LORD, that you can repent of your sins, that you can be baptized and put on righteousness and come out that the judgments, that the horrors that are coming from God will not come upon you or being in the Harlot System. Come out and be separate. Wherever you are no matter what agency, what organization you are part of in the whole world, COME OUT, be separate, put your faith in JESUS and you will have life. Reject Jesus Christ and live for yourself and put your faith in the world and YOU WILL DIE. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
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Thursday, April 9, 2020
Why Jesus is Allowing Coronavirus on ALL the World
I want to share with you guys something so that people are not confused. All throughout history, Christians have going through trials and tribulations, however, the GREAT TRIBULATION that Jesus spoke of in Matthew chapter 24:21, and the Prophet Daniel spoke of (Daniel 12) is for a specific time, and that has not come to pass yet. It is written about that time, that there has never been a time of persecution or trial, there has never been a time like it EVER before, and there will neve be a time as rough as that period of time afterwards, we know that from the scriptures. That doesn’t meant that people haven’t gone through serous tribulation and trial and died, because obviously MANY Christians were (already) persecuted and killed for their faith. So, we shouldn’t think that individually persecution was less in the past (or that we personally will not see persecution or trials). However, in the entire world it will be the worst time during the time of the GREAT TRIBULATION. THAT TIME IS NOT YET HERE, IT IS STILL TO COME. Right now is a time actually of great opportunity for people to see the light of Jesus and REPENT. Jesus has given me His light to shine that people may see, as a beacon of truth, that people may see the truth and repent. Jesus is pleading for the souls of all men on earth. No matter what agency they are part of, no matter what group, no matter where they are in the entire world, Jesus is pleading with people right now to COME OUT and be SEPARATE. Will we choose Jesus, will we put our security in HIM, or will we put our security in the Beast, in the system of this world? Will we trust satan, will we bow down to the devil? Will we look to the Anti-Christ for our security? Or will we look to Jesus Christ? Is your faith in Jesus or is it in men? Jesus is pleading with your SOUL, TODAY IS AN OPPORTUNITY, today is a day of grace, today is a great BLESSING. Today is the day of SALVATION, that you can choose the LORD, that you can repent of your sins, that you can be baptized and put on righteousness and come out that the judgments, that the horrors that are coming from God will not come upon you or being in the Harlot System. Come out and be separate. Wherever you are no matter what agency, what organization you are part of in the whole world, COME OUT, be separate, put your faith in JESUS and you will have life. Reject Jesus Christ and live for yourself and put your faith in the world and YOU WILL DIE. May the grace of Jesus be with you.